Monday, January 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #14 - Old Hollywood

December 10, 2017

This foreign born mostly movie actor was B+ listish. He was also closeted. He used several actresses as beards, including a bisexual Broadway star who was also A-/B+ list and considered a curse to those who slept with her. Our actor was sleeping with the closeted gay husband of the Broadway star. The closeted gay husband was an heir to millions of dollars. They arranged a lavender marriage to hide from his conservative southern family that he was gay. When the gay husband threatened to leave his wife and move in with the actor, our actress claimed she was pregnant. She wasn't. She then called up some of her mafia connections, including Bugsy Siegel, to put a hit out on her husband, who was murdered. On a side note, she then started sleeping with the younger brother of the actor. He later died of a drug overdose. As for our actor? He was killed in an accident. She was quite the curse.

Foreign born movie actor - Phillips Holmes
Broadway Star - Libby Holman
Broadway star husband - Zachary Reynolds
Younger Brother of actor - Ralph ( In the original blind, I wrote it was the younger brother of the husband which was my fault)


  1. Well see here to all the people who scream BULLSHIT! ENTY IS LYING BIG FAT LYING LIAR HA I KNEW HE WAS A FAKEY FAKE!

    here he is, saying he misspoke(wrote). He makes mistakes too. Even so, doesnt make most of his blinds untrue.

    That came out weird
    I love enty. Thats what I mean.

  2. Had to google all these ppl. Libby was beautiful when young, for her time.

  3. If she wasn't pregnant, how did she have a baby?

  4. These are so fun, having a ball reading all the Reveals. Happy New Year everyone!!

  5. I'm looking up Philip Holmes and he was born in Michigan.

  6. According to Wikipedia, Phillips Holmes was born in Grand Rapids, MI.

  7. Still a great blind.

  8. Actually she was pregnant. Their son died trying to climb Mount Whitney whenhe was 20. His name was Christopher. She also had two adopted sons.

    Her property in Stanwich (Greenwich/Stamford) was beautiful. Loaded with daffodils. She would open the estate up on one weekend in april every year so people could walk on the path and see the daffodils.

  9. According to IMDB, Phillips Holmes died in a mid-air plane crash while in the RCAF:
    Following graduation, he and six of his air craftsmen classmates were transferred but the plane carrying the men en route to their new destination (Ottawa) collided with another in Ontario killing all aboard.

    Enty is saying that was a mafia murder...?

  10. Here's another interesting fact about Libby Holman. You can call it a kindness.

    She had a head caretaker in charge of the grounds. He and his wife (who also worked for Libby) lived in a small cottage on the property, within walking distance of the house. In between the house and the cottage was a large greenhouse full of plants. They had been with her for many, many years. She grew to love them and trust them like family. Their children had been raised on the property and were given all of the opportunities that Libby Holman's children had.

    Then her son was killed trying to climb Mount Whitney. They said it was like a light had been switched off inside of her.

    Because of their close relationship with her, when she committed suicide,she took very good care of them in her will. She had it written in her will that they would be allowed to live in their cottage rent free as long as they lived. The main greenhouse that I mentioned before, that went to him to grow plants and landscape them on the property as long as he wanted to do it. She left them money also, and they never had to worry about anything for the rest of their lives.

    Oh, and Reynolds? He came from OLD money...Reynolds Tobacco Company old money.

  11. Papaya, It wasn't Holmes that was offed, it was Reynolds. In his Wiki, it says he shot himself alone in a room after a party. Easy enough to be a hit set up to look like a suicide...

  12. CT-Hilltopper, Thank you for adding this info. It shows a nicer human side to a Woman who had caused her husband to be murdered,loveless marriages to cover being gay is sad for both parties. I love the old blinds ! I love how many add interesting tidbits to the blinds.Enty,this site is terrific,very happy I found it years ago.

  13. Thanks, TerriB. Sometimes these blinds are confusing....
