Saturday, January 20, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 18, 2017

The wife of this foreign born A+/A list mostly movie actor was at an event the other night and said since the end of filming his latest movie, the actor has been working out 4-5 hours a day to get ready for his next movie. Looks like he is at least thinking about that superhero role again and wants to be ready if they come through with the money.

Christian Bale/Batman


  1. Oooh, there is the Batman blind, thanks Enty!

  2. Not to throw water on anyone's hopes and dreams, but his lastest movie is the Cheney biopic for which he gained 50 lbs. maybe he just doesn't want a Dick Cheney bod.

  3. Even before that taped rant on set years ago, he gave me vibes of being an abusive ass.

  4. Hopefully!!! My favorite Batman. Even if he is an ass

  5. I really didn't think he would

  6. Wonder if this is due to the blind yesterday about DC being broken up into two divisions possibly managed by the nolans.

  7. There was an interview with him last week in a London magazine saying it's harder for him to get back in shape after putting on so much weight for Cheney and may not do it again.

  8. Anonymous6:40 PM

    He is going to die from the yoyo weight fluctuations he has for roles. Not good for a body!!! IMO

  9. Why the fuck does Batman have to be fit? The guy is FILTHY RICH and he can buy all the fancy toys he wants. If he can't run, he can fly with a jetpack. Bats fly.

    I don't understand why these superheroes insist on making things more complicated than they need to be.

  10. lmao Batman MUST be svelte he can't pause for a cheeseburger people's lives are at stake! mmmm steak. wonderful now the entire town just died . great @scandi you just killed the entire franchise if not the world! gotta go he just threw milkshake at bat signal hes screaming for more fries



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