Monday, January 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #9

December 21, 2017

It is hard to believe it has been this long, but the person I spoke to is in her early 40's now. She says that she thinks she is the inspiration for one of the songs written by this permanent A list singer/band. She says that when she was 13, she had sex with the lead singer of the group and he knew how old she was. She says it was consensual, but, come on, she was 13 and he was about a decade older. She does say that after the first time, when he was abusing drugs he would call her over to his place and start out nicely but then would rape her or beat her while they were having sex. She says this went on for about four months until she found out he was doing the same thing to several other teens at her school. Later when she heard one of their songs, it was almost word for word, their sexual experiences.

Kurt Cobain


  1. I was way off on this!

  2. Tortured artists are different from you and me - F Scott Fitzgerald

  3. woah. he def wasnt on my list for this blind.... makes me wonder about all the other ish re his death etc....

    1. what song would this be then???

    2. Definitely Polly. Rape Me is about Lynn Hirschberg and the media in general.

    3. Polly was written in 1987. This article is so fucking bogus.

  4. Wow - did not see that one coming.
    Wonder which song?
    Happy New Year's to everyone!

  5. Guy had many problems. No reveal on the woman? Must be someone not part of H'wood scene. Which was the song? Can't recall what people thought.

  6. Makes me sad and I would have thought he was better than that.

  7. Kendrick Schroder was the only one to suspect him out of 92 comments. Good thinking, Kendrick!

  8. Perhaps "Rape Me"?

  9. People saying "What song?" are having a laugh, right?

  10. Did anyone get this one?

    And what is with the freaking captcha every single time I want to post? Really annoying.

  11. Kendrick Schroder was the only person to mention Cobain in the comments. I had no idea, and my guesses were wrong. Was the song "About a Girl"?

  12. There was a song on Nevermind called "Rape me"


  14. I guessed Anthony Kiedis, I think he was in the lead in regards to the BI. Sorry, Anthony!

  15. Do Tell: I think someone did guess Kurt Cobain (unless I'm thinking of a different blind).

    Checking out lyrics trying to figure out which song..there are several that could fit.

  16. Jesus Christ, Kurt Cobain. Man oh man.

    Captcha seems to appear after one seems to post after a number of times. Happens periodically, though.

  17. I don't see him as a tortured artist. Now I see him as a rapist and a predator, albeit a dead one.

  18. Polly wants a cracker

  19. Polly want a cracker would be my guess.

    About a girl is supposed to be about his frist GF who was supporting him, while she worked in a cafeteria.

  20. Bullshit-have you seen the doc Kurt and Courtney? Its a bunch of try-hard, wannabe former scenesters being interviewed straight outta the methadone clinic. I'm no Cobain Stan but not believing this one.

  21. Gives a new perspective to Courtney's "kinderwhore" look.

    Maybe his shooting/suicide was caused by this

  22. Happy New Year Himmmm!

  23. Rape Me is an anti rape song.

    And it's entirely possible the woman was making it up.

  24. And here I've thought "Rape Me" was a metaphor for "abuse me some more, take everything I've got, world, record company, etc.". It's a special kind of narcissist that can write about his own crimes like that.

    Please, Monster blind, Enty, Monster blind, Monster blind.........(fingers crossed)

  25. Happy New Year, Himmmm!

  26. Reading the lyrics to both About a Girl and Rape Me leads me to believe either could work. Having said that, I also realize that he's not quite the well rounded poet I was under the impression he was. But​ truly just my opinion

  27. This sounds fake. He was a social pioneer and pro-feminist/riot grrrl. And even though he's dead no wonder it's a blind. The only real defense against libel is that it's true.

  28. Did you really think that someone who married and procreated with Courtney Love was a good guy?

  29. Polly is more likely the song....

  30. @do tell - FYI- if you click on date of blind you link to original comments for each blind.

  31. Nirvana Lyrics

    Polly wants a cracker
    Think I should get off her first
    Think she wants some water
    To put out the blow torch

    Isn't me, have a seed
    Let me clip, dirty wings
    Let me take a ride, cut yourself
    Want some help, please myself
    Got some rope, have been told
    Promise you, have been true
    Let me take a ride, cut yourself
    Want some help, please myself

    Polly wants a cracker
    Maybe she would like some food
    She asks me to untie her
    Chase would be nice for a few

    Isn't me, have a seed
    Let me clip, dirty wings
    Let me take a ride, cut yourself
    Want some help, please myself
    Got some rope, have been told
    Promise you, have been true
    Let me take a ride, cut yourself
    Want some help, please myself

    Polly said

    Polly says her back hurts
    She's just as bored as me
    She caught me off my guard
    Amazes me the will of instinct

    Isn't me, have a seed
    Let me clip, dirty wings
    Let me take a ride, cut yourself
    Want some help, please myself
    Got some rope, have been told
    Promise you, have been true
    Let me take a ride, cut yourself
    Want some help, please myself

    1. Polly was about Polly Klaas who was kidnapped and raped in the back of a van in The 90s.

  32. Himmmm is back from Holiday!
    Happy New year everyone

    Right on 👏
    OhBoy I love this site

  33. This is pretty damn shocking. Nothing from anyone about him or docs on him nothing wouldn't have made me think this was him. Courtney bring such a domineering woman and him seeming so pro-feminism, etc.

  34. Oh, how I love it when sacred cows go tumbling down.

  35. A lot of the guesses focused on Kiedis and Axl Rose. Only a couple of tentative mentions of Cobain.

  36. I may be way off, but I thought "Rape Me" was not about literal rape.

    According to rumor, when Nirvana wanted to record their follow-up to Nevermind, they made it sound like pure noise, not unlike the surprise bonus track "Endless, Nameless which appears after ten minutes of silence after the last track.

    David Geffen listened to the demo tracks and (allegedly) responded by saying, "Are you guys fucking crazy? This is horrible! Go back in the studio and don't come back until you've got a hit single or two!"

    This, of course, shocked and offended Nirvana, who thought their artistic integrity was being impugned. They were being forced to do something they didn't want. Therefore, the industry was raping them!

    Hence, the song title.

    It has nothing to do with actual rape.

  37. Anonymous11:27 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. "Did you really think that someone who married and procreated with Courtney Love was a good guy?"

    Well, yeah, and I always liked her too. She called herself a feminist from day one and was hilarious that time she confronted Madonna on MTV.

    1. I absolutely despise Madonna, but I thought Courtney was just kind of dumb and annoying when she confronted her. Everybody was just kind of rolling their eyes like they were dealing with a slow child.

    2. It was awesome. Madonna's trying to be all edgy and weird, and then Courtney does the real thing at her.

  39. Wow, totally did not see this one at all. Happy New Year Himmmm, may it be a good one for us all!

  40. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "We can Have Some More,
    Nature is a Whore,
    Bruises on the Fruit
    Tender Age in Bloom"

    ---nuff said

  41. A scumbag of the highest order.

  42. Cobain himself said Rape Me was an anti rape song and he also said the lyrics were so blunt no one could misinterpret them.

    I mean whatever, I wouldn't have thought this of him but I don't necessarily believe every story someone says without evidence or anyone else backing up the story.

  43. Look at Louis CK's comedy, he was feminist also, and look at how taht turned out.

    Court was a pretty cool chick in the day, she was an IT girl a few times in her career. She screwed up multiple times with drugs. Watch her VH1 behind the music.

    This is a reveal to take with a grain of salt. I saw Kurt & Courtney also, just a bunch of uneducated, working poor who's only claim to fame is that they knew Kurt b4 he was famous.

  44. If you don't think a man can be an outspoken feminist AND a rapist you must have been living under a rock since forever.

    Also, calling Polly for the song. And I am devastated by this one.

  45. @Amy —
    This sounds fake. He was a social pioneer and pro-feminist/riot grrrl. And even though he's dead no wonder it's a blind. The only real defense against libel is that it's true.

    That's not true, actually. I don't know how the laws are in America regarding libel, but there are a few accepted defenses against it in Canadian and British law:

    1. The libeled person is dead. You cannot call the dead to court to testify, so libeling a dead person is an impossibility.

    2. Justification: the accusations are true and provably so. (In some jurisdictions, like the province of Quebec, this is insufficient; the public interest must be served by printing the knowledge. E.g., if you publicize that the Mayor is a BDSM freak, and it's true, you have to be able to prove it is in the public interest to publish this information.

    3. Fair comment. If you make comments about a public person that are not true but seem appropriate, you can make those comments.

    4. Privilege, esp. parliamentary privilege. If you are making remarks in a speech during a parliamentary session, they may be libelous, but they are being made in parliament and are covered by parliamentary privilege. You can make the remarks in parliament, but you cannot repeat them outside of Parliament. If you call someone an irresponsible loudmouth in parliament, you're safe; but if you repeat those sentiments outside the Parliamentary chamber, you have committed libel. (This is how I remember it from university.)

    1. Calling Kurt Cobain -- a man who married a Rior Grrrl and supported feminists (Kathleen Hannah etc) -- a mass child rapist is so far outside the norm of everything known and ever reported about him that I would not be surprised to see legal action anyway.

  46. This could easily be fake. She didn't reveal herself,or give any info to make it believable. Having said that,you could probably put the name of a hundred celebrities and could be true.

  47. Whoa. Wasn't expecting that name to pop up. Holy hell.

  48. Anonymous11:40 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. a@mad Hominem, I notice a lot of reveals are of dead people now. Enty is covering himself because of what has become proven. I don't expect any Geffen reveals.

  50. Nope! Don't believe it! Never happened.
    I usually just shrug and think 'sure' when I read this site but this one, I really don't want this one to be true. This has to be a mistake.

  51. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. Sounds like another planted story by David Geffen's good friend, Courtney Love, a self-described manipulator of the media. Go watch Soaked in Bleach to learn more, as I don't have time to type it all out. TL;DR: By 1994, KC was worth far more dead than he was alive (follow the money trail).

    One has to wonder what news they're trying to get ahead of? Man, I know a few musicians in the Northwest, and if this was an open secret it would have been exploded decades ago.

    For the record (no pun):
    "Polly" was on Nevermind, based on an actual event by killer Gerald Friend, 1987, Washington State.
    "Rape Me" was on In Utero; it's about the trappings of fame, the "rape" of his privacy.

  52. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Believe all women - except when it comes to your idealised pure tragic teen rock fantasy figure

    1. It's not Rose McGowan or any identified woman making the accusation. You don't even know who Enty is, except that he lifts many of his blinds and supposedly used to run around with predator-perv Leo DiCaprio, much less who this anonymous tipster is. But sure. Believe a man who was out front supporting the Riot Grrrl leaders was a mass child rapist on that alone.

  53. Cobain was rarely in one place long to routinely abuse teens. Too many people who knew him think he was akind soul and that hebwas being abuse by Courtney.

    I hate not believe a potential victim but I don't believe this one.

  54. Terrible news! Heroin is no excuse to brutalize a teenager or anyone for that matter

  55. "Believe all women - except when it comes to your idealised pure tragic teen rock fantasy figure"

    Me personally, I have never subscribed to "believe all women." Why would I? Women do make shit up, it's been proven over and over. I tend to doubt when it's a nameless, faceless person accusing someone who's dead for many years, and when the accusations fly in the face of everything else we know about him. If there were some evidence or more than one accuser, that makes things different.

  56. Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more

  57. Holy shit! It's not rape me because that's about vanity fair and their article on Courtney on heroin while pregnant. My bets on "Serve the Servants"

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Why would this woman lie?

      Culture can elevate figures to the state of idols before their deaths, and when they pass they become mythological immaculate angels. See how people still overlook John Lennon’s self-centred controlling behaviour, confessed domestic abuse and how he disowned his own child. Or Michael Jackson!

      Cobain fans are a lot like MJ fans actually

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Polly is about blow torches
    Ropes and
    I don’t think it’s that song
    Kurt was living off of girlfriend Tracy
    for quite awhile until May of 1990
    Then it ended
    ‘Smack’ dab during the time frame of
    this blind. One of the teens spilled the ‘Beans’?

  60. "Polly" was written about convicted rapist Gerald Friend. "About A Girl" was written about Kurt's girlfriend at the time, Tracy Marander. "Rape Me" is an ANTI rape song. No other song fits what this libelous blind is claiming. This blind is clearly bullshit and it's a shame that this website would publish such garbage. The only thing that disgusts me more than Enty posting this trash is all you gullible sheep eat it up.

  61. Another blind said this was Anthony Kiedis

  62. Me too I'm a big nirvana fan but it could be the girl mentioned in Montage Of Heck?

  63. "Why would this woman lie?"

    To make herself sound important? To brag about screwing a rock star? Nah, you're right, people never lie about stuff like that.

  64. Anonymous12:42 PM

    It’s a weird brag - “I was beaten and raped as a child by this rockstar” - doncha think? Rapists lie waaaaayyyyy more than people who say they’ve been raped yet we’ve always given the abuser the benefit of the doubt - which is why Believe All Women is an extremely important cultural shift.

    Cobain wrote an anti-rape song? Dustin Hoffman played Tootsie, and look what he did after

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Yes, and all the recovered-memory people "remember" abuse that didn't happen. Add in Cobain's celebrity and I have zero problem believing someone would lie about it. And if it is true? She has to be a pretty damaged person. "I'll go at age 13 to sleep with a man who beats and rapes me repeatedly, until I found out I wasn't his only teen!" THEN she breaks it off? Come on.

    Look, if this woman can produce the others who were supposedly raped by Cobain, or a shred of evidence, I'll believe her. Until then, it goes in the "pretty unlikely" bucket for me.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I don’t think the onus is on rape survivors to present other victims as evidence they themselves were raped.

    You don’t appear to have empathy for survivors of abuse, even when they’re a child being exploited by an adult.

  69. And you're a credulous fool. Party on.

  70. Your vs. You're: click the date for the original blind.

  71. Wasn’t expecting Cobain as the answer tbh just like everyone else. That being said,really surprised that this hasn’t come out before as Cobain is one of those celebrities that has risen to mythical proportions and analyzed and discussed to death so to speak.

  72. Shocking blind. But of course it's "Rape Me". And of course Kurt said it was an "anti-rape" song. Do you think he was going to say it was an actual song about a 13-year old he raped? Please.

    1. "she found out he was doing the same thing to several other teens at her school."
      "I'm not the only one." - Rape Me

      I don't want this to be true, but John Lennon was another peace lurve and feminism type who treated the actual people in his life like crap.

      Some people just can't live up to their own ideals.

    2. It's not rape me, it's all about the vanity fair article they wrote about Courtney using heroin while pregnant

  73. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I bet the list of dope-addled rock stars that haven't abused a minor is a lot shorter than the list of ones that have.

  74. Didn't he have sex with a mentally handicapped woman? Couldn't that be seen as rape? I thought this was in that biography esque show they had about him a few years ago.

  75. Hey Kiki Jones, you just may be the dumbest person alive. You said, "But of course it's "Rape Me"

    the liar in the blind said:

    "Later when she heard one of their songs, it was almost word for word, their sexual experiences."

    The lyrics for Rape Me don't describe any specific sexual experiences. This whole thing is bullshit.

  76. Considering that Courtney Love is one of the circled names in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book, this blind makes me wonder if she was complicit in this stuff.

  77. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Cobain wrote Sappy about a woman who thinks she’s in a happy relationship with an abusive man.

    The sexual assault accusation recounted in the 2013 biography contains quite specific details regarding location etc

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. I don't believe this one at all.

  80. Polly Wants A Cracker, Rape Me, About A Girl...
    They say 'Rape Me' was 'anti rape' but was it really? Of course they had to say that by that time Nirvana was a main stream band.
    I put nothing past anyone in Hollyweird.
    (And for the record I was a huge Nirvana fan as a tween in the early 90's btw)

  81. Saw the documentary about him so I totally believe this is true.

  82. I don’t want to believe this one.

  83. Yeah, but everyone knew that about Lennon even at the time.

  84. Rape me is clearly about being taken advantage of and not about literal rape. Listen to the lyrics, people. As far as this story, maybe but idk there comes a point where drug addicts aren't really able to perform because they can't get it up especially with the drugs he was using and the severity of his addiction. Not that he wouldn't be able to ever get it up but getting it up keeping it up and raping idk if I can buy it. I used to be a pa to someone who abused prescription opiates and they also needed a prescription for viagra and they weren't nearly as bad as Cobain as far as the severity of their addiction. I just think this is someone wanting to claim a song was written for them.

  85. Cobain? Fuck off, no way!
    Is this a made-up blind like that old “Bryan Adams making a lewd comment at a middle-aged woman in a lift/elevator” from some yeas back?

  86. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Lol at people acting like they knew Kurt Cobain. You've never even met the guy.

    And who gives a shit that the guy was an "outspoken feminist"? That means nothing. Do you know how many male feminist celebs have been exposed as predators in the last few months?

    The blind might well be BS, but let's be real, you only think so because you like Nirvana.

  87. this might be true or it might not. don't let one blind item cement this idea in your mind

  88. To everyone claiming fan worship of Kurt Cobain: Nah, but nice try. We don't believe this blind because we know too many facts about KC's death, CL's documented behavior with the press, and uh, David Fucking Geffen.

    I don't own one Tupac album but find his death suspicious, too. So like I said, "Nice try."

  89. Doesn't feel plausible to me.

  90. "This sounds fake. He was a social pioneer and pro-feminist/riot grrrl."

    You serious? Virtue signaling male feminists have a track record of being sexual predators. They use feminism as an excuse to get close to women and then rape them when they're drunk or vulnerable in another way.

    If anything, Kurt Cobain's """"""feminism"""""" makes it more likely that he was a pedophile rapist. I believe this Blind.


  91. - Bullshit!

    I concur. This BI is utter bullshit.

  92. This blind is probably based on stuff from Christopher Sandford's 'Kurt Cobain,' a book that probably has some truth to it but for the most part is essentially a hit piece.

    Blind items are not quite as reliable as people seem to think. I wouldn't take this too seriously.

  93. Didn't he try to lose his virginity to a mentally handicapped girl (it was consensual however depending on the nature and severity of her handicap it might not have been anlenfor her to consent) and he backed out of it at the last second and when his friends found out, they called him a nasty name I won't repeat and then he tried to kill himself as a teen? All of this to say. I can believe it. I think the man had a lot of demons. He talked about some really disturbing stuff in that journal that was released. I wouldn't be surprised if sex, drugs and violence were intertwined in his life.

  94. Just because you like/respect the artist, doesn't mean the blind is bullshit. Damn y'all, haven't you learned anything in the last year? Would all of you be calling BS if this had been Kiedis or Kroeger? No.

  95. No! What?! Can we get more details here? I need more proof since I'm not going to let you live down the "Susan Silver sucks/Greek woman are great" post! :) I reckon that was just bad intel, as this one may possibly be. I would be shocked if this was true and never came out before now.

    Polly by Nirvana is not about Polly Klaas since she was murdered after the song was released.

  96. I did some digging, and found that before Cobain moved in with Marandar, he moved into his own apartment (in 1985) for a while. Funny thing I found is that, during this single time in his own apartment, he worked at a local restaurant AND as a janitor at a local high school... I'm not saying it is proof, but it wasn't something I expected to find. Also, he would have been 18, at the time (not a decade older).

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. " was almost word for word, their sexual experiences." I'm not finding any Nirvana songs that describe sexual experiences word for word. Most of those mentioned (Serve the Servants and Negative Creep) are pretty generalized. Polly fits the best, but even then, not really.

    This blind indicates that she was 13 at the time and he was about a decade older, so we'll say 21-23. He was about 20-21 when Polly was recorded (1987/1988) and would've turned 21 on 2/20/1988, but we don't have a date when it was written which would help solve this (if it was written before they met). The dates and ages still don't exactly fit. Can we get another clue? What song was it?

    Also, what is the vetting process on how you acquire your intel?

    edit: corrected ages

  99. If she keeps going back, knowing what's coming, then she must have been into it.

    1. Ha if you’re rounding up.. School back in session so we’ll see you now and again?

    2. Rounding up? I dont get ya Liz.

  100. Lots of men who claim to be feminist are actually bitter, violent aggressors. Harvey Weinstein, for example.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Never heard whispers of this in the least. I'm going to reserve judgement on this one until I hear something more conclusive. I read this same blind earlier and the suspect was Anthony Kiedis. I could buy that a lot more. Dave and Krist are totally upstanding dudes, I doubt they would let that shit slide if it was going on.

  103. I never listened to his songs or knew anything about him ,til I heard he killed himself but that and people suspected Love murdered him."She caught me off my guard"
    "Amazes me the will of instinct" poster above wrote from one of his songs makes me believe this is 100% true.I remember being 13/14 and hormones hit me like a brick, I came from a home where sex before marriage and as a teen was just as bad a sin,as murder.It does catch some men off their guard,but it really comes down to the "will of instinct"People died young,had to have babies young or who would raise them.As a young girl ,I had no idea it was against the law,and was attracted to guys over 20 when I was 13/14.

  104. I believe the blind and if he became a monster and raped her after taking drugs it might explain his death.IMO If initial sex was consensual not thru grooming,it isn't what I consider a molester.I remember going after my sexy hunk of a 8th grade teacher,even writing him a love letter at 14. I had no idea I could have ruined his life til I was older.That was back in the day early 70's.

  105. So my last comment was mysteriously deleted, but this blind is obviously bullshit. This kinda thing takes away from the credibility of the truth that comes from here. Don't believe everything you read.

  106. This is absolutely untrue. Sorry, but no way.

  107. This blind is wrong people. Not saying this girl isn't telling the truth but it absolutely isn't Kurt Cobain. The songs people are referring to, 'Rape Me' & 'Polly' were both written pre-Nevermind fame, and neither song is a celebration of violent sex. He was an adamant and outspoken feminist who actually wanted the music video for Rape Me to feature rapists in stirrups receiving the treatment themselves. Just doesn't fit his personality either. Was not a known sex hound at all. Try harder folks.

  108. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Then explain the song Marijuana to me.



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