Friday, January 12, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 2, 2018

Showing how much he cares for his supposed love of his life, this former A+ list tweener brought another woman with him on vacation to sleep with at night while his A-/B+ list singer girlfriend partied all night with her drugs.

Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez


  1. Presumably all of this was recorded by hillsong?

  2. Cocaine is all fun & first. Your mental health can decline rapidly when doing it on a regular basis. (Yeah, I know from experience.) Girlfriend needs to get away from JB and step away from the blow before both ruin her.

  3. @Kiki i think it's too late at this point.

  4. Time she covered some Tay-Tay: "We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Back Together"

  5. He's an idiot and so is she. Bad juju.

  6. Test driving the new kidney?

  7. Bored of them both. When they’re both irrelevant,
    I’ll be interested. Applies to Harry and Merkle too. Taylor swift. Karlie Kloss. Ryan Reynolds. Blake Lively (the irony of that name!). All boring, and vanilla AF.

  8. Are you sure this is not an invention of angry mom Mandy? Or maybe a threesome partner? Another blind says if he can't have her nobody will? Which one is it?

  9. i'm with @TwoDots, the last seven to ten years has been the same numb nuts with the occasional tv reality star idiot thrown into the mix. these people are so boring that i have a hard time getting through the reveals, bored AF.

    boring gossip is worst than no gossip, that's what will kill the gossip industry.
