Monday, January 15, 2018

Blind Item #6

This whole Time's Up effort is great, but one of the male leaders of the movement who mainly took a leadership position to cover for wrong doings and was closeted for many years continues to use all of that power he wields for ill gains. There is not any teen or young 20's man he runs into that he doesn't try and coerce into having sex with him for a part or a promise of a part. It is interesting that no one will ever dare call him out, including the women who organized the movement. They let him do what he has always done. Oh, and this is not Geffen.


  1. Last night I wrote a song about tortillas.

    Well, actually, it is more of a rap.

  2. Corn, Mr. Woodman. It's more pleasing to the ear.

  3. Franco, along w/ Oprah, Reese, Ashley, etc... all these women who covet Franco and the rest of the predatory degenerates are scum. Oprah, Reese, Ashley, Meryl Streep, and all the other women who praise Franco and still support all the other child predators, they are all full of shit.

    This whole metoo and timesup movement is JOKE. They are doing all of this for "show." I'm most disappointed in Oprah and Meryl - I used to think they were strong women. Nope, they are weak and pathetic. Nothing will never change, especially in Hollywood or DC.

    I finally see all of these assholes for who they really are.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Yes, Glue! Bloody well said!

    2. Hear, Hear! #firsttimecommenter 😉

  4. Y'all see Aziz Ansari is being accused now, because he's not a mind reader? LOL!

    Spotting crazy poon is the most important skill a young man can have.

    1. That whole story has to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I can go on and on about how many mistakes she made that led him on but Aziz committed the worst of all. He only offered her white wine even though she preferred red. The horror!

  5. I am so nauseated by these vermin that I am going to significantly limit my entertainment viewing this year. I just can’t.

  6. @Glue: I pegged every single one of them!! Never could stand Streep, ever! THEY'VE ALL KNOWN ABOUT THE GOINGS ON IN HOLLYWEIRD! And anyone who says differently is a LIAR.
    I'm almost to the point I believe Reese is lying; just to get herself out there. She's been pimping her daughter out there since last summer, for unknown reasons.
    They're acceptable to the practices that are in place. 'Nuff said.

  7. Aziz doesn't get laid very often Count so he takes what he can.

  8. Very true, Count! Also true for spotting crazy attached to a dick. They will ruin your life!

  9. Count - the aziz accusations just look like a messy date gone wrong,two people not understanding each other. Any woman over 5 feet could beat him up FFS.

  10. This blind clearly refers to Spielberg and the Capshaws, whether true or not.

  11. Poor Aziz, the only Muslim man in the world who I don't believe to be a scary aggressive predator lol

  12. Howard Stern instilled hatred in me toward Meryl and Oprah a long, long time ago. I can't say I'm shocked by any of this.

  13. SS is into young girls.

  14. Are we going to get an Aziz blind, or should we remain off-topic here?


    Regarding Aziz - young lady: next time you are uncomfortable, get up and leave.

    Regarding gender pay gap: TimesUp, if you want to close the gap, advise women to demand more money. You gave a lot of young women the impression that Wahlberg should not have been paid $1.5 million. The movie was a for-profit venture, and the re-casting / re-shooting was an effort to make / preserve money. If Williams was willing to work for scale, it wasn't up to anyone else to accept less or give more.

    1. If any woman did what Marky Mark did she’d be labelled too difficult and never work again.

      Let’s not pretend women have the same room to negotiate as men.

  15. Haha, that wine comment stood out for me, too! And the story is just so cringey...I think the both handled it well to start with, her telling him he messed up and him saying whoa, I didn't get it but I do now and I'm so sorry. Then she publishes all these intimate details and calls sexual misconduct. Something's off.

  16. Hard to believe Aziz is an actor when he is clearly incapable of reading, interpreting, or acknowledging body language.

    If he needs a woman to yell "NO!!!" through a megaphone in order for him to get the message to stop, the problem is with him.

    1. Exactly. Especially if he’s as feminist as he proclaims

  17. I agree that the Aziz thing was cringy!

    Here's the thing: if you go for a hookup, you're going to get a hookup. Enjoy the hookup.

    Instead, she seems hurt that she didn't get the Boyfriend Experience.

  18. They had to throw a man of color in the mix. I mean they couldn't let just white men be accused of assault.

  19. I’m going to take a wild guess - R. Scott or J. Cameron

  20. Boldblonde, were you asleep while Cosby was making all the headlines?

  21. Other than Cosby! in which case I totally agree with his victims.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. MovieBuff are you really Dave Chapelle? He said exactly this.

  22. @Somebody light my fire--if you can find it - I also loathe Streep. Every time she wins another award and does her self-deprecating schtick acceptance speech I cringe. And I have no idea what is behind Reese throwing her daughter out there for the past year and having her debut at an international ball. Reese's family is from the deep south, so I get that she might have a traditional coming out here in the States, but the international spin is just odd. And wtf is up with Reese pretending that she's a sweet, bubbly person? We all know what a mega-bitch she is. Maybe she's been told by her handlers to put on the best show of her life and act as if she is nice.

  23. I can’t find a list of times up leaders. The only guy on the wiki is our friend Mr Spielberg. Although this blind doesn’t sound like him.

  24. Kathleen Kennedy is a founder, so I'll go with George Lucas for this.

  25. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Re: Aziz - I wouldn’t go as far as calling it assault, but I don’t buy all these “he’s not a mindreader” comments about the whole situation.

    She continually moved away from him, said “[we can have sex] next time”, “I don’t want to feel forced” and “I don’t think I’m ready to do this - I really don’t think I’m going to do this”. Why bother continuing to push for sex after all of these things when it’s clear that’s not what she wants?

    For someone who writes about dating and signals and relationships FOR A JOB, he doesn’t have to be a mindreader to hear what she’s saying. It doesn’t have to only be either “he’s a rapist” or “he did nothing wrong” with this stuff. It’s ok to say that his behaviour was wrong without saying it was criminal.

    1. Exactly. He was a total douche but not a criminal. She made it clear, the reason why woman don't leave is that they assume dudes aren't fucktards like the count and can understand no for now is still no but I would like to hang out with you still. If he just wanted a hook up then he should of said or just gone onto Tinder like everyone else after she went home. Shes pretty tough a lot if women just grin and bear it in this kind of situation, I know I have just to shut a dude up before

  26. Franco seems like the best fit but odd there's no reference to his other activities.

  27. We are all missing the point. What formerly closeted male is a "leader" of the Times Up movement? Only one: CAA's Bryan Lourde.

  28. Candy - LOL - I saw what you did there ...

  29. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Re: Aziz - Future Spokesman for Sex Robots

    "You ignored clear non-verbal cues" and "kept going with advances." This will used in advertising campaigns for the sex robots that are about to become so popular. Ad: "Worried that you might miss clear non-verbal cues and continue to try to have sex with your partner? If so, get the sex robot 5000...."

  30. Aziz acted like a frat boy horn dog, but some chicks like that. He may have not gotten the feedback since he is famous. Maybe he has gotten lazy and maybe he is just awkwardly aggressive in the sack, but the rhetoric is stereotypical of many rich, entitled men. You just say no and leave or enjoy the hookup but you don't take tedious mental notes and then blast it for the world to read because his text the next day makes it obvious he was not going to pursue her. Hope he gets his freaky game under control.....

  31. Oh Rob Bailey's right. Sadly, a lot of chatter about Bryan Lourde not being the wonderful guy everyone thought he was. Another thing -- Reese is extra hypocritical and trying frantically to cover up for her husband Jim Toth who is also an agent and has sleezy rumors to answer for. Possibly the reason she's trotting Ava out all of a sudden, as distraction.

    What's with all the agents being the worst offenders...I guess it's a great way to meet new young talent and have them at your mercy.

  32. Looks you answered your own question there, just sayin'!

    Yep, access to the young, the eager, those who the agent can ask "how badly do you want it?", I betcha agents are the biggest pimps in Hollywood, too.

  33. No need for sex robots, One Eye, plenty of whores out there. If they take the cash or drugs, then they consent. Google voice # attached to a throwaway gmail address, and yer all set.

  34. Anonymous12:35 PM

    @Boots You'd be amazed how many unimportant white men under the age of 30 behave like this regularly. I know from personal experience of me, many women friends & clients (expats & americans). Throughout our 20s we be amazed at the entitled persistence (verbal and physical) of many men. The men knew persistence would wear some women down; these woman would say OK and give him a handy or BJ just to shut him up and get out of there! We'd call it a "mercy job" and then let other women know what the guy's game is: persistence! He's not going to force you to do anything, but he's also not going to let you get out of there easily. Then he claims "miscommunication". Skeeze.

    1. Exactly. He knew better and chose to ignore. Easy enough to put it all on her when there’s a clear power imbalance (age and fame). It’ll be interesting to see if this is one off or there’s a pattern of behaviour here...

  35. "TimesUp" is just there to provide cover for all the people who knew all along and did nothing. A/k/a everyone in Hollwood now dressing in black and intoning "never again." Scripted parrots unite.
    "MeToo" is overplayed and people used it to whine about little things. Everyone has to deal with little improprieties. Everyone. Guys, too. Other people is part of life.
    I'm no Aziz Ansari fan but this ridiculous story is typical played out "MeToo". Should call it MeThree. MeMeMe. Whatever. This isn't harassment, it's a conversation that went wrong. She did not have to go back to his apartment and, once there, could have left at any time. Get over yourself and realize that not every human interaction is going to be pleasant and advantageous to you. No, he didn't have to point to his dick but then you didn't have to lead him on like you did. Jeez.

    1. I kind of agree with this. I’m annoyed because everyone knew all along & did nothing to protect *new* victims. What were they waiting for, a t-shirt?
      Yes, of course I’ve been a victim - perhaps that’s why it so irritates me that no one said squat for years & years. Not. One.
      Especially not one man who heard or saw and was in a position of power & just chuckled along.
      Like the men at the GG after party who were just SO APPALLED at what some jackhole said that they......wait for it......walked away and SAID NOTHING. Screw them.

  36. Ugh. If all a broad offered was a handy after a nice dinner and drinks, I'd tell her to leave and delete my #.

  37. Anonymous12:48 PM

    @Glue-Yes! They lost me when they wore black to the GG. I likened to having bake sale.

  38. Anonymous1:03 PM

    @Count: to each their own...”mercy jobs” is probably a good description of my sex life

    @Amarel: the sitting on the couch move was a good move by Aziz. Need her consent and help w that position. Without her consent Aziz would be at risk to get the dreaded broken penis.

  39. lol yes Lyla! As if the, "we're all wearing black dresses to the GG's" was going to automatically STOP all the predatory practices. It's a dog and pony show for the masses who believe in their bullshit.

  40. What really disgusted me is the people who brought activists with them to the golden globes. Like that's the new hot accessory, having an activist on your transparent-beaded-black-chiffon-and-lace encased arm. Feh.
    This industry disgusts me. (Almost as much as the tech industry.)
    Also, they tried to distract and deflect the problem like it's all of society and not just their little nest o' pervs that we turned the rock over on. Then they threw money at the problem. FIX YOURSELVES!

    1. I don't believe Hollywood is any worse than average suburbia. I work with abused kids, what goes on in the average suburb would make you ill. Hollywood just has access, same access as churches and places that house vulnerable children. Pedos know where to go and who to manipulate

  41. Which - I hasten to add before someone goes all #metoo on my ass - is not to say that this shit does not go down in other jobs but just that the entertainment industry is a particularly fertile perv garden, what with the unfettered access to minors and lack of accountability and transparency and the abundance of desperation.

  42. Clearly Spielberg. People should understand that Hollywood works like a corporation where lots of less powerful people know of the creepy behavior of the president or superior but can't do shit to stop them because they are so powerful.

    Everyone in Hollywood talks about Spielberg liking little girls AND BOYS. Let's take a stride down memory lane and remember that time, a 'random guy' tried to kidnap the director and threaten to rape him in front of his beard, oops, wife.

    The guy got 25 years in prison for doing nothing, just a threat. By way of comparison, Victor Salva who raped a 12 year old boy and filmed it, got 1 year and three months in jail and is still making movies.

    Why would a guy want to do that to him? Doesn't it sound a little suspicious the whole threat to begin with? He was a jacked up buff muscle guy (a common trait among child abused victims who become huge muscular guys to be tough and avoid abuse again). Maybe he was related to one of the victims, who knows? Maybe he was a victim himself?

    All I know is that it also mirrors Gianni Versace's death, as we all know Andrew Cunanan to be molested and abused in a pedo ring and it all seems to indicate that Gianni was killed as retaliation for abusing him in the past. See a pattern here with Steven Spielberg?

    Well, I'll let you decide.

    1. Read Crispin Glover's (Doc from Back to the Future) essay about Steven Spielberg

      Excerpt from the essay "is this it?"

      Does Steven Spielberg hold the same values I wish upon myself? Does the mind of this grinning, bespectacled, baseball-capped man entirely reflect this culture?

      Is it true that in his waning years, Orson Welles asked Steven Spielberg for a small amount of money with which he could make a final film? Is it true Steven Spielberg refused? Is it true that Steven Spielberg bought a sled used in Citizen Kane for an extremely large sum of money?

      Do Steven Spielberg’s passions burn? Do passions burn in the man now imprisoned who wished to anally rape Steven Spielberg? Do our cultural mouthpieces confidently inform us that the wish to anally rape Steven Spielberg is a bad thought? Could anal rape of Steven Spielberg be simply the manifestation of a cultural mandate?

      Do you believe Steven Spielberg is an ideal guide and influence for our culture? Do Steven Spielberg’s films question our culture? What do Steven Spielberg’s films question? Does Steven Spielberg focus much of his fantasy life on young people? Did he portray children wallowing in sewers filled with fecal matter in Schindler’s List? Did he use children to finger paint an adult in Hook? Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor? Are the inclinations of Steven Spielberg above suspicion by the media-fed culture? Was Steven Spielberg very friendly with Michael Jackson? Wasn’t Michael Jackson supposed to play Peter Pan in Steven Spielberg’s version of the story? Now that Michael Jackson is no longer held in favor by the mass media, does Spielberg associate with him? Do Michael Jackson and Steven Spielberg share similar opinions about the sexuality of young boys?

      Did Joseph Goebbels popularize certain ideals to the mass culture? Does Steven Spielberg attempt to do the same thing? Is celebrity more special than actual truth in art?

      When you join in a conversation with strangers, do you openly discuss any idea whatsoever without fear of conflict? Or do you restrain yourself from discussing certain things for fear of offending people and then becoming an outcast? Are there laws that deem certain forms of thought as bad and wrong? Is what is now termed “hate” a form of thought?

  43. My bad. I missed the part it alluded to being closeted but no more. So it has to be Bryan Lourde. My comments on Spielberg are still valid and should be taken into account for future blinds.

  44. this is billy lourde, CAA, right?

  45. Its Bryan Lourde... He was my guess on the Himmmm blind last week(or week befor last )referencing the same information here.... I was told no way ,he’s one of the good ones...
    No,he’s not

  46. Why has Michael Kives from CAA not been outed? He's such a SLEAZE BAG. I had mutual friends with him. He treats women like property. I even met a girl he made believe he would get an acting part for - she was victimized by him and claimed there were others which would NOT surprise me. Even a friend of mine (male) that knew him told me to stay away and that he was slime...I bet he was wearing a times up pin too. BARF. The agencies are still cesspools...I wouldn't be surprised if he was a fake feminist.

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  48. The #MeToo ( A.K.A Pound Me Too ) movement was a way to take the heat away from the Pedophile exposure. Then when that garnered too much heat, the "Time's Up!" thing was brought in that just pretty much discredited all the claims of genuine sexual assault and rape because it made out offences that weren't even wrong, out to be problems and women were carrying this flag while screaming about how a guy complimented them. It was such a joke.

    We can't let those children go on being abused.
    I'm convinced the kids of Stranger Things, in particular MBB, is being pimped out around these pedo-rings. Don't let them sweep the pedophiles under The Red Carpet.

    Don't be fooled by the stuff there dangling as the distraction.

  49. Speil. Berg for the win, guys with money try to get the honey.

  50. Lucious Cassio -

    I'm looking up the latest on Jonathan Norman. Over on Datalounge someone claimed that Norman and his twin brother were gay-for-pay escorts out of an LA club called Numbers, and Spielberg had abruptly dumped Norman. Another Scottish article says that Norman had been rejected for a job at Dreamworks which sent him into a cocaine fueled rage. Alleged during that time frame, Norman beat up his lover severely, knocking out most of his teeth.

    Now here's something interesting! Norman told officers at his arrest that he was Spielberg's adopted son and Norman was driving a rental exactly like Kate C's car.

    The strange part here is there is NOTHING about Norman's background, anywhere. He was in three low-low-budget sci-fi movies, he might have had a twin brother, and that is about all I can find on him.

    Andrew Cunanan is entirely different though I can't tell where his path would have crossed Versace's before Cunanan was of legal age. There has always been speculation that Versace met him in San Francisco, but Cunanan was over 18 when he moved there.

    Interesting investigation leading all kinds of places here!

  51. Lucius can you post the link about Cunanan and the pedo ring?

  52. So our government can take on violent Italian mafia's and basically destroy them. However, Spielberg causes the Feds to clutch their Pearls? Try RICO, that's how you break down a conspiracy. These elites and their kneepads were running a Sexual Assault Gauntlet. Think the Jets fans a few years ago or Tailhook, but add more parts and conspirators. The Pedo stuff is just messed up and clearly illegal.

  53. @Silly,

    One thing I'm reading is that Cunanan was extremely promiscuous from a relatively early age...though I still can't find the Versace connection before he was 18.

  54. I don't know who this blind is about, but I also can't figure out what Times Up is for. Or who. They aren't doing shit for any regular women anywhere. They are sanctimonious and elitist and they attack men for the most basic things. People have been 'mis-reading cues" from the beginning of time. Good lord, if women want men to read our minds, we're all in trouble. The worst part of the Aziz story is that this women seems to think there should be no discomfort or embarrassment in her life ever. What a spoiled child she must be. The world is going to hurt her 100X over before she gets it, that life is full of hard times and awkward situations and discomfort. What is she, a princess? I'm sick of the Times Up/MeToo movement mainly because it has infantilized women into children who have no power at all. And the Hollywood women don't help anyone but themselves. Reese? Give me a break! I don't know what Meryl Streep has done to make people hate her, but I still like her because she gets that equal rights needs to be at the heart of any women's movement.

  55. I don't believe Cunanan was part of a pedo ring. He was in private school and his absence would have been remembered. The crux of the confusion is Gianni Versace's comment in a San Francisco night club that he recognized Cunanan from Lake Como. The comment was a simple mistake or flirtation. It was also the greatest moment of Cunanan's life. Hence the Mark David Chapman-like obsession and desire to be connected to Versace for eternity.

  56. Imagine... if this is none other the Ronan FARROW?!
    Doesn't say actor/director etc..

  57. Boldblonde - yeah Black rappers and NFL players are famously respectful to their bitches LOL

    Get the fuck out of here with your reverse racism, it's not 2014, moron.

  58. I hope you can put them on blast since Aziz was outed as a hypocrite for wearing that pin, and if this person has done worse like this BI suggests, then you are all just as bad as Silent Streep.

  59. Spielberg's stalker, Jonathan Norman, was sentenced for 25-years-to-life under CA's 3-strikes rule in 1998...Bay Area Girl you out there? Does this mean he's eligible for parole in 2023?

  60. Crispin Glover was not doc, he was Marty McFly's dad in the first film.. didn't come back for the sequels?!? Big movie why not?
    Coincidentally he also was in Friday 13th part 4 with Corey Feldman.. alleged pedo Dominik brassica was in part 5 in which Corey was part of a flashback scene.

  61. thanks for this useful article !

  62. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Thanks for the info Lucius, plot and Schneiderisnext - without there being anything concrete, or anyone coming forward, there seems to be A LOT of dots connecting and leading to SS. Right now, I am reserving my judgement but I am very aware of what others are saying.

  63. I have no idea where to submit this right now, but here is a quote from a biography of Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen called The Men Who Would Be King. This is how Spielberg protects himself -

    "According to the upcoming hardcover, Steven Spielberg is so paranoid about security at his office that a never-used motorcycle is kept permanently parked outside in case he needs to make a quick escape. Escape? From what? The book claims that the director’s “passion for secrecy sometimes suggests a burgeoning near-paranoia.” Other claims include: A plexiglass half-moon (what one Dreamworks security guard refers to as the “dome of silence”) is hung above Spielberg’s office desk to keep sound from reverberating, ensuring that his phone conversations remain ultra-confidential. According to the upcoming publication, Spielberg orders that a black cloth must be draped over the projection booth window to hide the screen when his long-time editor screens prints, and has live camera streamed to his home when he is not in the office — just in case. And not as surprising, Spielberg requires that every document that leaves the office, be it a script, development report, or even a memo, must be coded, so that if it ever to fall into the wrong hands the person responsible for the breach could be identified."

    The last security measure makes sense given intellectual property rights and all that. Still, don't those personal security measures sound like something a kid would set up? An adult would hire more security, which I'm sure Spielberg has, but that motorcycle, the cone of silence, the blackout cloth all come from a very childish mind that indulges in childish fantasies of how security works.

    Moving on, I never knew about this incident -

    "Remember that in September 2007, Spielberg’s office was burglarized. Photos, scripts, budget books and other important documents were stolen during the break-in. After trying to sell the stolen property to online movie websites, the thief was arrested and pled guilty to one count of receiving stolen property and one count of commercial burglary. He was sentenced to 28 months in jail."

    Seems like a mighty light sentence for a true burglary, if someone actually broke into Spielberg's office. Wonder what really happened there? The perp pled out so we might never know.

  64. Since no one was present except Aziz & "Grace", I'm reluctant to take everything she wrote as 100% true. Her clear signals may not have been clear at all. What is clear is that she had the ability to put on her clothes and leave but chose not to.

  65. Great find, Plot, I want to read that book. And yes! the dome of silence and escape-cycle sound exactly like a pre-teen's idea of super-security. What happened to him when he was a boy to arrest his development and foster such abhorrent attractions?

  66. Y’all are nasty as hell and watch too much porn. I hate to be this person but imagine some guy shoving his fingers down ur own mothers mouth on a first date. Treat women w respect or stay the gd hell away from us.

  67. A friend of mine works with sexually abused children. One of the clues we're supposed to take into account when trying to spot someone who might be a pedophile is their paranoia with security. Remember that gay couple in Australia who literally bought a baby boy in Russia and sexually abused him for over 10 years? They "rented him" for other guys, travelled the world and taped all in videos they sold and exchanged online.

    They were paranoid with security and had 24h cameras streaming from their beautiful unsuspecting suburban home (the story can be learn watching the sad documentary The Boy with the henna tattoo). Another trait is taping things all the time. Apparently pedophiles like this couple would tape the boy 24/h during their daily routines, so that the boy would be comfortable with cameras and then wouldn't mind them when he was being sexually molested. I know this is upsetting but it's a sign we should know. The Spielberg paranoia with security very much mirrors that and actually doesn't sound very childish, but actually quite clever. You don't need the last tech to prevent people from learning about your secret meetings and conversations.

    As for Cunanan, back in the day I did lots of research on him but since gave up. There is a book (don't ask me which) that claims that he was part of a ring, as many, first as a child abused and later as an abuser and he had gone after Versace because he either learned about Versace's preference for little boys or because he had learned he was financing or somewhat involved. It was revenge killing.

    As for the comment about him being at boarding school and his absence would be missed, I'm sorry but you're very naive. Where do you think abusers find children? Schools across the globe have scouts willing to pay to bend the rules. A boarding school is a perfect place to steal a child, abuse and return them back because they're totally under the responsibility of that establishment. You can disappear with a child for days without having to report do a parent. Parents sending kids to boarding schools usually couldn't care less about them anyway. Boarding schools ar the orphanage of the rich, sadly.

  68. Here's the full documentary The Boy with the Henna Tattoo. Please beware some of the details are graphic and uppseting.

  69. I don't think you know a thing about boarding schools and are making a lot of classist assumptions.

    Interesting about the paranoia in pedophiles, though.

  70. Lucius -- I didn't say boarding school, I said private school. He was the poorest kid at a tony local day school in wealthy La Jolla, part of the genesis of his insecurities and need to put on airs, which led to his obsessionn with Versace after his close brush with him in San Francisco. His friends/classmates have been interviewed extensively, as you can imagine, and they report that he was always around growing up, was popular and funny, flamboyant and known to tell lies and make fabulist stories about himself to cover up his working class Filipino background, of which he was ashamed. He wasn't a lonely wallflower kid at boarding school, easy-pickings for pedophiles.

  71. If it’s too awkward to ask to shove ur fingers down a first date’s mouth than it’s too awkward to do, all u disgusting assault apologists in this thread.



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