Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Do You Know My Daughter

I have written here before about some fathers who have taken advantage of women that have worked for their daughters and hooked up with backup dancers and singers. This is the first time I can remember the father of an actress using the name of the actress as a pickup line. Sure, Pimpa Joe uses the fame of his daughters to find "models" to photograph, but this is different.The actress in question is currently A- list mostly movies. She has been A+ list in the past. She used to be in the tabloids every week. The pickup line of the father to women is that he is the dad of the actress. He promises all kinds of Hollywood parties and introduction to people who can get the women into the business or parts or management or an agent. He just strings them along for years while he uses them for sex. He has a string of women and will often call them out of the blue to tell them he has an audition for them but they need to come over to his place or he needs to go to theirs and they have to have sex as a condition to the part. The next day he will say the part went away because they decided not to make the movie but he is fighting for them.


  1. Voight, angelina'dad

  2. LiLo's dad? He's always been a dick.

  3. Michael Lohan. My sister went to one of his parties in Boca Raton once. He has a "rehab" facility down there and just preys on the girls.

    1. When I lived in Boca Raton. I was 20 at the time but I was often mistaken for being much younger. I remember this creepy prevy guy at Starbucks hitting on me and asking me if I like to party. I completely shut him down. He replied with something like that's good have you ever considered modeling your beautiful I have connections etc I said no I'm not interested but thanks and got out of there. 2 years later when I was standing in line at the grocery store that guy was on the cover of 1 of those tabloids and that's when I realized that was the creepy try to hard guy hitting on me.

  4. It says "daughters" Angelina doesn't have any sisters.

    1. @bitchboy9000 - "daughters" is a reference to Joe Simpson.

  5. Jon Voight is the first person that came to mind. Younger people do not know who he is but they know Angelina. I haven't read the tabloids in a while so the other guesses are going to be interesting.

    1. She’s still in the tabloids...

    2. @Tricia13. Thank you for your kind reply. I saw that Enty wrote the actress used to be in every week as she may or may not be in them periodically. I get Us Weakly and Sheople for free. I did not consider them because I know most of the stories are planted by the PR team. If it is not John Voight/Angelina, perhaps the woman is a singer or television actress?

    3. Hi@T.W. And rosie :)
      I have no actual idea -it sounds made up..., but very bonow Jon Voight(better or worse) and he is simply tonokd to be shagging girls senseless for the last few years...Even Viagara has its limits 😉

    4. @RosieRiveter and Tricia13 Thank you for all you do here.

  6. I'd say Michael Lohan, but the actress is supposed to currently be A-

  7. I agree with Lohan but sadly I'd rank Lindsay as B list at this point.

  8. I want to say Michael Lohan. Seems like something he would do. Voight is known well enough not to name drop Jolie

    1. He is creepy, met him several times at kids school as I’ve said here... but no way is Lilo currently am A list actress

  9. Kate Hudson’s Father....estranged father,Bill Hudson

    1. Bite yur tongue Tricia! My 12 year old self refuses to believe any of the Hudson Brothers would behave this way.

    2. It’s probably not right lol... just know that dude is creepy and I believe she doesn’t speak to him (understandably )— I missed the Hudson bros thing but love the 70s music scene (Think he was part of?$ I always say soft or glam rock 70s is my happy place:)

  10. @T.W. oooo u right!!

    1. @bitchbiy9000 - Enty speak can be confusing. Not only that the blinds from years back have multiple typos.

  11. It's so random but my first thought was Jennifer Aniston. A- now mostly movies but previously A+, used to be in the tabloids every week. IDK if her Dad is a total creep or not though.

    1. @Melissa LaRue. I have never heard anything bad about John Aniston. Days of Our Lives and his character are popular. If he wanted to cheat there are hundreds of willing women.

      On the other hand, he could have a good PR team...

  12. Probably Voight. ugh.

  13. I get a total Kate Hudson's dad vibe from this. She was tabloid fodder for years. Although her status may have diminished from that of A-anything.

  14. Could "Pimpa Joe" and "daughters" be any more obvious? In fact, it seems SO obvious that I almost wonder if it's not Joe Simpson and Jessica/Ashley Simpson. Only question about it is what's up with all those gay rumors then. Maybe Joe will screw anything? Including his daughters? He definitely loved talking about Jessica's spectacular body. He's repulsive.

  15. I believe there was a blind at the Globes, indicating Voight dropped AJs name to pick up a woman, so I would go with him again, based on the guesses on that previous blind.

  16. @DDOnna Its not Joe Simpson because he's known to do this. This is someone else LIKE Joe SImpson

  17. As if we couldn't guess this, he threw a clue in at the end: "fighting for them". As in "The Champ".

  18. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Why would Jon Voight need to name-drop his daughter? He has connections without her.

  19. Voight does not need to drop names.

  20. Because Jon Voight is 80 or getting there and he likes very young women. Anything he can use to grease the wheels, he will use.

  21. It’s a father who has more than one daughter. Doesn’t that rule out Voight?

  22. It doesn't say it's a father who has more than one daughter.

    Pimpa Joe uses the fame of Asslee and Jess to find "models" to photograph, but THIS ISN'T HIM.

    Also I wouldn't call Angie anything less than A+. Probably perm A list at this point given her beauty, her exes, tabloid interest in the kids, etc. Modern Liz Taylor.

  23. Re: Jennifer Anniston's guess. John Anniston has been on Days of Our Lives for decades and currently does all of his scenes seated as he's not been in the most fabulous of health.

  24. @dix, it doesn't say he is the father of more than one daughter.

    "The pickup line of the father to women is that he is the dad of the actress//"

    It's awkwardly worded, but it's talking about the pickup line he uses on women.


  25. Tricia said Bill Hudson.


    1. The sad thing is Bill couldn't even get a call back from Kate let alone use her influence to get work for some rando. Kate has enough trouble getting work herself.

  26. Ahhhhh.....I misunderstood. "Pimpa Joe" is a given ALREADY, and this new guy is like him but different/worse. Thank you, all.

  27. jon voight is a creep but i don't think this is him. he wouldn't need to use angie as his hook---he's fucking jon voight. he's an A list actor himself. he won an oscar for 'coming home'. he was great in 'midnight cowboy' which was a groundbreaking movie at the time. he stole the show in 'ray donovan' even this late in his life---still a great actor.

    the guy in the blind is just the father of a movie star---not one himself.

    1. plus he is on the showtime show

  28. Jessica Simpson's dad, Joe?

  29. Bill Hudson could fit, but if you watch Ray Donovan, Mickey Donovan immediately comes to mind...so I vote Jon Voight. Enty has mentione dint he past that he likes them barely legal. An 18-20 has no clue who he is & definitely wouldn't want to fuck Voight, so this is probably the only way he gets them.

  30. @Nancer Voight hasn't been relevant in 40 years. No way he's picking up anybody based on his name alone.

  31. Jessica Simpson's father?
