Sunday, January 28, 2018

Blind Item #6

This foreign born permanent A list celebrity who is known in every corner of the world is becoming much more open about the woman he is seeing who is not his wife. What used to be a few furtive hours here and there is turning into much more. So far, his foreign born A- list celebrity wife seems content to stay married.


  1. I hope it's Bonny Prince Charlie and Camilla the cow.

    1. LOL wouldn’t that be justice

  2. If it is the Beckhams, they're a brand. The brand comes before anything by the sounds of it.

  3. I'd take Camilla over the dud Charles any day. He is such a jackass, while she at least has a sense of humor. She keeps her own house so she can get away from him now and then.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      She is disgusting

  4. Beckham's. They make more money together rather than divorced. Apparently, back in their own country they're not that all fawned over as here in the US. So I've read.

    1. Come on, Becky. None of us are fawned over in our home countries... That's why people go looking for love elsewhere. Homo sapiens just want to be loved.

  5. The brand comes first. They will never divorce.

  6. I was wondering if this was Bono. Sometimes these rich, man of the world types grow apart from their spouse and divorce is too expensive and messy. Best example of this - 30 years on - is Warren Buffet. I could see guys like Bono, Bezos, etc going in that direction. Bill Clinton is pretty much that way. Heck, this could even be about him.

  7. Another expansion into colloquial English...

    This blind is about a foreigner. Not an actor, but a "celebrity". Permanently A list.

    And not just in his home country, but in exotic lands all over the world. Must be nice!

    And he's married. To an A- list celebrity. It's a dual celebrity family. Double-barreled.

    Sort of.

    Not married-married, mind you. Just married'ish.

    Because in celebritydom, marriage isn't really a vow. It's more an aspiration. A guideline. "Til death do us part...or, you know, somebody hotter comes along!"

    So, our foreign celebrity also has a girlfriend. Of course. It's his right as an A list world-class celebrity. You'd expect nothing less.

    But he IS starting to be a lot more open about their "relationship". Because, apparently, you can do that in those foreign places. They're so much more sophisticated about sex than we are here in provincial America. Heck, you can pleasure yourself with an iguana in the front row of church and nobody would bat an eye. That's sophisticated!

    And the wife? How is she handling this seemingly awkward situation?

    No prob.

    She's copacetic. She is DOWN.

    THAT'S what I call sophistication!

    It's another love story!

    1. 👍😂
      She is DTLTOW(down to look the other way)
      Ka ching!☑️💲💲💲💲💲💲💃🏼💅💍

  8. @Adrian Zmed, I doubt that Bill Clinton grew apart from Hillary. I think the nature of their marriage has been fairly consistent. He is a philanderer (and worse), and she is a lesbian. They are both highly intelligent in certain ways, and obsessed with politics and with their quest for power.

    We are not in a court of law and I can't prove these things.

  9. Co sign for Beckham

  10. Don't blame Becks. Lovely children though

  11. Becks

  12. @Fustian: I've paged Enty requesting (ordering) him to please (fucking do it) forward all his posts (gibberish) prior to posting to you to translate, then repost as colloquial English.

    Thanks, and carry on.

  13. @Her: She looks just like Ben Affleck's new girlfriend, Snickers bar, Snookers, Snookered, or whatever her name is.

  14. @I'll have a Martini, straight up, or lying down. Makes no matter.

    I very much appreciate the vote of confidence, but probably not a good idea.

    Firstly, it would slow things up if I tried to do this for all of them. I don't think I could keep up.

    Next, lots of his blinds are crystal clear just as they are. After doing this for a few of these I have come to appreciate just how much fact is compressed into an enty blind.

    And finally, lots of the blinds are fairly grim. I have fun being silly and snarky. This is a treatment that will not work with serious charges of harassment, drug abuse, and pedophilia, just for example.

    And a number of people here are likely Hollywood insiders and may not take kindly to my outsider snark. I wouldn't be surprised if my "humor" rubs some people the wrong way!

    This is enty's show and part of the fun is the way he writes his blinds. My stuff is just for fun. There's a good chance I won't be able to sustain it. As long as I'm having fun and people let me know they are enjoying it, I'll try to do this when I've got time and the blinds fit what I do!

    Again, thanks!

  15. Love fustian said...

  16. I have completely lost faith. Between this blog and my knowledge of politics, and now I found out this morning my son-in-law, who I have loved like a son, is cheating on my daughter and they are getting a divorce. I have no faith my heart is broken.

    I may need to focus on what's good in the world. I now have to fly up to be with my grandson

    1. Sorry about your son-in-law. I believe in karma, so I'd like to think your daughter will get her justice).

    2. Ugh, very sorry for all involved @Her. I hope they can work it out. They have children and this will shatter their world. Prayers for your daughter and grandson

  17. @Her

    Very sorry to hear you've hit a rough patch. Know that there is still a lot that's great in the world.

    When I was facing a very tough time in my life, a friend that had lost her husband in a tragic accident told me that "you might not be ready to hear it, but time is your friend. This is something I KNOW."

    Well, I held onto that tightly. And she was right. Time is your friend. This is something I also KNOW.

    A little thing that I promise will help. Just use google to search for "crazydaysandnights" and "kindness". You get to read blind after blind where people have been really nice to each other. It's not huge, but it is lovely.

    Best of luck!

  18. Her I am so sorry but you cant lose faith bcs your grandson needs hope and you may be the only one in his world to shine that hope for him right now.

  19. Sorry, Her. I found out my beloved husband was cheating on me five years ago. I thought we were happy. My heart was and is broken. Life does go on, though. It gets better, as they say.

  20. Sorry @her but like old age, us men and wandering dicks is guaranteed and always wins.

  21. The Professionals say that the lout in question is Matt Lauer.

    That is all.

  22. Corners was a dead giveaway. Well struck, Enty.

    1. Aha Enty is the master of double meaning, I love to imagine Dante or Milton reading these and just chuckling at how witty some of them are.

  23. That blonde :: Victoria "Posh Spice"


    Pippa Middleton :: The Duchess of Cambridge

    If we didn't know about Posh, we might think this new woman was pretty nice. But she's no Posh Spice. >:(

  24. I was a YUUUUUUGE Spice Girls fan and what Posh does in her personal life doesn't bother me.

    I'd be more concerned about Bill Nye Sun Sign Guy and Neil Kardashian-Tyson (and look-the-other-way-about-Tchiya-Amet NatGeo) who all built celebrity careers off being materialist/REDUCTIONIST "science" and will actively bully/ridicule anyone who dare question the science community's small-mindedness. So EXCUSE ME while I wonder how they're any different from climate change deniers and "climate change skeptics" on the payroll of oil companies.

  25. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Fustian, I'm been meaning to thank you. I really appreciate your translations.

  26. @her I am sorry. Love your daughter and grandchild, pray for the cheater and truly know that whatever looks like a setback is a setup for something so much better. Thoughts and prayers.

  27. Wealthy or comfortable, some folk turn a blind eye to their partners wandering eye. Standing in the community, family, selling themselves as a product.

  28. Not the Beckhams!! :( I used to really love Posh Spice and please, won't someone think of the kids???!! But I did follow the link that Her posted & it does look like David is out with another woman. Sad!!

  29. My one thought was Sting and Trudy but I guess Beckham is just a bit more world famous and Trudy isn't A list really, I think S & T have an understanding.



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