Monday, January 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 28, 2017

Video Music Awards

I don't know if this VMA show from back in the day was the most crazy, but it was right up there. It was the mid 90's. The show was actually something people still wanted to attend and was an event.

The host this particular year was an a-hole. Hell, he is still an a-hole. He kept talking crap about everyone at the show. Acted like he was better than everyone and practically said as much during rehearsals. He just wanted a check and an audience to get him more attendance at his stand up shows. I remember this at the time A list singer who has always had issues with drugs was doing lines of coke and smoking crack with this former A list boy bander who was there with his wife. Where was his wife? Well, if you ask this former A+ list athlete who still has A+ list name recognition, he will say he was having sex with her in her dressing room. He says they always did when they saw each other and that her husband just got out of the way. Oh, I just remembered something I had not thought about in awhile. There was this at the time A- list singer who had split from a group. She was so "crafty," she refused to speak during rehearsal. She just sipped tea and nodded. The thing is she wasn't resting her voice. She wanted the producers to think she was because she thought it made her look arty or what not, but she talked before and after rehearsal. I hate that kind of thing. She had a big group album and one big solo album and nada for a couple of decades now.

This A list celebrity who seems to enjoy the confidence of a world leader threw up all over the shoes of this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and started on television.

One crazy thing I know I won't see again is this permanent A list rapper hot boxing in a room with this Academy Award winning actor who was with his Academy Award winning actress significant other forever. It was a crazy scene.

Host: Dennis Miller
A list singer: Courtney Love ("Hole")
Former A list boy bander/wife: Bobby Brown/Whitney Houston
Former A+ list athlete: Mike Tyson
"Crafty" A- list singer/group: Natalie Merchant/10,000 Maniacs
A list celebrity/world leader: Dennis Rodman/North Korea’s Kim Jong-un
A list mostly movie actor: George Clooney
A list rapper: Notorious B.I.G
Academy Award winning actor: Tim Robbins
Academy Award winning significant other: Susan Sarandon


  1. This was a fun reveal!

  2. I can just see Bobby Brown going after Mike Tyson for screwing his wife. 😶I'll give Mike credit though he nailed some fine women considering he looked like a beast and acted like one too.

  3. Hotboxing with Biggie would have been an amazing experience and incredible memory (or what little pieces of memory you have)

  4. None a big surprises. I take anything Tyson claims with a grain of salt though, man is thirsty and makes all kinds of claims now of things he did and women he hooked up with back when he was A list. Susan has talked about getting high in order to do awards shows cause they are so boring and long.

  5. I had to look up ‘hot boxing’, lol.

  6. Weak one again. Could find better LARPs in 4chan...

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Then why the fuck do you come here. I mean, other than to be an asshole?

    2. Well, run over there then.

    3. This the same person as TJ. Just the same edgy lingo they use over at Reddit, regurgitated. It fails to be edgy anymore, though, when everyone is using it. This person is probably between 13-17
      When I figured that out about Reddit, I gtfo quickly 🏃🏃 🏃 🏃 🏃

  7. @Don: Hot boxxie with Biggie would've been a dream come true for me back in the day! Oh, and with Pac, too!!

  8. 1SICRN - oh, yeah. me too. I have never shot up marijuana before

  9. Enty better step it up, he's not living up to the troll's "standards".

  10. Courtney back in the day! What a wild ride!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So what did Clooney Do? Hot box or crack?

  12. I wouldn't describe Bobby Brown as a "boy bander."

  13. @LooLoo - Bobby Brown was in New Edition. They were definitely a boy band in the same sense of nsync, b2m, backstreet boys, one direction, etc

  14. Dennis Miller being an A-Hole is hardly a blind! But then again almost all of the "comedy" peopleare so- this was still a hard one.

  15. SD Auntie - Clooney was the one who had his shoes vomited on by Rodman. And I would like to hear more to that story, to be honest.

  16. Love this. Fun. But given the alleged lesbian leanings we hear about WH, that does seem to be the only surprising part.

    1. Yup. Both Tyson and Brown are well endowed

    2. It would be surprising except for: cocaine.
      That stuff will make people forget WTH or who they pledged their sexuality to.

    3. The lesbian rumors have never had any support. There's just one woman and no has ever seen them in an intimate embrace. At best, she would be bisexual.
      I still don't believe this blind item because she was never known for being sexually promiscuouHeer drug addiction doesn't give people the right to accuse her of being a whore.

    4. The lesbian rumors have never had any support. There's just one woman and no has ever seen them in an intimate embrace. At best, she would be bisexual.
      I still don't believe this blind item because she was never known for being sexually promiscuouHeer drug addiction doesn't give people the right to accuse her of being a whore.

      Also, Bobby was so jealous that he caused a scene on the first viewing of the Bodyguard, wouldn't let her have a kissing scene with Denzel for the Preacher's wife, and once had an altercation with a Backstret Boy because Whitney was talking to him in a club. But now he's okay with her fucking with Mike Tyson? Bullshit

  17. Hello, you younguns.

    Google is your friend. Bobby Brown was in a boy band called New Edition.

  18. Lol to the BB boyband discussion
    My gray hairs are laughing as well...

  19. Great reveal! Validating my long-standing hatred of N. Merchant.

  20. I think Tyson swings for both teams. Had a friend who was at a gay bar in Chicago in the early 90s (maybe late 80s). Said Tyson was there and in people’s (read: men) faces trying to get a hookup. Was sure it was him with those gold teeth.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. So Dennis Miller is an asshole for believing he's better than the assholes who are smoking crack and fucking each other's wives in the dressing room? Okay. LOL

    1. Whitney was far from being an asshole. She donated a lot to charity and was known for being a kind person. Drug addiction doesn't make you evil. It's sad and the underlining causes are even sadder. There are a lot of abuse and rape victims on drugs right now, you think they're assholes too? A lot of great people throughout history have been addicts.

      I don't believe this bullshit blind item. She wasn't known for screwing around. That's why she got lesbian rumors about her in the 80s.

  23. I’m jealous of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon right now! Smoking with Biggie! And knew this was Dennis Miller!

  24. This was the 1995 VMAs. It was the year Courtney interrupted Madonna while she was being interviewed by Kurt Loder. And Biggie presented an award to Michael and Janet for “Scream”.

  25. Love might be a nut but I thought her album with Hole, “Live Through This” was brilliant.
    Never thought I’d read Natalie Merchant’s name here on CDaN.
    Isn’t Tyson supposed to have a teeny wienie?

  26. Tyson & Brown are friends though.


  27. I don't believe this blind item because she was never known for being promiscuous. Her drug addiction doesn't give people the right to accuse her of being a whore.

    Also, Bobby was so jealous that he caused a scene on the first viewing of the Bodyguard, wouldn't let her have a kissing scene with Denzel for the Preacher's wife, and once had an altercation with a Backstreet Boy because Whitney was talking to him at an event But now he's okay with her fucking with Mike Tyson? Bullshit

  28. Ho's,druggies,rapist,any gender sex an Pedophiles. Dennis Miller is not an a-hole,he was better then any Hollywood crowd.99% of Hollywood is scum,any sane person would believe they are better if they were not a degenerate deviant and would be right !

  29. I enjoyed the Natalie Merchant part. I liked her music but she always came off as soooo precious and pretentious in interviews. Obnoxiously so. Her solo concert supporting her Tiger Lily album was the biggest snoozefest I've ever attended.



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