Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Blind Item #6

This first season winner of a reality show has always made more money from yachting than any kind of entertainment work. The thing is though, she provides a different kind of experience to a different kind of crowd. Pamela Anderson also tried to work that crowd, but never fully committed to the lifestyle. 


  1. Adrianne Curry, ANTM

    BSDM, I guess. She strikes me as a dominatrix type. No pun intended.

    1. Curry is fierce handy with a bullwhip, that’s for sure:

  2. Agree with everything, @Sara.

  3. I'm old enough that "first season winner of a reality show" to me means Richard Hatch. Probably not him.

    1. That's ok... I was like 'ohhh a Kelly Clarkson blind' but then I got to the end and said 'nope!'

  4. I hear you can make a pretty penny doing this.

  5. Yes!! Totally Adrienne Curry. I don't know the crowd though, but she seems willing to do anything. :/

  6. My first guess was Adrienne Curry. She’s a favorite at San Diego Comic Con. She tapped into the comic nerd crowd early on before it became the cool thing to do. How can we forget that one year she got kicked out for her risqué cosplay. She never made that mistake again.

  7. Some one plz enlighten me what “yachting” is? Yes, I’ve googled it, but still not clear what enty is referring to.

  8. @Perfumista

    The world's oldest profession, on a boat.

  9. @samechick. Thanks. I figured it was that kind of work, just didn’t know it was literally on a yacht. Lol.

  10. As someone who has followed Adrianne Curry on Social Media for years I can't imagine this is her. Maybe 5-10 years ago but def not over the last few years.

  11. No way is this Adrianne

  12. Well, it isn't Kelly Clarkson unless she pulls in REALLY big bucks as a yachter. Adrianne sounds good but I will throw out Bianca Ryan to be different.

  13. Good on her, I'd rather whip old withered asses than suck dirty old dicks. Smart girl.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣good one cat lady

    2. Yasssss, Cat Lady!

    3. 😂🤣😂🤣😂 totally with you on that

    4. Whipping ass is empowering...great for unexpressed anger.

  14. Isn't K. Clarkson a little large for a bikini or other yachting attire?

  15. Adrienne Curry she definitely acts like a Dom from what I remember. I think she had a cat of nine tails and some shiny black outfits on some reality show maybe the one with the Brady boy?

  16. Ugh, I really did not need to read this. Bringing up Adrienne brings up bad memories for me. She dated my ex for a few years. She then discovered he was gay and kicked him to the curb. I was with him for about 5 years and thought at times it could be true (bi, far-far more than gay), asked him, but of course he said no. Future forward, I find out that he was dating her by seeing them ON TV (shocked me hearing his voice), talking about how great their sex life was. Typical Curry talk. I was going to warn her about him (other things), I left a short tweet on her Twitter, very short. Told her to contact me. Don't know if she ever saw my tweet, but he did and blocked me (even though my name is not on my Twitter handle).

    I have no idea if she's into anything special, but a guess would also be BDSM. Her boyfriend (now) is super hot and seemingly sweet so it's sad if this is the route she's chosen to take.

  17. I've been lurking since the Harvey stuff started coming out and it's my first time posting! I'm going to agree with Adrianne Curry. I can see her being into BDSM/nerd roleplay. She did also get her boobs done and she was in Playboy twice on top of her stints on reality TV so surely she fetched a pretty penny. I doubt she's doing that these days but it wouldn't surprise me either.
