Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 16, 2018

This wannabe A list talk show host has some clauses in her contract that let her pass on things her colleagues can't. She has no interest in being away from home for several weeks so she took a pass. Plus, she knows if anything happens, she will be in line to be a much bigger star and make her mark. 

Megyn Kelly/Winter Olympics


  1. I'm surprised her people haven't been putting this out there (or the network for that matter) if this is true to counter the perception that she is getting shafted. Then again maybe this blind is bullshit put out by her pr people.

  2. She'll be in line? I would hope they would bring someone from MSNBC over for something substantive. She is like nails on a chalkboard.

    1. The person who should be hoping for something to happen during the Olympics is Brian Williams.They would definitely bring him into the news desk over Megyn.

  3. It's amazing that NBC thought this bitch was a big news commentary star because she was a big shot at Fox News and had a show that a couple of million people watched every night. If NBC has a show watched by a couple of million it's cancelled, at Fox News it's a hit. NBC made a yyyuge mistake. Most people in America have no idea who she is or what she does.

    1. @Sandybrook I completely agree. One focus group before you pay someone $20 Million was in order. And to NOT do what she is popular for (politics) makes no sense! She is doing investigation stories like Dateline at 9am with no investing. Baffling.

  4. That'll give Rebecca Lowe more screen time over there. Which is good.

  5. Megyn Kelly paid her dues and did her service to the Narrative's masters with her softball interview with James Alefantis, and was rewarded days later with the massive NBC contract.

    They won't get rid of her, at least not yet, because they owe her and a deal's a deal.

    Instead they'll keep scrambling and trying to reinvent her, yet again this week with the attack on "Hanoi Jane," in hopes of rallying some of her old Fox-watchers back to Today.

    Not gonna happen. She's an ice queen with no humanity and increasingly brittle-looking. Looks like she could snap at any second. Hopefully it will happen on-air soon, and give the Narrative masters cover to cut her loose. Not that any of the other "Shocked! Shocked!" former Lauer-enablers and silent victims are any better or more noble.

  6. Oh jeeezzz, so if anything - war, indictment, major catastrophe - she will be the 'voice of history' back here in the states? Oh, and going toe to toe with Jane Fonda? wtf She seems out of her wheelhouse on her talk show and her previous 'special' interviews - she is NOT good at talking to people or spontaneity - she's only good at reading pre-written, pre-rehearsed schmaltz and looking into the camera while doing it.

  7. It seems as if the Jane Fonda debacle is biting her in the ass!
    As a Vietnam-Era Vet, I could care less about Jane.

    But, Megyn seems impersonal to me.

    Oh, well.

    Moving on...

  8. She wants to interview big names and celebs, but she can't take the heat. She hates people and is antagnistic. You need to be likeable for interviews, especially day time tv. No one will go on her show, if the following week she's gonna go off about them drugging back up crap from several decades ago.

    Meg is her own worse enemy and just put another nail in her own coffin.

  9. Megan wanted an HLN "Ashley Banfield" moment in which Ashley was correct and Megan is just a montone nothing and thought she could have at it. Gawd, can't they just pay her contract off and be done with her?

  10. They just replaced today's show with a pre-recorded one because she dissed Jane. She may not have that much power, and her co-workers might be happy enough to distance themselves from her, geographically as well as professionally. They never wanted her in the first place.

  11. Hollywood it littered with sociopathic, corporate blondes. They sleep their way to their jobs and everyone hates them.

  12. Whoever at NBC made the decision to go after her with a huge contract should be fired. She is very much associated with Fox/conservatives which doesn't play well with networks with a liberal audience. I think they thought it was some kind of coup to get her over Fox but the fact is that she had burned a lot of conservative bridges so Fox probably happy they didn't have to shell out for her. NBC was fool to think she could crossover and bring conservatives with her and/or appeal to a more mass audience. If this had happened in ancient Japan someone at NBC would be committing harikari.

  13. Jane is 80 she can do say whatever the fuck she wants and people should respect it. She went to Vietnam to save lives because men in suits in DC couldn't admit the war was lost and kept sending people to die needlessly.

    Veterans should be pissed at a Gov't that let them down not a woman who just wanted to help stop a war that couldn't be won and wasn't.

  14. It's still not too late to put that treasonous cunt Jane Fonda where she belongs. In front of a firing squad.

  15. I can't imagine anyone on Today would want to co host with her. Ms.Kelly is very unrelatable

  16. Thank you Timebob for your considered response.

  17. Wow ya'll seem to be a majority of big Megyn haters. I'm not sure why, but saw her show this morning and found it very in-line with what NBC likes. It seems to me she was very smart to negotiate such terms in her agreement.

  18. Wow ya'll seem to be a majority of big Megyn haters. I'm not sure why, but saw her show this morning and found it very in-line with what NBC likes. It seems to me she was very smart to negotiate such terms in her agreement.

  19. Amazing how fake news networks put it out there that she was passed over for this "plum" assignment. LMAO
