Monday, January 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #17

July 31, 2017

From a British friend. It was so long I just left it as is. I would have made it confusing trying to summarize.

This foreign born (A list in his own country) double threat who has tried hard to become a triple threat has been married to this much younger former D-list actress for some years, and they have several children.

They met when they briefly worked together. She and her father would have you believe it was love at first sight, and that he pursued her. Not so. Right after they worked together Wife gave interviews raving about how much she liked our Actor, how hot he was, and how great he was with her son (born when she was in high school). At the same time Actor was non-exclusively dating a couple of other women and was papped taking random women back to his place for sleepovers. Wife grimly hung in there for over a year as a "friend" while Actor dated around, before finally started dating her. The casualness of the relationship didn't stop her from getting his name tattooed on her arm a few months in.

After a year of this, and coincidentally right as he was planning a solo move stateside, she announced she was pregnant. Actor spent the next 5 months "dithering" over whether to remain in the UK and commit to her and the baby, or go through with the move and financially support her to raise the baby alone. This dithering cost him the lead in an American romcom movie and almost led to his US agent dropping him. No one cared what he did in his personal life, only about the constant back-and-forth and indecisiveness. He ultimately decided on her, proposing and moving in with her shortly before she gave birth. On marrying, Wife changed her and her son's names to Actor's non-legal stage name, with him eventually also changing his name and lying in an interview that it was because SAG rules banned actors from working under anything but their legal name. He's spent much of their marriage working on projects that require 6 months+ location shoots, family remaining in London. This has caused a lot of gossip in the UK industry, and a degree of sympathy for Wife. On the other hand why keep getting pregnant when your husband takes every opportunity he can get to avoid home?

Her behaviour since has cost her a lot of that sympathy. Her acting career faded after the abrupt cancellation of her two biggest projects, and a failure to land more than walk-on roles. Five years of "writing a screenplay" resulted in nothing. Most recently she has decided to become a producer, her husband agreeing to finance and star in her best friend's screenplay to give her her first producer credit. No distributor will touch the vanity project despite the buckets of cash Actor has chucked at it. Bad luck, but if Wife wants her new career to take off she's going to have curb her behaviour.

For one thing, her obsession with what's said about them, and her hatred for his fans. Monitoring everything said about him online and on Twitter isn't enough (two people, a Radio 1 technician and an indie film director, are on the record as having been on the receiving end of her tantrums after tweeting behind the scenes photos of him without her approval). Since their marriage she's been monkeying around with a fake Twitter account, pretending to be a Wife-hater, in order to spy on other Haters. Two women who ran an anti-Wife blog found that photos of their young children were regularly taken from their locked Twitters and reposted elsewhere with vicious comments, which stopped when they blocked her.

There are three other men in the picture, Father, A, and B. Wife's father, a faded former A-lister now reduced to minor reality shows infamous for his lack of discretion, he has given intimate personal stories about their relationship to the media from the first time they met (and had tried to hook them up for a few years before this), in order to boost his and his daughter's profiles.

A is Wife's ex-partner, who raised her eldest son from infancy despite not being the biological father. That now-teenage son continues to call A "Dad" and to live with him part-time, despite Actor legally adopting him a few years ago.

B is Wife's long-time best friend and "writing partner" who for convenience sometimes stays at Wife's house when Actor is living abroad.

Actor (who is known for demanding roles for his friends, casting two of his best friends in the hit West End stage show he financed and executive produced) regularly gets both A and B small acting roles in his various projects, to the point both of them have him to thank for their careers. Odd and incestuous, or an emotionally mature act of generosity?

To further complicate matters, prior to his marriage Actor's constant companion was a female crew member who worked on several of his TV projects and accompanied him to all his interviews and red carpet events. She is openly derogatory about Wife on social media, and spent their wedding (for which she created one of her three elaborate videos homaging Actor) tweeting to ask if it was normal to not be able to stop crying hysterically at a wedding. God knows what her then-fiancé "B" (yep, the best friend and live-in "writing partner" of the wife she hates so much, who she started dating right after Actor got Wife pregnant!) made of it.

It's amusing for fans, because the two couples now regularly go on vacation together, leading to a battle of passive aggressive social media statuses. Wife spends the vacations posting about how romantic and wonderful Actor is and how great it is to be alone with him. Female Best Friend spends the vacations complaining that the entire vacation is being spent playing board games and that she is spending the evening drinking alone in her bedroom and staring at the wall to avoid another Scrabble match. Sounds romantic!

Actor is now seriously attempting another major campaign to break America, buying an LA apartment and flying over every chance he can get. Wife appears happy enough staying in London with her children, her friendship with B, and her "producing career."

Actor: David Tennant
Wife: Georgia Moffett
Father: Peter Davison
A: Adam Harvey
B: Christian Brassington


  1. Tennet does the voice of Scroge McDuck in Ducktails.

    1. Congratulations you made me Google "Scrooge McDuck David Tennant", you were serious. 😐

  2. Not a Brit, but was aware of some of this.
    Still love me some David Tennant!
    Broadchurch is fantastic

  3. Huge Tennant fan and I found all of this very entertaining. Thank you!

  4. There are some bitter David Tennant fans out there by the sound of this blind. And who the heck has the time or inclination to write an 'anti wife' blog?

    1. you're surprised some people have the time/energy to set-up "anti-wife" sites? There are people out there who not only stalk actors' wives, they keep tabs on fellow fans (for whatever imagined reason).

  5. If SAG ask actors to use only real names is David Tennant under “ David McDonald “ in US as this is his real name. ( had to use Tennant for surname in UK as McDonald was already taken )

    1. No, he legally had to change his name to Tenant

    2. Good God. Even if he's not an American citizen? So he had to get his name legally changed in his country of origin—which means everything from social security/ID Card + drivers license + passport also have to Ben changed? What a hassle! Uuuuugh.

  6. Love David Tennant in Broadchurch

  7. Normally I'd say as long as everyone is happy and consenting, who cares?

    But it sounds like at least one party in this love-quadrilateral is not...

  8. So a woman, or women old enough to have kids and who actually have kids and presumably have their own partners are so obsessed with a David Tennant that they made a blog just to hate on his wife, like they're 12 years old?

    I think that's the saddest thing about this blind - and it's got plenty of sad to go around. People with the brains of children, having children and probably ignoring them in order to hate-wank over the wife of a married man they've probably never even met.

  9. Nice to hear he at least chose to support the wife of his child, but how sad to want to trap someone who doesn't love you that way. #10 forever!

  10. Yeah this sounds more like the writer has an axe to grind against the wife than any real gossip.

  11. This is simply a fan girl's wet dream nothing more.

  12. And honestly the US version of Broadchurch was a disaster. They didn’t have the balls to go through with the original story and watered it down and the female lead sucked balls.

    If he had the right show or movie he could break the US.

  13. A lot of this is old news here. The gossip about the Tennant marriage and the 'man surprised that sex results in pregnancy' story has been doing the rounds for years. Any grown woman with children who has so much time on her hands that she starts or participates in a 'wife hating blog' deserves everything they get.

  14. I’d well believe it: Davison always comes across as a pillock.

  15. David Tennant was great as Dr Who.

  16. I don't understand the part about lying about the SAG rule that you can't work unless it's under your legal name? So is this person lying that a non-existant rule exists? Or is someone using an existing rule as an excuse when in fact it was never an issue for them/it wouldn't have mattered?

  17. I only know him from one thing: "Decoy Bride". 👰🏻

  18. "On the other hand why keep getting pregnant when your husband takes every opportunity he can get to avoid home?"

    Has David Tennant not heard of condoms or vasectomies, or does Britain not have these things? I like him quite a bit as an actor but this blind makes him sound like he's some poor soul or a martyr or something.

  19. Anonymous3:23 AM

    David Tennant was also in Jessica Jones.
    He's very well-loved over here in the UK.

  20. Awwww, what a bummer. I totally bought into the hype

  21. Sooooo, what you're saying is, there's still a chance. (#10 is my doctor)
