Monday, January 29, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Grammy Awards

This permanent A list singer said, "Don't talk to me for the rest of the night. You are awful. Now hold my hand and smile." Apparently the argument that preceded it with her A list husband is the reason they were late to the show.


  1. Hold on Entern!! When did you demote Jay to A list from Permanent A or/and A+??

  2. Go Awayyyyyy! So tired of them.

  3. So obvious from the look on jay and beys face at the ceremony! And the fact that he didn’t win a single award after all of those nominations was just the icing on the cake lol

  4. What was the argument about? did she catch him texting one of his side chicks?

  5. Can't stand either one of them, and it's gonna look like their kid is going to be kinda unlikeable too. Already in that Jaden Smith territory, with her baby-bitch-resting face and diva allures.

    1. 😂No she’s not entitled -at all:) I read that the tooth fairy only leaves her 1500/per tooth:(

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Lmfao! Classic!

  6. Tricia, that cheap bitch ;)

  7. I wish Bey would just leave him! Shit is about to hit the fan for him, legally speaking.

  8. Kinda explains why B. Ivy was doing the “calm down” hand thing, sitting between them during awards.

  9. Couple fight. Eh. Glad to see these crummy awards lost big last night.

  10. That hair of his kills me. I didn’t think it was possible for him to look uglier.

    1. I thought he looks better with hair. Not so turtle-like.

  11. Jay gets demoted when he can't even win a Grammy.

  12. Oh but yahoo had such a great article this morning on how great they are and how she kissed him but was fly enough to wipe off her gloss from his face. True love So This can’t be true. Lol. I hate yahoo and Beyoncé and jayz.

  13. As plenty have said before, jay-bey is a business arrangement.

  14. I loooooved that he didn’t win one award. I’m so sick of them.

  15. Isn't he usually referred to as a rapper/mogul?

  16. Do we know that they were late? Also tired of them and their fake bs

  17. Meh married couple shit

  18. Bey isn't permanent. Atleast not in my book.

  19. @Gossipjunkie

    :) yep!

    jay/bey who else!

    girl has zero self-respect, whatever. gonna be tough though when their daughter realizes what Jay and his hundreds of sidechicks are all about.

  20. Two of the most over-rated "artists" around. A couple decent dance tracks, but not "edgy," not "dangerous," not "street."

    They are concocted celebutantes and their time is up. Jay's 4:44 tour bombed and album didn't do much better sales or artistically. Get off the stage, go away.

    1. Surely you're being ironic, right? You must be joking?

      Since when do African-American artists have to be "street"? Should I have to be "exotic" just because I'm Asian too?

  21. Jay-Z was a really really amazing rapper back in the day. His producing skills, he learned from Jermaine Dupri, are unbelievable, too.

    His slow decline started with this relationship to Miss Beauty Pageant Extraordinaire. The relationship might have had its moments of genuine affection (I saw some underground clip, filmed in her dressing room, where their feelings seemed very real to me) but mostly it's been about business for both of them. Bey's Toddlers and Tiara's esthetic have ground his musical stylings into sub-par pop (I mean really, that NY song? it was merely a shadow of what Jay once was capable of and became tiring quickly.)

    Too bad he chose a Barbie Doll for a wife and collaborator. If left on his own, he could have done amazing things with Rihanna and Rita Ora but all that was cut off from him. His quest to look "decent" and "wholesome" with Bey really make me wince.

    The rap he could still be writing it he hadn't tried to be a respectable married mogul...smh.

  22. They are late to every show. They do it on purpose, more devoted camera time

  23. Eh, real couples fight, the ones that don't are creepy.

    1. Thanks! That's really cool advice! 💛

  24. I'm predicting with my nonexistent psychic ability that they will be together for life and will have one more kiddo. I feel jay genuinely loves Bey and would be devestated to lose her. I know people laugh at his attempts to decode his toxic masculinity brainwashing and get therapy but at least he seems to be trying? Many marriages can survive infidelity if both partners are willing to forgive and work with a therapist. I tend to think she's bi and is open to sharing with him and only gets pissed when he goes off on his own. Solange going at him in the elevator indicated that there are real feelings there and obvious passion. Otherwise they'd be like the beckhams or the trumps who live completely separate lives and have zero passion left because they are relegated to only being for a brand. Bey/jay are a brand but I'll go way against the tide and say the love/passion/ hate is very real. I wish them luck. Marriage is a difficult thing to get right.

  25. @Halloweenie

    It wouldn't be the first time the want for a normal, stable, healthy life and relationship has destroyed the powerful output of an artist.

    I like your counter to my cynicism vis a vis Jay and Bey and hope you are right!

    1. LOL. Sad but true. Reminds me of that time I heard someone was advocating this idea taht you "don't need to be a tortured artist" to create good output (all the while the person couldn't stop reminding people what a miserable life he's had—when he's quite the bully himself). I thought it was the most pretentious thing in the world...

      Personally, my butthurts make for my funniest material. But as soon as I'm triggered to be in that state of anger itself, I can't write anything. I find it very strange! 🤷🏻‍♀️

  26. @Plot: Very well laid out!

  27. I've watched several interviews with JayZ from the past couple of days and they are literally cringe worthy. He throws a lot of 1-syllable words out there and talks in a circle without answering the question. Although, when asked about his infidelity he said "You got to get on the mattress..." then, I admit, I was too busy thinking did he say that? did he mean that? and I don't know what he said after that. His words along with his speaking voice left me confused and unable to focus on what he was really saying. So, I got nuthin' but "got to get on the mattress"....

  28. Bey really needs to eave Jay Z. Damn, imagine if he would've won. Beehive wouldn't be happy AT ALL.

  29. Maybe that's why Blue Ivy was apparently telling them to be quiet at one point. If they were arguing about who has the highest pitch voice, clearly it's Jay..

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  32. How does anyone know what was said?
