Sunday, January 07, 2018

Golden Globes Show

Have at it.



  2. Has anyone had the guts to wear a bright red dress, Betty Davis Jezebel style?

  3. One woman I’ve never heard of. One.

  4. Seth is doing a great job, and talking about not just the elite, the real people just doing their job, dealing with harassment and other people's bullshit. Very nice, very classy, needed to be said.

    1. Okay I like Seth and his show and I'll give a pass for anyone fighting predators. But only them.

  5. How stoned is Australian Barbie?

  6. Gal Gadot is very cute.

    1. Totally agree! She’s the most beautiful woman in the room! 😍

  7. What in the BOTOX is going on here!?!

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Jennifer Anniston could barely talk!!! Kidman is just too much!

  8. Viola Davis is going to Studio 54 later.

  9. Francis shooing the cameraman so she can see Sam is just great

  10. I thought Sam Rockwell would win. That was a great role, and movie.

  11. Aaaaas my livestream gets shut down, damn that was fast.

  12. Watching these creepy fucks wearing their "Times Up" pins makes my skin crawl

  13. It’s hypocrite-fest, in all its splendor.

  14. I'm sorry but Zac Efron is mighty hot.

  15. I love seeing Hugh and "his Debs" together, they are so cute.

  16. Aniston is up, wonder if they'll just cut straight to Ang for a cheap shot

  17. NOT watching. My new years resolution is no awards shows. Kind of a big deal for me.

  18. Is it just me or is Aniston high as balls?

  19. Tara Lipinsky - Holy Botox! I can't look!

  20. Not watching either. Boooring. Will check who won later, and waiting for blinds.

  21. Yeah, Jen A must have hot boxed her way to the show. She could use a hairbrush and a mirror.

  22. Is it just me or is Aniston acting weird and annoying? I mean I find her painfully annoying anyway but you know

    1. Jenn has,a strange speech impediment

  23. Dena, I think she stopped on the way and had some new veneers installed too, because she was having a rough time speaking. She sounded like that time trumps dentures kept falling out😂😂😂😂

  24. Hated the Winona/L'Oréal commercial.

  25. That... is some awful acting, holy fuck

  26. Michael Scott gets hotter by the year.

  27. I'm just here for Harvey Weinstein to be "ritually sacrificed" on stage when they force him to apologize in an attempt(failed) to appear willing to change.

  28. But..she's a SCIENTOLOGIST!!!

  29. Am I the only that can’t get down with the handmaids Tale due to Elizabeth Moss and her Scientologyness? I just can’t....

    1. All the minions cheered loudly when Moss's name was mentioned

    2. She was really good in that show.

  30. Hell has frozen over! I now prefer Jen Aniston over Mortica!

  31. It's the most hypocritical night of the year!
    With kvetching and sighing and oh so much lying and crocodile tears!
    It's the most hypocritical night of the year!

    At least until the Oscars anyway.

    There needs to be a new #MeToo movement for behind-the-scenes people who've been treated like shit by Debra Messing.

    Also, shut up Elisabeth Moss. You are a Sci and you know exactly what Scis do to women and you happily share the screen with a mega-rapist and YOU KNOW.

  32. Seeing Franco makes me his contemporaries KNOW what we do?

  33. Honestly, I'm just waiting for some hot mess Mariah at this point

  34. James Franco with a "Times Up" pin...waiting for the bolt of lightening....

  35. Absolutely fabulous eye makeup on Emma Stone!!!!

  36. @justsayin +++++++++++++++++++++1

  37. Anyone else notice chilliness coming off of Streep toward Spielberg at the Post table?

  38. mariah's dress is pretty see through, so she is on message but a "don't worry boys i'm still a whore!"

  39. contrived. phony. hilarious.

  40. @justsayin yeah i definitely saw that. He kept talking to her and she seemed to be just leaning away from him and looking ahead. I hope we get some enty news on that later

  41. Chester vibes from Franco.....

  42. The woman who wore the gorgeous red dress is Meher Tatna, runner of the Golden Globes this year. Interesting choice.

    1. Blanca Blanco did too.

  43. Did Kerry Washington bring her fake husband?

  44. Maybe we're having an impact, Sekrit! Spielberg and Capshaw practically groveling to make eye contact with Streep. And Tom Hanks acting pissy somehow, too.

  45. Did anyone else just hold their breath in anticipation of an epic Mimi moment?

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  47. Can't see Shirley Maclaine without thinking of Himmmm now.

    1. So glad I'm not the only one! 😂

  48. Franco wins Golden Globe at the Times Up year show. There is no God, people.

  49. oh FUCK ME, Franco???? Shirley strangle him

  50. I hope someone screencapped Hugh's face during Franco's speech because I think that's my new icon

  51. Gift from uncle Geffen...

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  53. Elisabeth Moss and James Franco. Smh

  54. Ugh, Sharon Stone's dress, so bad!!! the fit is horrific.

    1. Sharon is trolling for new clients.

  55. Salma looks gorgeous

  56. Alison Janney rules.

  57. Allison Janney and Seb are a duo I could watch all day

  58. Alison Janney is a total badass!

  59. How does the rock get two appearances in one award show.

  60. Just once, before I die, I'd like to see Octavia Spencer not be at an awards show dressed like someone's 82 year old grandma.

  61. Kit has a glass of champagne, maybe we'll get some action after all.

  62. NPH face during Franco's speech was better

  63. Just checking Michael Stuhlbarg's IMDb since he's in everything this year and see there's ALREADY a sequel to "Call Me By Your Name". The normalization movement of man-on-boy sex by Hollywood is working overtime.

  64. It's a good show. How does Aniston still have such shiny hair? So nice. Everyone looks great. Nicole's dress was spectacular.

  65. Oh great, a tribute to rapey Kirk Douglas. #timesupdudeisancient

  66. Not watching but my psychic powers are telling me the room will be full of smug assholes who take themselves too seriously... I also sense teh presence of many famehoes. Also my psychic powers tell me it sucks.

    And to the person saying Viola Davis is going to Studio54 after the show: I'm coming with her. One must need one hell of a stiff drink after being around these Hollywood people... 🥃

    *Concordes to NYC* 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

  67. Honestly he might be in the In Memoriam segment later.

  68. How old is kirk now 115?

  69. OMGaaaawd everything is a freakin moral or tale of woe with these totally out of touch people. I'm trying to watch, but it's hard to take rich people boycotting other rich people by wearing expensive af gowns seriously. All of these Time's Up chicks are sitting at tables with molesters and abusers. None of this makes any sense.

    Kirk Douglas' face is literally melting on stage. This is so painful.

  70. This room is starting make me throw up in my mouth a little. Why are they applauding this guy? The word on the street is that he’s a rapey asshole👎👎👎👎 the hypocrisy is thick tonight💩 #screwyoukirkdouglas

  71. Seriously? We go all out for #MeToo and then invite Kirk Douglas who allegedly raped Natalie Wood and was linked to a starlet's mysterious disappearance on stage to "honour" him??????? I swear Hollywood, you take one step up and 50 back. Go sit down and shut up and stop rewarding abusers for REAL.

  72. Good lord.
    James Franco is THE worst

  73. Kirk is 115, the size of Mini Me, and still had work done on his face.

  74. Kirk Douglas is the living epitomization of "Times Up", literally and figuratively. What a bizarre choice.

  75. I haven't seen a single one of these movies and only 2 of the shows

  76. I second everything that @jen said
    After everything we know. These people all look like a bunch of assholes👎💩

  77. Only Harvey is missing at this charade lol. Why they didn't invite him? Quick, call him over, he'll be right in time for after party.

  78. Kruger dressed impeccably as always but it looks like she had to drag Reedus out of bed.

  79. I didn't love Fargo season 3

  80. I think everyone wearing black looks anyone has looked in a long time. very formal, love it. I especially loved Allison Janey's dress....gorgeous !!!

  81. Wow he mentioned his wife and his mistress the same speech.

  82. Edgar Ramirez ,,WOW

  83. Oooooh, looks like Kit is with Emilia? They will definitely be the answer to a blind tomorrow.

  84. Kruger is going to coke it up later and hope it gets her more publicity to ride on, whoo boy!

    I am happy for Ewan because he's a good actor but the stuff he's done just. Disappointed in him.
    Was anyone else just wincing through his speech just waiting to hear what he'll say about Eve and MW?

  85. +1 on Ewan, Sekrit. The man's got testicles.

  86. The fact that none of the actors in Logan were not nominated shows how bullshit these awards are

  87. MY husband refuses to watch “this garbage,” so changed the channel to watch an old Kirk Douglas movie. (Ace in the Hole.) Ugh. I started babbling about Natalie Wood and how he’s awful so now I am watching Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse with the kids.

    Btw, I rarely comment, and have been reading for at least six years (I measure by kid ages). I know I’m echoing a lot of other lurkers by saying I’ve really enjoyed all of you. All of this. Hollywood is a funny place. Even funnier if you live here. I didn’t take my kids for a walk in our neighborhood because there were so many freakin lost limos roaming around.

  88. The only way to powerfully protest Hollywood's culture of sexual violence would have been for ALL the actresses to boycout the whole awards season. All these so-full-of-themselves hypocrites make me want to throw up.

  89. Ally Sheedy tweets about James Franco:

    1. What Ally Sheedy wrote just begs for attention.

  90. William H. Macy has been phenomenal on Shameless this season. Best he’s been so far.

  91. Isn't Aziz about to be outed as a sexual pred

    1. *predator (my bad)

      For the record, I hope this isn't true

    2. 🤷🏼‍♀️ He’s always given me entitled creeper vibes

  92. I think Janey stopped short of saying the I, Tonya movie was for all the trashy, ugly people of the world. She almost said it, but caught herself just in time.

    Also, interesting for all the MeToo girls to chose dresses that highlight their boobs. Ogling will still always be welcome and strongly encouraged, I guess.

    Thrilled to see Amy Palladino win!

  93. I have zero interest in the marvelous mrs. whatserfuck, that old timey affect drives me crazy and whoever accepted the award was completely irritating. Master of None was one of my favorites, though - glad to see Big Bud & Little Bud there.

  94. Sekrit, got some deets on diane kruger? My sister hates her and I'd love to give her some tea

  95. The only person to say that, Maude Labowski, is a bigoted Muslim-hating hypocrite who says it's wrong to name people as predators unless you have proof. Then he says "he hears Aziz is next to go down" every place he can. AJ Benza.

    1. Thanks for the clarification! I was praying that wasn't true

      You are on my short list of commenters on this site to trust (you and Boo and SD and Tricia)

    2. Thanks Maude. We have a good fun crew here!

    3. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Happy to be wrong!

    4. Thank you Maude! We do@Sd Auntie💕

  96. @Dan - I just saw Ally's tweets about Franco!

    @Beef- I haven't met her, I only stuff I've been told about her by acquaintances and friends. She can be nice and down to earth, but she is definitely a fame whore and is latched onto Norman's taint (yes, I know him, contrary to some of the shit I've heard on here I haven't seen that behaviour at ALL. He's actually clean, smells good, talented and a very nice person, something you don't see much of these days)
    I might talk about it later another time :)

  97. @GrumpyOldCatLady, you're so right. A real protest would've been to stay home and leave a room of empty chairs. The siren's call of phony accolades, air kisses, drinks, and drugs is just too strong.

  98. And a moral lecture from Oprah in 5, 4, 3, 2....

  99. Who doesn't LOVE Oprah? me.

  100. Oprah looking damn good.

  101. Who doesn’t love a hypocritical standing ovation?

  102. We've taken a pre-emptive pass of political grandstanding and not watching.

  103. I wonder how many of those women standing up will leave their philandering husbands tomorrow. Time's up, right? Or maybe time's only up if you're not getting anything out of it?

    These people really love themselves.

  104. Man I bet some men are squirming in their seats at Oprahs speech

  105. Natalie Portman dropping the hammer!

  106. Hm, Meryl all schmoozy on Spielberg when his name was announced for "Best Director" nomination.

  107. Ron Howard looks like a scarecrow.

  108. Thank goodness Guillermo won. A sigh of relief. Very well deserved and a professional.

  109. Guillermo Del Toro just silenced the play off music!!

  110. Well Oprah finally stuck it to the sickos in Hollyweird! Good going Oprah!

  111. So the director nominees should apologize because they're not female? Portman is an asshole.

  112. And Natalie Portman with the SHADE!!!!!

  113. Ally Sheedy is my new hero.

    I think I'm just going to keep boycotting movies and currently running television shows.

    I'll watch once things hit Netflix except for any new Netflix stuff.

  114. Oprah is part of the problem, not a part of the solution.

    I loathe her and I used to love her when she first arrived in Chicago.

    1. I loathe her. What she did to to The Million Little Pieces guy James Frey was brutal and hypocritical.

  115. One of ally’s tweets is hidden due to sensitive content? What did she say?

  116. The Portman comment was aimed at the HFPA, not the directors nominated. She isn't taking anything away from their work, just speaking the truth that it is a disgustingly all male selection when there were great movies made by women last year.

  117. Lol thanks y'all
    I'm sitting in a boat on Monterey Bay with no TV. This is better. I have to read your comments to my Hubs.

  118. I loved Ladybird and like Greta Gerwig... she's pretty unique.

  119. Hahaha there is the Watson/Pattinson paring Enty told us about earlier

  120. Portman's breakthrough role was that of an innocent 13 year old girl who was the obsession of Timothy Hutton (Beautiful Girls). I don't understand why these actors put that kind of crap out in the world and then smack hands when there's impropriety. It's all ok when they're getting paid.

    Laura Jean Poon and Nicole Kidman don't seem like BFFs.

    1. Oh no, Jen. Portman’s breakout role was before that as Mathilde in “Léon”, with Jean Reno. The scene where she dances Madonna is all types of icky. And there was meant to have been a scene where She (Mathilde) asks Besson to be her boyfriend/lover. Now, I enjoy French cinema - I prefer comedies though- so I’m used to all sorts, but, Godammit Luc Besson, what were you thinking?

  121. Thank you Sekrit!

    I honestly can't wait for the BIs, does anyone know if Himmmm's there?

    1. He's omnipresent, I bet he is 😂
      And he's not here today.
      But just guessing, no idea 😕

  122. Salir se showing some Star Trek love with that dress.

  123. I love Chris, he looks so handsome, that suit daaaaamnnnnnnn.

  124. Greta should have at the very least been nominated

  125. “Call me by you’re name”
    What in the actual fuck is going on here? Who’s the pedophile that put that movie out!? ...just sayin!

  126. Guillermo del Toro is MEXICAN, for God's sake. It's not like Hollywood is overflooding with successful Latino directors. Even when us Latinos win, we still don't.

  127. @Cella Yes, and it would be pretty awkward if that wins. But if it does, I'd love to see a real journalist question Reese or Oprah or Laura about it.

  128. So Get Out didn't win anything????

  129. I’m sad that a Fantastic Woman didn’t win. I knew it wouldn’t, but I still had hope.

  130. What was the Pattinson / Watson blind?

  131. Entry's calling people out on Twitter. 👏

  132. Alluding to a manufactured relationship/PR relationship

  133. Hey guys, I've got to go, hope you all have fun and if you can't continue watching or haven't, I suggest you go over to see Enty's twitter.

    See you guys around later!

  134. I did...I think they love each midget...

  135. Gotta love the pic of Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein that’s all over Twitter right now. I truly cannot stand Meryl Streep.

  136. Great stuff on Twitter! Cue McDormand morality lecture in 3, 2, 1...

  137. I'm happy for Three Billboards. It was a great movie.

    Also, something something Trump had all his staff go to Camp David but Jeff Sessions, something something,

  138. That's a nice schwartzlist, what Enty posted on twitter.

  139. I'm spreading the photo of Oprah licking Harvey's face up with everyone I know. Fat fucking billionaire hypocrite. If she cared, she's rich enough to have called him out ages ago. So go to hell Oprah, ugh. If he gets rehabilitated and is The Business again in Hollywood you know 90% of these virtue signalling little bozos would go back to sucking his dick in an instant.

    Speaking of which, has anyone seen J. Law this evening?

  140. did Franco kill the expose on his school w/all the allegedly sexual assaults and young women gathering w/their experience to speak out?

    cause right now, he seems to be pretty peppy. the momentum has died down despite this showing at the GGs. Franco probably silenced everybody. I wouldnt be surprised.

    I want to be positive, but after this win, Im losing hope that the Franco acting school thing will ever get out

  141. also, something shady up with In The Fade winning Best Foreign Film......

    I have a feeling some $hadiness is afoot, a la Gaga winning Best Actres$ when kiki should have one that one year.

    A Fantastic Woman was expected to win...interesting....

    1. I had the same reaction - I haven’t seen it but critical reception wasn’t strong at all. Seemed to come out of nowhere 🤔

  142. See you guys tomorrow morning. Its gonna be juicy.

  143. I too am disappointed the franco thing hasn't been exposed. tho, maybe if its on the horizon, it will be even more powerful to reveal truth AFTER these wins for him. In a way, it will sting even more (in the way it needs to to affect people)

    just in case anybody wanted the link.

  144. fuck meryl streep.

  145. These people are ridiculous. Now, all of a sudden, they are "changing the world" and it'll be done this year in fact, because actors can do anything of course. I don't see anyone returning the money they made profiting from the abusers they are speaking out against. Of course not. In fact, "Time's Up" and the black dress solidarity is just another way to profit further and pat themselves on the back yet again while not actually doing anything meritorious.

    Remember, these are the same people who gave Casey Affleck awards just a year ago when his history of sexual assault had been well-documented. But now, because the rest of us (who heretofore had limited inside knowledge) are paying attention, they suddenly acting like this issue is important to them, like they care. But hey, they're actors, that's what they do, right?

  146. What will it take for Hugh Jackman to finally get some recognition for his work!?! James Franco, REALLY??? I wouldn't have blamed Hugh and Deb for getting up and going straight to the bar at that point!

  147. Gunna have to agree John, it was gross how self serving all of that was. They talked so much about progress to end up have rapists on stage getting standing ovations and coddling. It's really sickening how Hollywood only cares about protecting their own and not the many victims left in their wake.

  148. Oprah will be back on Geffen's yacht again.

  149. Please read the church blind

    We are so close to bringing down a sex slavery ring

  150. God. I just read what Misty Upham's father said happened to her at the Golden Globes. Terrible.

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  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Wondering who the hell Kruger boned to have that crap film “In the Fade” win. Was anyone else besides the entire room shocked except
    Her table?

  154. Looks like Sheedy just got rid of those tweets, like dandruff on the scalp... Enty is going in. Love it.

  155. All of Ally Sheedy's tweets (3, I think) are in an article at Unfortunately, after the article there are tons of comments slamming her & defending sleazebag Franco. What a world, what a world.

  156. Everything has changed - forever.
    Hollywood used to be revered, now that it's been exposed as a filthy cesspit, of rapists, pedos, whores and enablers, things will never be the same again for any celebrity.
    Now they have to actually back up their words, because the world is watching.
    They have lost their shine, it will never be the same again, the public will show with their money how much they can go fuck themselves, like withe the NFL or the elections.
    The time were barely literate, ignorant celebrities, think they can tell us poor plebs how to live our lives IS OVER. Forever.
    And it all happened under Trump.
    It's fucking brilliant.

  157. Hollywood is a cesspool that congratulates itself.

    Meryl Streep makes me want to puke. Boooooooo!

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  160. AIP - what Luc Besson was thinking, was to make a movie that made some sort of sense. LEON is brilliant.

    The reason Mathilde acts like that with Leon and sees nothing wrong with it, is because she grew up surrounded by pimps, whores and low lives. It is Leon who by not accepting her advances to pay him back physically for protecting her, shows her that this upbringing was not normal. She thinks she owes him, while he does it without expecting anything back. It was an essential part of the film, totally obvious and I find it weird that you did not get it.

  161. AIP, I've read that in original, more controversial script, Mathilde was supposed to be 16 year old though. There are few more scenes that were written out of the movie after they hired 12 year old Natalie Portman.

  162. Someone must have paid a lot for Elizabeth Moss to win...

  163. @Boredatwork and Alexandria: thanks Alexandria. I hadn’t realized that she was originally intended to be older.
    Bored, it’s been quite a few years since I watched it, but I did understand that to be the case, and certainly I wasn’t hinting that Léon was encouraging her.

    As for sense from Besson? But then the guilty pleasures of the Taxi films would be lost to us! 😂

  164. Great point, @AIP. I forgot about that film, but I've never seen it. I have kids that age myself and it sounds like I wouldn't be able to stomach it.

    I think the vast majority of Americans take these asshats at face value and award shows will always have an audience. People defend their favorite stars and forget they're really just actors, that they act for a living and therefore are successful at being deceitful, even when the story is staring them in the face. What a world.

  165. @notrhisagain franco does not have that kind of juice
    so either teh film is projected to make lots of money and people at a24 have that power or connection or
    some previous Blinds were true and he and bro really in with some heavy hitters over the instagram trafficking-pimping

  166. I was thinking Coke Mom, whenever they showed Debra M.

  167. Rapists old and young. And the pearl clutching, “if only I had known!!! (even though they all knew firsthand or had very good reason the believe the “rumors”) crowd of hypocrites with their decades late cries of “me too!”, “enough is enough!” “Time’s Up!” Etc. Better late than never at least.

    I’ll just drop this here as a friendly, gentle reminder of what kind of a disaster artist James Franco actually is...”allegedly”. Hopefully he will be locked away in The Room with the keybthrown away sooner rather than later.

    As to old man Voldemort aka Kirk Douglas - he has proven the adage “evil never dies”. However, I am very much looking forward to the day he does pass and the truth of his “glorified” legacy is revealed. Natalie Wood, Jean Spangler To start...

  168. I've always loved movies, actually I believe I was born a cinema lover. It brought me so much joy, it made me dream, cry, laugh, think and so much more. My best childhood memories are of going to the movies. But today, I quit. The disgust I'm feeling right now is overwhelming. I'm not naive, I've known since my early adulthood the shady side of Hollywood. But this masquerade... This is so disrespectful in every aspect.
    How can they dispise us so much? Do they really think we are such fools? And the women are no better than the men, this is such a grotesque farce of fame, power and money whores.
    So I'm done with it. From now on, I vow to not give them another single fucking penny from my fucking pocket. Books are the real thing.

  169. Kirk Douglas is SUCH a totem of old-Hollywood rapiness that for his appearance at the GGs to make any sense on "Times Up" night, it had to be an intentional subliminal message to America: "Our beloved icons are human with human foibles -- aren't they too loveable and talented to be removed from our lives? Would the world really be a better place if Kirk Douglas hadn't made all those great movies"? And to give hope to all who have been brought down or who live in fear: "Be good from now on and we'll look the other way. The world will forgive you like it forgave Kirk Douglas".

  170. @just sayin

    i remember Trumbo really gave Kirk a really skeevy presence and hinted at his appetite for young girls telling Trumbo his youngest daughter was his favourite Trumbo

    [this is after meeting his starstruck hot teen daughter - a self possessed but teenaged child he was also skeevy to (by todays standards)]



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