Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blind Item #7 - Banned

This former A+ list mostly movie actor was once the most well known actor on the planet. I feel like he has basically looked the same throughout his three plus decades of acting. He has long had some crazy rumors written about him. I mean crazy. Probably the craziest rumor you ever heard about a celebrity when you were growing up. I'm sure someone in the comments will know what it was. Anyway, our actor has been banned from a country he has visited dozens of times because there have been multiple complaints that on his visits he has molested and/or raped many of the young girls/tweens who are the household staff. Several have become pregnant and others have been traumatized. Even though, they don't really have a voice in that society, there were enough complaints from them and their family to have something done about the actor. He has some very powerful friends in that country, including ones known all over the world. At least one of those friends is in the top 10 richest people in the world who has been known to do the same thing to his household staff. The thing is, he just kills them if they complain and nothing is done. The government is in his pocket. 


  1. Replies
    1. +1000000000 Richard Gere

    2. By line 2 I was on the gerbil train. I’ve started to norm watched movies produced/directed/written/acted by named abusers. Clearly he’s getting added to the list but it’s made finding good movies to watch (which was already hard) much harder

  2. +1 for Gere & Tibet?

  3. Richard 'that Gerbil guy' Gere

  4. I don't picture Richard Gere being a bad person. Isn't he a Buddhist? Are they allowed to rape people?

  5. Gere was everywhere during his “Pretty Woman” days. A friend was doing a world trip that year and said “Pretty Woman” basically followed him around the planet.

  6. I thought Richard Gere too, but it seems almost impossible based on what we see of his personality. But plenty of freaks have fooled me before so who knows.

  7. @Jon, double-check on what the Buddhists are up to in Burma at the moment. No bueno.

    1. No long would you sit there being attacked..if Buddists are attacking you,you might ne doing something wrong.Holy fuck the bottomless stupidity just continue s to astound me.what next? Amish attacked 300000 times by muslims/finally decide to counterattacck..OMG THE
      AMISH Is BLOoDTHIRSTY!!!you ppl are idiots and a danger to the usas

  8. Who is his friend?

  9. Bloody hell! Richard Gere is supposed to be a crazed rapist, who gets raped girls killed, or is friends with those who get them killed, in Tibet supposedly?
    The pious buddhist who's glued to the Dalai Lama? My mind has been blown.

    Would somebody just please burn Hollywood to the ground so we can start fresh?

  10. Larry Ellison for good friend of Richard Gere?

  11. For years, the story was that Gere was gay, and that his marriage to Cindy Crawford was a mutual bearding relationship.

  12. Just be because someone is a Buddhist doesn't mean it they won't/don't do terrible things. For instance:

  13. Ellison is another Buddhist and Oracle is the software much of the government uses.

  14. So this would really be about being banned from China (Tibet is not an independent nation), with rich, powerful Chinese people being the friends.

  15. I remember there was another big blind about Richard Gere. That is sooo weird, I'd never guess that he's so twisted.

  16. At first, the first sentence made me think Tom Cruise.

    Then, when you reach, "Probably the craziest rumor you ever heard about a celebrity when you were growing up." made me think -- just as the rest -- Richard Gere.

    But which country is this -- if Richard Gere?


    Then, again " 10 richest people in the world..." made me think James Packard.

    Whoever this is, they should be castrated.

  17. And don't forget that Steven Seagal is a Buddhist. Another shining example of a hypocrite.
    + 1 on Gere

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      He was my First thought...

  18. Oh god, the gerbil thing. Does anyone know if that rumor was actually true? Ughhh.

    Couldn't it possibly also be possibly some Latin american countries?

  19. Richard Gere/Tibet

  20. The gerbil rumor was a rumor. Stallone claimed to have started it.

    1. Stallone must have got it in Philly, where the Rocky movies were shot, as it was circulating about local announcer Jerry Penacoli. Had his own jingle.

    2. The Incident is still referred to in Philly and it was about 30 yrs ago:D


  21. Just as an alternate guess ... would Tom Cruise fit? been acting for 3 decades, appearance hasn't changed much ...

  22. There was some shady shit about Gere in that Joe Eszterhas book, wasn't there?

  23. I certainly hope the gerbil rumors are NOT true, for the gerbils' sakes :-(

  24. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I’m going with James Franco.

    Not because he fits, but if I guess James Franco on every blind today I’ll bat about .800.

  25. I think asking if Buddhist are allowed to rape is similar to asking if Catholic priests are allowed to molest young boys! :o

  26. Gere is banned from India. Dalai Lama lives there.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      That s the one. India

  27. Richard Gere has been banned from China basically for a speech he made in 1993 at the Academy awards. ( i had never heard he was banned for molesting or raping). I hate thinking bad things about him. But I have seen the rumors about him for years.

  28. Not surprising, previous blinds about him being an utter scumbag. Cindy apparently, despite prefering females, helped provide willing young models. Himmmm called her out in the past.

  29. I just can't picture Gere having anyone killed. That is something out of the Steven Seagal playbook.

  30. I think one of the blinds stated he used the gay rumors to get the trust of young girls,that they felt safe undressing in front of him and posing in suggestive ways.

  31. If it's India then Larry Ellison makes sense as the rich guy. Oracle is deeply rooted in India. 75% of their management is in India.

  32. No one has ever said Richard Gere is a Choir Boy.

  33. This isnt Gere. This is someone who hasn’t aged much, Gere looks old as fuck nowadays 😂 Tom Cruise fits way better including the crazy rumour bit of which there are many,like when he was married to mimi rogers and felt it was important to refrain from sex and thats why the divorce. Gay rumours as well but mostly the freaky Xenu related crap.

  34. I thought Gere at first, too, but Karen Walker is right. He has definitely aged during the past 30 years.

  35. Yeah, that's the confusing part. The description is perfect for Cruise, off for Gere. But the story itself seems completely unbelievable as Cruise.

  36. I disagree -- Gere's hair color's changed but his face is the same. The crazy rumor is from the past, when you young folk were growing up, as was the height of his fame. That, and touching girls don't go with Cruise.

  37. Alec Baldwin?


  38. For a second time somone has made an assumption that im a young person, its weird how comments can age us lol. Im solidly generation x fyi :) there are photos of me in tiny little cord flares 😍 but yeah still don’t think this is Gere. Also Larry Ellison is friends with a lot of people, his guest lists are kind of epic.

  39. Oh also, when i was 12 or 13 and the Andy warhol diaries were published (our household had a copy) there was a TON of stuff about Gere, lots of dqilt observqtional goings on including some amused comments about the gerbil rumours. He used to holiday a lot on Fire Island, but Fire Island had a hugely eclectic community, not just gay men (Donna Karan had a holiday house there for years) and he was most often there with his gf Silvana.

  40. The first part sounds like Richard Gere, but just having people KILLED silly nilly? I simply cannot see it.

    1. I read it as the rich friend has the people (household staff) killed, not the actor.

  41. @Rock the Catwalk, thank you!

    I also thought Richard Gere b/c of the crazy gerbil rumor, but he's not banned in India. The arrest warrant was suspended:

    Given the things Gere has said about the government & ruling class in China, I doubt he has a buddy there.

    According to Time/Money, the only foreign-born people on the top 10 richest list are Amancio Ortega (Spain), Carlos Slim (Mexico) and Bernard Arnault (France).

  42. Unless the A+ actor is banned from the US, it's not Larry Ellison.

    @Newbomb - fact checking your statement. Safra Catz said 75% of their mgmt is FROM India, only 30% of their global employees are IN India.

  43. Yes, it doesn't say the actor has people killed to shut them up. If he did, they wouldn't have been able to raise the fuss to get him banned. It's his top-10-wealthiest friend who has staff killed when they refuse him.

    I think some of these major celebrities get used to the fact that things simply get taken care of for them. If they make a mess, someone comes along and cleans up after. They don't have to order hits themselves, and they may or may not even know it happened. If a celeb goes overseas and molests his host's staff, and they complain to the host after he's gone, odds are the celeb will never hear about it, unless the host wants to blackmail him later.

  44. Same @Vanessa Cole. It's the rich friend who has people killed. I am going with Richard Gere based on the rumor tidbit.

  45. Even I could pick Gere for this one (no clue about the rest). That gerbil story is still repeated around the country and everyone claims to "know" a person who "was working in the ER that night and saw the whole thing" so I take it with a grain of salt.

  46. Agreed Cail, was coming here to say that the person dong the killing is said to be the rich friend.

  47. Only problem with Gere is that he was never at any point "the most well-known actor on the planet". That would have been Cruise, Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy, Julia Roberts, but never him.

  48. American Gigolo was huge for Gere; I was young (18) but every girl or woman I knew was absolutely crazy about him. Cruise and Arnold were not yet super popular; Eddie Murphy was primarily SNL for a long time (with a couple of hit movies tossed in).

  49. This story is complete bullshit. It's supposed to be Richard Gere and it's baloney. I feel like, ever since the Harvey Weinstein expose, the site has gotten more and more determined to thrill its' audience with extreme gossip (murder, sex trafficking and illuminati puppet masters). Yes the truth is stranger than fiction and the world is full of some fucked up goings on, but I'm begining to think Enty isn't privy to much more than table scraps. This one feels like it falls under the umbrella of "for entertainment purposes".

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. People question if it's Richard Gere because he's a Buddhist? So is Steven Seagal, folks.

  52. It's not Gere. He has no foreign connections that powerful.

    Who is connected to the Royal House of Saud? That's where the thousands of wealthy princes simply kill their inconvenient household help.

  53. It sure sounds like Richard Gere but it makes me sad if he's a molester

  54. Richard Gere is astoundingly arrogant d/t his Buddhism (he sees himself as holier than anyone else other than the Dalai Lama.) Therefore, in his own mind, he can do no wrong, and that includes raping children.

  55. holy cow....this is definitely richard gere. I just googled 'richard gere india' - I had no idea he was so often involved in india. also googled him 2017/2018 and to a degree, he looks exactly the same except a bit more 'weathered'

    the crazy rumor HAS to be the gerbil thing.

    what Im confused about is that this implies Gere has raped/impregnated young girls/tweens and has been banned in india bc of it. but then the next part goes like this:

    "He [Gere] has some very powerful friends in that country [does the Dalai lama live in India?], including ones known all over the world. At least one of those friends (Mukesh Ambani??) is in the top 10 richest people in the world who has been known to do the same thing to his household staff. The thing is, he just kills them if they complain and nothing is done. The government is in his pocket [so Mukesh/Indian guy kills them? cause that means Gere doesn't kill them he just rapes/impregnates them - not that thats not horrific, but jesus christ at least he doesnt kill them...ugh, the bar is so so low. f this world)

    Mukesh thought isnt in the top 10 richest people in the world. All of the top 10 richest men in the world are white except for carlos slim. $38 billion not so much for the top 10

  56. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Gere did a movie in China called Red Corner.

    He has worked with the Bill Gate's foundation.

  57. but he IS the richest man in India, which has a billion friggin people

  58. Larry Ellison still seems like the best fit for his friend to me. On the top 10 richest list, does a ton of business in India, Buddhist, notorious playboy, big friends in government since Oracle basically runs the U.S. government computers.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. The gerbil thing is hilarious. Back in the 70s, it was rumored to have happened to Gere, Travolta, and Jerry Pennacoli (does anyone remember him? He was a news guy in Philly back then.)

    That was the urban legend that got applied to anyone and everyone.

  61. Sean Penn/Haiti?

  62. Richard Gere, his wealthy friend is the one who would have his staff killed if they complained. There was a previous blind explaining how Gere travels under the guise of charity work and then preys on his victims

  63. Wow, we American's have a really bad grasp of geography and world politics. The blind could refer to Dharmsala India. The North East of Jammnu and Kashmir contains a Buddhist area, and so does the state of Arunachalem Pradesh.The Dalia Lama lives in India and the Government in Exile of Tibet is located there, as well. Gere was there often. The Congress government of Sonia Gandhi was one of the most corrupt ever scene there. Also more curious about his Indian contacts when there.

    I am not sure this is Gere for the blind, not my area. However, he has been in India often.

  64. Sylvester Stallone or Nicholas Cage

  65. the whole gerbil thing about Gere was started by Sylvester Stallone when they worked together in the movie Lords of Flatbush. They didn't get along, go into a fight and Gere got fired. Stallone started manufacturing some nasty gossip about Gere. Stallone is a world-class asshole. Cindi Crawford confirmed the rumors about Gere were lies. She claimed he is one of the nicest people you could ever meet.

  66. Still, because of some movies he was in, Gere is permanently banned from China. But he was never the most well-known actor on the planet. So I don't think it is him.
    The only other person I can think of the is known around the world and has kept his looks for the last 30 years is Brad Pitt. I hope it's not him either. But after the last few months, I'm no longer surprised by anything.

  67. This is an amazing story. I think people jump to Richard Gere because of the gerbil rumor and that he looks so great for his age (IMO). I just can't imagine him, or certainly the Dalai Lama involved in anything like this. Note that the blind says that the FRIEND has the girls killed and has big influence in govt - NOT the actor who's been banned. Considering the behavior towards women and the richest men in the world, I'm wondering if the country is either Mexico (someone like Carlos Slim) or the Arabic countries, like Saudi Arabia itself. Is there any actor out there for 30 years or so who might fit in with visiting those countries and having a very high level friend in those countries? I also note the phrase mostly movie actor....has Gere ever done TV, I can't think of any.

  68. Violet and dish.girl ... I'm from Philly so absolutely remember Jerry Penacoli and those same rumors about him.

  69. The Gerbil in the butt story was found out, by the person who started the rumor. It came from a crew member working on one of his movies. He thought Richard Gere was the biggest A hole and walked around like everyone was supposed to worship him. This particular crew member couldn't stand him...and one day Richard walked by him...the guy said to a few crew members, he walks around like he has a gerbil up his butt. They all started laughing. Next thing you know...the game of telephone among crew members...and the real story turned into a false one. The end result was the story everyone hears about today.

  70. Gere has steadily aged for decades, including his face. He was never the most famous actor on the planet either. Tom Cruise was, though.
    Every relationship Cruise has had in his life has been "off" and he's a Scientologist. I'm not sure if Scientologists kill people, but they definitely use people and torture them.

    And speaking of Scientologists.... how about John Travolta for this?

  71. Anonymous2:28 AM

    To this day the gerbil story was the craziest rumor I have ever heard. So if this is not Gere, the hyperbolic clue might need to be altered.



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