Monday, January 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #29

December 28, 2017

In the late 1950's there were a string of serial killings in a large Midwestern city. They never were "solved." At the time, the police had no suspects and the victims were all prostitutes. They were mostly high school aged. The victims had one other thing in common. They all had been runaways so had no family locally. At the time, there was no suspect for the police to chase and with relatives of the murdered distant in miles or uncaring, they were moved to a cold case file. About a decade later, there were two other prostitutes killed in similar fashion as to the victims in the late 1950's.

This time the police had a suspect. The problem was for them, the suspect was an A list singer. A singer who had powerful friends behind him who were all making a lot of money because of the singing. A huge sum of money was paid to certain police officers and city officials. The singer was never charged, let alone questioned by police.

When that happened, the singer stopped his killing for a number of years. Later in his life, the pattern emerged again. Always desperate for drugs, he would pay for prostitutes and then send them out for drugs. When they came back with the drugs, he would beat them. A few times, under the influence of drugs, he would take it too far and they ended up dead. Again, nothing was done. A couple of the women who survived the beatings and heard rumors that others were killed, tried to say something and report the now icon to the police but, instead,  would be arrested on drug charges and told to let it go or they would face long jail sentences.

Marvin Gaye


  1. Whoa. Marvin Gaye was serial killer?

  2. This is nuts. But not shocking in the least as he was a super trouble(d) man.

  3. And his father killed him during a major arguement

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    This is too horrible.
    I never would have thought of him for this.

  5. You know he was screwed up since his dad killed him, no matter what story they told to cover it up.

  6. So much for sexual healing...

  7. Joe got this one. I seriously thought it was FS or JLL.

    Joe said...
    JLL and Elvis are from the South, and Sinatra from New Jersey, so it makes no sense that they could be serial killers in a large Midwestern city in the late '50's, especially since they all had active careers nationally at that point and would never have been in a single city where they didn't live for an extended period of time.

    Detroit makes sense, and the timeline points to someone who because big in the 60's, and later an icon. Someone with a drug problem.

    I'd guess Marvin Gaye.

  8. Noooooooooo, What's Going On is one of my favorite albums. Tears

    1. I want you is my favorite Album. Marvin you broke my heart😣


    Wonder if it's related to this?

  10. I remember this blind (Soul of Death). I hate that this ended up being Marvin (I hate that any of it happened, actually). I have to add another of my favorites to the memory forever tainted file, right next to The Eagles (not Nirvana. I don't believe the blind from earlier.

  11. So Marvin Gaye after all. This blind was total mindfuck though, just like Monster Icon one.

  12. Wow. This is crazy.
    This last year was probably the best for blinds and reveals that I can remember.
    Way to go Enty! And the amazing people who can figure these out!
    I've had a blast escaping down this rabbit hole a few times a week

  13. He also ended up having to majorly pay his 1st ex wife in their divorce, figured she must of documented his sh*t and showed the receipts to the judge.

  14. OOf. "What's Goin On" is one of the best albums ever.

  15. Holy cow, didn't see that one coming. :-(

  16. I can't imagine a black man getting away with this in the 1950's.

  17. Wow. Never would had thought this was Marvin, but now it does make sense. The guy had some major sexual hangups and issues, from his old enough to be his mother 1st wife (Berry’s sister) to his teenager when they married 2nd wife.

  18. Maybe I'm splitting hairs, though I don't think so, but a guy who beats prostitutes when they don't provide him with the correct drugs is an asshole and a killer, but not a serial killer. Serial killers are people like Ted Bundy who kill because they like killing, not people who beat up women because they're assholes and sometimes go a little too far and kill them.

    Does anyone understand my point?

    1. I get what you're saying but if you believe those who have studied serial killers, he fits some of the characteristics - childhood abuse, bed wetting, drug use, and mental illness.

      It could be he felt guilty for being with a prostitute and killed after. And the deaths may have been underreported because his victims were black (assuming here}.

    2. In addition here is something Gaye said that may support my theory:

      Gaye noted he saw "a world of pure sex where people turned off their minds and fed their lusts, no questions asked. The concept sickened me, but I also found it exciting."

    3. The FBI symposium on serial killers in 2005 set the definition of serial killer as simply just killing 2 or more at different times.

      Regardless of why he killed them, Gaye killed at least 5 prostitutes. Rage and beatings are just as deadly as stalking and other forms of murder. Maybe if he only accidentally killed 2 by beating, I could believe it was accidental. 5+ and I am pretty sure he enjoys it, at least somewhat.

  19. Marvin Gaye was originally from DC, no? But working in Chicago or Detroit in the Motown era, no doubt

  20. Wow. One of the greatest artists of all time. Pure genius. That's cray cray

  21. Oh BS!!!!
    Shame on CDAN for TRYING to drag this man through the mud.
    Bunch of across the ponder lies.

    1. And of course he’s not here to defend himself!!

  22. As a music lover, I'm willing to look past this if true

  23. Yeah, Gaye was from DC originally. I don't think the guy who who literally broke down over the sickness and death of his partner, Tammi Terrell, is going to be a serial killer.

    On the other hand, he was raised in a highly abusive environment where his understanding of pain in others may have become permanently screwed up. The abused become abusers without a whole lot of work and discipline. Under the influence of alcohol and copious amounts of drugs, Gaye might not have been able to control his rage.

  24. If this is true. I truly hope the surviving victims come forward. Think about how scary this story really is.

  25. I have a hard time believing this.

  26. Maybe that's why his Dad shot him. He knew, and wanted to stop him. Wow.

  27. Anonymous6:17 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Anonymous6:18 PM

    So his father found out and stopped him?

  29. So, do you go to the cops wih this? He might be dead, but cases can still be solved. I don't believe this blind at all, but if it IS true,it can be reported, right?

  30. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I though Gaye was a little young for this blind. Every thing else pinged, though.
    Marvin fled the country at one point, collected machine guns, and in general lived like a man with awful secrets.

  31. What’s going on?

  32. since enty is revealing this, doesnt that mean you are legally vulnerable?

  33. "Marvin Gaye and "Let's Get it On", was one of the best songs ever! I knew he was troubled, but that is sad...

  34. Daymnnnn!! Getting to these late but wow. Just wow

  35. My comment disappeared, so I will ask again, is there a reason for this coming out now? Is a victim's family asking for a case to be reopened? Is there DNA that has shown up? Someone writing a book? Just putting the story out can't prove or disprove,maybe they can solve a case from a living victim?

  36. My husband guessed this!

  37. Read about Marvin Gaye Sr's life on wikipedia or wherever you want, apparently this was always one hell of a dysfunctional family. Trauma and abuse repeat themselves as long as they're not addressed properly.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Never got this but back in the day when he was exiled to Europe he was noted for having a penchant for violent porn. Shocking.

  40. There's only one problem with this theory: the timeline. Marvin Gaye never lived in Detroit, Michigan or any other Midwestern city until 1960. He was verifiably enlisted in the Air Force for some of the late 1950s. Also, he wasn't using anything other than alcohol and marijuana until the early 1960s - which was right around the time he met and married Berry Gordy's sister Anna.

    There is absolutely no doubt that Marvin Gaye was a deeply disturbed person who did some really sick things from the late 1960s until his death. If this was pertaining to women murdered by serial killers from the mid 1960s, I could see it. But Gaye was 17 years old in 1956, a high school dropout and in the Air Force. Nothing stronger than pot was even obtainable outside of Hollywood and likely NYC back in those days.

    1. I personally know of someone who used to sell Marvin crack cocoaine.....

  41. @Donna Marie

    Thanks for the dose of reality!

  42. Are we sure this isn't Berry Gordy instead?

  43. Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on

  44. Miss Pineapple, I do indeed wonder about Berry Gordy. He was certainly old enough that it would fit and if his sister Anna was any indication, I strongly suspect they had pretty messed-up childhoods. According to the Detroit rumor mill, Anna introduced her younger husband Marvin to both cocaine and questionable sex practices. I think the second wife Janis also mentioned this in her book, although I am sure that father of Gay's was the one responsible for the fertile field in which all of this sick stuff grew. Still, I don't think you could say that Berry Gordy was particularly emotionally healthy.

  45. @Donna Marie , @Miss Pineapple ,
    Talking your comments into consideration and re-reading the blind, it could be read that the killings in the 50's were not necessarily done by the same person as the later ones. Similar M.O., but THIS TIME the police had a suspect. If Berry Gordy fits the 50's events, and Marvin married Berry's sister, who then introduced him to questionable sexual practices and drugs..... could be that he is actually the true reveal for only the later killings, See where I'm going?

  46. I definitely see where you are going, Fishy. My only thought about that is that Marvin Gaye was seriously messed up enough that I would not be shocked if Marvin had murdered one or more women in a drug-fueled haze - though I really don't know. And I also don't know enough about Berry Gordy's psyche to be convinced one way or the other. He could have fit the timeline, though. Still, I'm not sure how successful he was before the early 1960s to have had access to mood altering substances stronger than alcohol or marijuana. I guess it's not impossible, though unlikely for Detroit at that time. (In case you were wondering, I'm the daughter of a 1960s era Detroit pool hall hustler and brawler who loved his Motown music. Dad got out of that scene before the hard drugs hit.)

  47. You could get anything in the 60s in Detroit. Heroin has been around forever. And I remember a story in Detroit where they were finding bodies of dead prostitutes by railroad tracks.

  48. Whoever said Marvin Gaye wasn't successful enough in the 50's to have access to hard drugs is talking CRAZY! Marvin had major hits from the 50's and he had access to ANYTHING he wanted. That was a STUPID comment!

  49. Anonymous8:37 PM

    We are all forgetting one thing Entry has receipts there are victims who came forward they eld for sure kno the diff BTW BG and MG...funny thing I learned the Song Dancing in the Streets by MG was dedicated or about the worlds oldest profession in Detroit

  50. I'm confused because Gaye's Wikipedia bio says he lived in DC until 1962 and joined the Air Force after dropping out of high school in 1956 (he got out by pretending to be insane). He didn't relocate to Detroit until 1960 when he was 21- so how was he a serial killer in the 1950's? Maybe in the 1960's - I could believe that. He had such a messed up childhood- was beaten and abused and lived in bleak conditions. Very often people who suffer trauma go to drugs and abuse others. He was an amazing singer and I still love his work.

  51. Too bad he didn’t live in Detroit in the 50s. You should present facts before accusing a dead man of murder.


  52. It is probable that Marvin might have been a serial killer. I always sensed that there were darker secrets that were at the core of his tragic life unraveling the way that it did. Later in his career, his spirit had a darkness around him, that one sees with serial killers who are at the end of their rope. Marvin was always deeply tormented inside, which I believe might have been the reason for his drug addictions.

    Regarding his relationship with his father, according to Marvin's biography , "Wounded Soul, Healing Heart," Marvin's relationship with his cross-dressing- preacher- father, was very dysfunctional. The father never loved nor accepted Marvin's non-secular music and lifestyle. He also never believed that Marvin was his biological son, and this was a constant source of fighting and conflict between Marvin's mother and him. Marvin stood 6'3 and is fair skinned. and Gaye Sr. is a short, thin, average looking, brown-skinned man.

    Marvin was also his mother's favorite child, and she tried to compensate for the lack of love that his father never gave him. Most of Marvin's insecurities about his masculinity, talent and esteem centered on his father's rejection of him. This insecurity would also affect his professional life, where Berry Gordy would later exploit this to make money off of Marvin's talent.

    Berry's favorites at Motown was Smokey Robinson, David Ruffin and Diana Ross. Marvin was jealous of their relationship and plotted to marry Anna Berry, Gordy's sister in order to get in good with Berry, but it did not work. Marvin never loved Anna, and she knew it. That is why she made him suffer through a long, expensive and painful divorce.

    Drugs, his uncontrolled emotions, jealousy, insecurity etc., eventually left Marvin financially bankrupted, emotionally damaged and spiritually drained. He ended-up in Europe trying to escape the IRS and to regain what he had lost. When he returned to his mother's house, she and the father were living separate lives, and there was no peace in the home.

    It was Marvin who bought that home for his mother, and he was not happy how his father was treating her. He was jealous of Marvin's fame, looks and how his mother loved him. Marvin didn't want the father to stay in the home. The father began to physically abuse the mother and continued to taunt her about Marvin not being his son. This is what angered Marvin.

    One day, the now sickly and frail Gaye Sr. threatened Marvin and told him that if he ever raised a hand to him, that he would shoot him dead. That is how parents were back then. It was the custom. A child can never hit a black parent, or you might face death.

    Well, one day, Gaye Sr and his wife were arguing and fighting over money. Marvin walked in after learning that his father had hit his mother. Marvin struck his father. The father calmly marched upstairs and retrieved his revolver and shot Marvin dead.

    This is a family and human tragedy all the way around. Whether it will ever be known what was truly tormenting Marvin's soul, (those killings?, his sexuality?) we will never know.

  53. @seeking justthefacts,the revelations that confirm his bisexuality from Quincy Jones fits part of the puzzle.We may know after all if a surviving victim is coming forward, DNA evidence may be available for others.

  54. If true then there are a lot of red herrings.

    Hoping this one falls under the total work of fiction department.



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