Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 16, 2018

In a desperate attempt to get higher ratings for this lagging franchise, the ex-wife of an A++ lister has been offered three times the salary of anyone else in any of the cities of this franchise to join the show.

Marla Maples


  1. All they gonna do is try and trip her up into sayin something about Trump that will violate an NDA.

  2. I wish this were Celebrity Big Brother. I'd love to see what Marla Maples would say about Trump on an unedited live feed. RH is too staged.

  3. Trump's most attractive wife.

  4. Marla"i do declare, Donny has a lil.wee wee," end of show😂😂😂

    1. That's not what she said on the Daily News cover story back in the 90s....

    2. I bet she got a 'uge bonus too.

    3. Lol angry liberal

  5. Me thinks he will write her a big fat check for the same amount for her to not do it.

  6. Marla and Tif don't get very much from Rump. Surprised she isn't trying for a sugar daddy or she must think her time has past, and she's waiting for Tif to marry better than she did.

  7. "You've come a long way, bimbo"?

  8. Fun fact: I remember seeing Marla Maples at a party when I was at the University of Georgia in the '80's. She wasn't much to look at- her hair was bleached within an inch of its life, and she was heavier than she is now. But you could tell she had her eye on more for herself, even then.

  9. I just come here to watch the liberals make fun of Trump. Knowing they're so miserable brings me much joy.

    1. I'm always shocked trumpians can read and write!. You go girl!.

  10. I think Marla is waiting for Tiff to join the family, tRump business, and marry well like Ivanka, so she can live off Tiff. The thing is tRump didn't want Tiff, so doubtful she will ever work for him. Most likely she will struggle to get work in a real law firm, bc of who her daddykins is.

    Looks like Enty has a few more trolls to block again.

  11. Marla can't talk about Trump and can't remarry or she loses her $$$. What kills me is we're paying for the Secret Service to follow her around.

  12. Trump's only non-immigrant, american born wife, among the three he's had, so far. Poor Melania was at the divorce attorney when he won and she had to stay trapped with her sugar daddy from hell.
