Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 27, 2017

This NY/NJ Housewife replaced someone who was being cheated on by her husband. The thing is though, the replacement is being cheated on even worse by her significant other and is blissfully unaware.

Tinsley Mortimer


  1. She is blissfully unaware because the only person she cares about is herself

  2. So the Coupon King guy was cheating on her?

  3. who did she replace?

  4. i forgot about kristin the model

  5. I think he meant she replaced Jules Weinstein whose dwarf of a husband was banging her best friend. Tinsley's always too drunk even notice her bf cheating. I can't wait to watch the Luann arrest play out although I don't think anything can top her falling into a bush last season.

  6. Ah, this guilty pleasure just keeps on giving. Poor Tins. But at least a good set of lashes and a blowout are still a comfort...
