Monday, January 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #22 - Kindness

December 6, 2017

Like many kindness posts, I just have edited to include descriptions rather than the names.

Years ago. When this former A+ list network hit was new and big, my best friend in school had been diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer. Most people with this cancer die within 6 months, and at the time of this kindness, she was on month 9. She came to my apartment, crying, because her boyfriend had broken up with her over the phone on her way to my place. So rather than whatever plans we had that night, we went to the hot restaurant in LA at the time because my best friend had always wanted to go. We were students and poor so we couldn't afford it, but we went anyway because if there was ever a night to do something you couldn't afford, that was it. Anyway, my friend's favorite show was the one mentioned above and this was a show night. We went to eat really early because she wanted to be back to see it (TiVo was still new, so this was back when you had to watch a show on its air slot). We'd just gotten seated, when the host of the show walked in and sat at the booth with four other people across from us. My friend was completely starstruck and thrilled just to sit across from the host of her favorite show. When she went to go to the bathroom, I got up (aided by several drinks), went to the host's booth, stopped their conversation and said 'I'm sorry but my friend is really sick and she's had a bad day and really loves your show. Will you come talk to her?'  I started crying somewhere in there, too. Without hesitation, the host stopped his conversation, left his dinner and came over to our table so when she came back from the bathroom he was sitting in her chair and there to surprise her. She was so shocked, and so thrilled. The host stayed there for 15 minutes talking to her, giving her some fun show gossip and inviting her to a taping. We were his guests at the next taping, and he wore a yellow watch band (like the livestrong bands) and came over to talk to her before the show, between every commercial break, and after the show. He told other stars on the show about her, so they came over during the breaks, too. She was on cloud nine that night, and couldn't have been made to feel more special. She died a few months later, and this was one of the last great memories I have with her while she was still well enough to be out. I will love this host forever for that. ‎

Ryan Seacrest/American Idol


  1. That's a good reveal.

  2. This gives me such a different view of him. I’ve always thought he was self-centered, and he may be, but this kindness makes me think that he’s also compassionate.

  3. I just started crying and I haven't had a single drink. This reveal is amazing and I don't give a flying f*ck what Ryan Seacrest from here on out, I love him.

  4. @Snit...I have tears too. What a beautiful story. I love Ryan forever now.

  5. That was a very Dick Clark thing to do by Ryan. Glad he learned from the best.

  6. Thank you Enty, for sharing these positive stories with us. It’s nice to know there are still some good people out there.

  7. Awesome reveal ❤️

  8. Between Dick Clark and Merv Griffin, Ryan learned some kindness.

  9. Aww, this makes me happy and sad.

  10. I'm surprised and will stop wondering, "Why Ryan Seacrest?" I have to look up the show though, he's everywhere but I have no idea where except for with Kelly Ripa. I'm sorry for the loss of this friend and glad she had this kindness.

  11. @J-Mo, American Idol is how he's known.

  12. For newbies-alot of enty's personal stories take place in the nineties. If you are new here, at least go back through his past reveals so you have some idea of what's going on.

  13. Andi F - Thank You for information, I was very confused, this will make guessing a whole lot less difficult.

  14. This makes my heart swell, and I agree with you all. I'll never look at him again without hearts figuratively floating around his face. Beautiful.

  15. Am I the only one crying? Holy shit - what a nice story. I've always liked Ryan Seacrest and this just reinforces that.

  16. @Glue I agree that it was a very Dick Clark thing that Ryan did. What a bittersweet story, Enty. Thank you for sharing it.
    I had the pleasure of meeting Dick and Kari Clark at a wedding, about 9 months before he passed away. They were both very down to earth, gracious and unassuming. It's nice to know there are kind people in the entertainment industry.

  17. This changes my whole opinion of Seacrest. Love this story. #ChooseKindness ❤️

  18. I guessed this. Nice!

  19. I may have to forgive him for the K family. This was an awesome thing to do.

  20. I always said Seacrest was a nice guy. I worked with him when he was just starting out in radio in the 1990s, and he was such a gentleman and a total professional. He was about 22 at the time and acted much older than his actual years, but a good guy.

  21. Wait, so you're discrediting Corey Feldman gut supporting Ryan Seacrest?

  22. Anonymous9:37 PM




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