Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 5, 2017

This B list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister let herself be drawn back into drugs about six weeks ago. It is a shame really. She was doing so well. Now she is popping Molly before during and after appearances and bailed on a modeling gig.

Paris Jackson


  1. This blog has been occupied by The Professionals.
    Martial law has been imposed.
    Civil liberties have been suspended.
    Habeus corpus has been overruled.
    The brothels are operational.
    You cannot win.
    You can only admit.
    You can only submit.

  2. Sad.

    Where are the 'adults' who are supposed to have her back?

    1. Cashing their checks.

    2. You two nailed it, sadly enough.

  3. Oh this is bad. Each time you take ecstasy you have to take twice as much to try and get the same feeling. Not to mention, it's a known fact that you will never experience the same euphoric feeling after the first time - each time you do it, it's less and less, so you pop more and more.

    If she's on it daily, then, yea she's a mess. Her brain is turning into Swiss cheese at warp speed.

  4. Marky Mark, Josh Duhamel and Roman Reigns named in steroid distribution ring:

  5. Bailed on a modeling gig she never rightfully earned in the first place.
    Sure she is pretty but she is so tatted in a junkie way, she looks dirty and strung out all the time cuz surprise she is both strung out and a junkie.

  6. And she picks up hitchhikers and gets robbed.

  7. I hear ya, M Styles. If a whore showed up at my hotel room looking like Paris, I wouldn't let her in.

  8. Are her and cara delevigne still a thing? I figured she would be more into coke than anything... molly can be fun but it gets old quick after doing it constantly. Coke however never gets old, at least for some (cough cough bella hadid)

  9. The Jacksons are hoping she goes away so they can get some cheddar. Very sad.

  10. I mentioned on another blind ole Marky Mark was steroided up.

  11. Glue - you are talking utter rubbish, alongside weed E is just about the safest drug out there and no the effect doesn't diminish with each drop. Just don't mix with alcohol and drink plenty of water.

  12. I was really hoping Macaulay could help clean her up. If anyone has experience living that life, it's him. And he also has the experience of sobering up and facing his demons. I really hope Paris is able to get sober.

  13. anyone who has a brain and has ever lifted weights knows that Marky Mark and every single actor and actress in a role where they have to show their bodies is on performance enhancing drugs, including the small ones so big deal.

    Are some of you really that stupid to think they just ate 5000 calories a day and trained hard for 8-12 weeks to look like that without enhancement.

    some of you would be more shocked to know how many of the more tiny actors and actress with "abs" use steroids, growth hormone, thyroid meds and other fun stuff

  14. ecstasy is not comparable to weed. One is a natural plant, the other is a synthetic drug that normally contains more than just MDMA - unless you make it yourself, you never know what all is in it. And long term or heavy usage of ecstasy can lead to a lot of issues, including cognitive performance. It isn't as dangerous as meth or heroin or other heavier drugs, but it isn't as harmless as weed. That being said, I believe micro-dosing is a very promising treatment for depression (LSD or Esketamine). Johnson and Johnson has a nasal spray that flew through double blind trials and is already FDA approved. Hopefully they respect how promising a treatment it could be over jacking up the price on a drug only they have.

  15. @longtimereader - we can agree to disagree. I did a lot of X in my 20's and when it comes to my health, I'm a research fanatic. So, I studied about the effects/side-effects/brain reaction to MDMA. X was also a lot cleaner a couple of decades ago. Have no idea what it's mixed w/ these days.

    I'm not the type to fight online - it's a complete waste of time, so I say, we agree to disagree. If you feel it's rubbish. So be it. Who am I to tell you what to believe.

  16. As far as steroids...It would be important news if it was an athlete using an unfair advantage, but Hollywood is all about make believe. Implants, plastic surgery, steroids, hair pieces (not wigs, that's about fab, not fake), etc. We like our action heroes big and muscular.

  17. Molly and ecstasy are not the same thing actually.
    Molly is pure MDMA, which is actually a really effective drug for depression and helpful in many ways in moderation.

    Its just sad that she's so young and isn't secure enough to be sober.

  18. @americanpanda - you are correct. Pure MDMA is different from X and even most "Molly." I know people think Molly is pure, but it's not. It's scary the shit they put in that nowadays.

    It is extremely rare to find PURE MDMA. Therefore, x and most of the molly out there is mixed w/ other drugs/substances/fillers.

    Agree w/ americanpanda also that Pure MDMA has many benefits when used properly. It was a huge staple in marital counseling a long time ago.

  19. @Glue - I had one of the worst trips of my life on some bad E pills! gotta be careful to find a source to get the good stuff!

  20. Shes got some mdma eyes in her current instagram story. The pics with her bright red pupils. Thats exactly how mine looked when i took it with someone taking a picture with a flash

  21. She is a beautiful, lost, little girl, who really has never had parents. Her reality and upbringing are unimaginable to anyone other than Prince, and Blanket.She has no goals or purpose and i really hope she survives the next few years.

  22. At the rate she's going she won't make the "27" club. So sad. Beautiful, intelligent girl who is SO lost. Has destroyed her body with scribble tats. She needs a purpose, better yet, she should be in collage! She seems to care for people and the environment, she should study those areas and come out a strong woman and make a difference in the world. Right now she's just another junkie taking up space. I wish her well and hope she comes out of it in the "right end". Get RID of all the hangers-on, and surround yourself with positive SOBER people who love you for you, not your money. A hard task, but it can be done. Good luck Paris.
