Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 13, 2017

I guess 15th time is the charm for this foreign born permanent A list model/host to leave her boyfriend after catching him cheating. At least we know how many times it takes and also why she was spotted canoodling with a guy last week other than her now gone boyfriend.

Heidi Klum/Vito Schnabel


  1. You know a man cheating has nothing to do with how beautiful or not, the woman (he's already with) is, right? @unknown

  2. If she needs a date at Halloween, I'll talk to my wife. She might let me go just so I can have an awesome costume with Heidi.

  3. What??? Gross? She's a beautiful woman even in model standards. JS on the other hand. Ugh. Don't make me. Wouldn't for a million.

  4. what is so great about Vito Schnabel? He's not that attractive.

  5. Heidi Klum is anything but gross looking. She may look gross 10 years from now, depending on how far she goes messing with her face to stay young looking, but right now she's still smokin' hot.

  6. He is fugly. he dated Demi too for a while. He's definitely got deep pockets which help. Maybe he's packing too, who the fuck knows lol.

  7. It's my opinion. I dunno. She seems really greasy and not healthy looking like she used to look. Age has nothing to do with how 'I' see her. She wears clothes that don't suit her a la Mariah Carey and looks very oily strange tan or bronzer. Her personality seems more fake as time has gone by...

  8. She left her hubby for the CC murderer...really bad taste in men
