Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blind Item #9

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner has been known to take PCP and run around her compound naked and screaming.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Julia Roberts has compounds in Taos,NM and Hawaii😉

    3. I like that idea. I’m buying what your selling.

  2. I hope Enty has promoted GOOP recently, she like being nekkid around the house anyway.

  3. Kathy Griffin? Oops, not an oscar winner. Meryl Streep?

    Halle Berry? God I hope not, but it would explain the random outburst and occasional run-ins with law enforcement.

  4. Charlize Theron? Cate Blanchett? Elton John?

  5. My first thought when I heard compound was Tippi Hedren, but she hasn't won an Oscar.

    Whoever it is is batshit - PCP is not a joke.

  6. Replace PCP with LSD and now we're having a good time!

  7. Shirley MacLaine

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A woman's compound is her castle. I just assume that if it's being referred to as a "compound" there are some walls, possibly a moat, the better to keep out the riff raff/save us all from having to see what happens inside. So if she wants to take pcp and run around naked and screaming (as one does), at least the rest of us don't have to see it.

  10. "Compound." As if! Some ignorant recipient of genetic blessings with piss poor impulse control and a raging ego puts up some walls and a security system and, voila, just like that, lives in a "compound." Call it what it is: Advanced law-and embarrassment-avoidance dwelling. I am so entertained by semantic gymnastics that separate and differentiate celeb conduct from regular person conduct. Like "compound" (crack house) and "yachting" (prostitution).

  11. @Amartel maybe some of us would like to see it, for varying reasons,
    depending who the actress is

  12. Angelina Jolie? This keeps her thin, too.

  13. I want to say Francis McDormand, but don't think Enty considers her permanent A list

  14. If I had a compound I would demand sloths and koalas and their trees.

  15. Brayson87 Koalas are cute but a lot of them have chlamydia.

  16. Then don't screw the koalas, and you're fine.

  17. Death by Misadventure I know it's horrible poor animals.

  18. Who the hell still takes PCP? I thought that went out of style in the 70s.

  19. PCP? Yikes, didn't realize that stuff was still around. Doesn't sound like fun though, running around screaming?!

  20. Well, this is interesting and I am curious who is it??? Every time I hear PCP all I can think of is the rapper (Andre Johnson I think) who used it and cut his penis off. Oh and Aaron Hernadez I am sure there are plenty more.

  21. This is brat pack Demi Moore, if you recall she was rushed to the ER for sniffing spice, which is a step down to PCP. http://www.alloy.com/well-being/demi-moores-spice-dumb-dangerous-legal-drug-100/

  22. Sounds therapeutic

  23. Susan Sarandon to be different lol

  24. When I was in college in DC in the height of the crack years, they used to put PCP in the shitty dime bags we bought. It was called Love Boat. Worst fucking night of my life. Never bought from a neighborhood dealer again. Horrifying.

    Kathy Fucking Bates is shit nuts. Boom.

  25. Another vote for Cher.

  26. Totally Helen Hunt. She never kicked the habit after she got hooked on it while method acting way back when.

  27. Demi Moore.

    She's previously done PCP and owns properties in Idaho. Maybe she runs around naked there? Reminds me of that pic Kutcher posted of her ironing his clothes in her bikini.

    Also, she was looking a little rough in the DM about a week ago. Very thin with glazed eyes.
