Friday, January 05, 2018

Blind Item #8

It went against everything she stood for several years ago when she first became involved with this at the time A list politician. She was married. She was a B+ list reality star. That is probably being generous. If you don't watch the show, chances are good you don't know her but you might know the last name which is why I made her B+ list. This is not about a Duggar by the way, but in some respects, I feel like they have a lot in common. She is very conservative and is young and got introduced to a married politician who is now a talking head. They started meeting for lunches when either was in the same town as the other. That soon led to hookups all over the country and a few members of the press caught wind. The next thing you know, the politician decides to retire. Our reality star left her husband for the politician and kept expecting him to reciprocate. He didn't. He kept promising he would even as they stepped up their time together. Finally, when he told her he was spending time with his wife and kids for Thanksgiving, our reality star had enough and split with him. The next thing you know, she is apparently headed back to her now former husband.


  1. A Duck Dynasty girl-Lisa Robinson?

  2. Nicole Richie/Orrin Hatch

  3. Jason Chaffetz for the pol. No clue on the female human.

  4. Nicole Richie isn't very conservative!!

  5. B+ list reality star - Lindsie Chrisley?

  6. Chaffetz could be a good fit. Huckabee? Doubt it.

  7. Rachel Campos-Duffy (Real Worlder.... Wife of a Congressman... 7? kids...)

  8. Its chaffetz and chrisley, she just got back with her ex husband this week.

  9. Jason Chaffetz is the politician.
    Not sure about the woman?

  10. Chavetz is a whore.

  11. Mike Rogers on CNN is a former congressman. Other than those already mentioned, I can't think of any other talking heads who retired from politics.

  12. Don't know what you got 'til it's gone. I will not take the Count for granted any longer.

  13. The pol is definitely Jason Chaffetz. A bunch of Capital Hill staff attorneys know about the affair too, but they didn't know who the woman was.

  14. I usually don't condone slut-shaming...But Chaffetz deserves no mercy, he's a whore!

  15. @Joel Theriot

    "Jason Chaffetz for the pol. No clue on the female human."

    LOLOLOLOL at 'female human'. im dead. ugh chaffetz is so gross, so so so gross.

  16. "nicole richie/ orrin hatch" FTW - @countjerkula

  17. Never fall in love with a politician if you can help it. I fell in love with a PM (the second time I met him—strangely I didn't feel a thing teh first time we met). I was head over heals for him. And then I realised he was a jerk. He's charming and I can see how he got where he is now (he knows how to get what he wants, for sure). But nothing will ever make me believe he's a good human being. EVER.

    He could literally save my life and I'll just think he's only doing it because there's something in it for him if he does.

    And then there's the part where he conservative and used the term "voodoo" as a deragotary term (it's an actual system of belief/religion in parts of Africa/the Caribbean). What a bigot...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The only "politician" I will ever trust is my late grandfather—and taht doesn't even really count because he was a village head for life non-elected (and my grandmother who was in the party's women's chapter).
