Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blind Item #8

So our favorite former A list teen actor who we will call A has a good friend who is a B- list do anything actor who is a celebrity offspring of a celebrity offspring and was given an important role in a movie which is supposed to highlight what our teen actor has gone through in his life. We shall call this double celebrity offspring B.

B is really feeling the heat from the public this week. It turns out that someone (C)  accused of doing something awful to A's best friend back in the day is buddy buddy with B. That has to be awkward. "You know A, I know that C made your life miserable and raped your friend, but I'm friends with him."

To make things worse, B and C have been spotted flashing the same sign that A and his best friend used to do back in the day.

C was the person who revealed his friendship with B. Is it for publicity? Probably. Did A have a part in it? Who knows at this point because A gets more shady by the day. C is a convicted rapist who has been publicly exposed in the past. My best guess is that C is calling out the crap that A is spinning and that B is in on it. I think A needs to watch what he does very carefully. People are learning he is not who he seems but just a guy out to make a buck. Maybe that is why all his recent co-workers in that musical project have been speaking out.


  1. Feldman and Charlie Sheen forA and C

  2. Feldman-A/Sheen-C and

  3. Is Sheen a convicted rapist though? I know he’s been accused but the blind says convicted. If he hasn’t been convicted, Sheen can’t be C. Maybe Dominick?

  4. A is Feldman, C is Marty Weiss, I think. This has been all over the twitter of the documentary An Open Secret. Something about Weiss hanging out on set during the filming of the Tale of Two Corey's movie.

  5. Ooh I know this one! Feldman, Keith Coogan, and Marty Weiss.

    1. Coogan played Weiss in the Two Coreys movie.

  6. Charlie has had a lot of battery charges brought up against him though.

  7. But wait.. A who you are guessing (and who i guessed as Feldman) has a musical project with recent co-workers speaking out? What musical project does he have other than his band thing
    This one lost me in the last paragraph.

  8. Keith Coogan is giving me the creeps lately.
    I wonder what his old costar Anthony Rapp has to say about all this?

  9. +1 @vanessa cole - Feldman/Coogan/Weiss

  10. One of the "Angels" in Feldman's band spoke out today about an issue with him recently.

  11. This makes me sad. Corey is an opportunist, he learned his game from the best, those who abused him. I believe he is a product of his environment, but there comes a time after decades when he should crossover from victim to survivor for his own wellbeing and personal growth. It's well past the sh*t or get off the pot, either make one last money grab from those he still can and live out his days or tell-all, I mean ALL and be the true advocate he's been claiming to be. I really wish he could get together with others and create a 501c3, he can even get a salary for all I care, but his message needs to be more inclusive and not so me. IDK, end rambling rant.

  12. I doubt she will ever speak about it on her podcast with Suzanne Whang but would LOVE to hear what Vanessa Marcil has to say about Corey Feldman and the time they were married. They were both very young and married from 89-93.

  13. Small aside: Vanessa Marcil just announced yesterday she's preggers @ 49 years of age.

  14. howdy!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Corey Feldman has had many many many many many...opportunities to come clean and share what he knows, but he never has, and I don't believe he ever will. Someone has something on him. I suspect that Feldman was the person used to bring other kids into this pedo ring. I think he was paid to do it, or received perks in some way, and that's what is being used to make sure that the people he names are either small and insignificant people or dead people. He's been trotting out Corey Haim's ghost for years, and using their friendship to remain relevant. To me, Feldman is as much of a dirtbag as Charlie Sheen.

  17. @CT: I've thought the same thing. He knows ALOT and was/is still involved. He learned "the business" and has to survive financially somehow cuz how else is he going to make $$$$. It's his "hussle", unfortunately.

  18. Feldman,Coogan and Chi-Mo Weiss, as the child molester. Sad that these associations are so deep. They don’t boad well for making a sincere attempt to advocate for survivors or future victims who some claim to defend. Very disturbing indeed to see these antics on instagram and no response from Mr. F to answer questions. Mama Haim is bitter about her sons friend introducing him to these criminals and livid that he is at this point still hanging out with these creeps and hiding it. Sad for their trauma but as an adult whose publicly promoting changes in laws to protect kids this is discrediting the lip service.

  19. Did you guys get to see the movie itselt? "The tale of two Coreys"? I have to say, I was going to watch it just like any other bad movie: to make fun of it "The Room" style. But then I noticed a few things and just couldn`t look at it again in any other way: He made Corey Haim look SO BAD. I mean THE WORST. IT was like "I have these amazing parents and great family, But I still choose to do drugs and get raped". That was the "vibe" of the movie. He made it seem almost like Haim Liked it? And did it every time he got the chance?
    Also the part about everybody liking his dance moves...SHUT the F*** up! Everyone made fun of him even back them. Pepole came out about this.
    After watching it and just all the things coming out lately, about the girls not being paid and him being just a garbage person to them, I have to say : The Guy is a Sneaky Snake and shady AF. At this point I don`t believe a WORD comming out of his mouth!

  20. CT-Hilltopper

    I think you probably hit the nail right on the head. One thing that always bothered me about Feldman was his creepy relationship with Michael Jackson, and his denials that Jackson was a pedophile.

  21. In what world is Keith Coogan B-List?

  22. "Flexible Funding Feldman"

    - Mersh (From ROTC)

  23. There are so many layers of badness to Corey Feldman I can't even start, but his protection of Michael Jackson and Steven Spielberg, at this moment in time, when he could be declaring them for what they really are, makes him irredeemable in my eyes.

  24. Tinydancer61: this article says it all about who Corey Feldman really is:

  25. Can I just point out that many, many, many women have had the chance to come out too but haven't... It's not that clean cut.

    We can see by this blind that OP knows just about as much as we do and there are biases that will steer you in one way or the other.

    I doubt Feldman has that big name producer ready but he is like the Obi-Wan Kanobi (not Polanski fanboy Ewan) of shining the light on child abuse.

  26. Anonymous2:16 AM

    @No Fucking Clue B- in the nebulous world stuck in the late 80s/early 90s. Planet Bayside High?



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