Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blind Item #6

There are several people who witnessed this disgraced A list producer making out and groping an actress at party. I think we all could kind of guess that part. The actress was in a state of undress. The producer was married and his wife was pregnant. The host of this particular party was this permanent A++++ list celebrity who everyone knows in every corner of the world. Despite witnessing what was happening and calling out the producer, the A++++ lister invited the producer to a party the next month where he basically did the same thing again with an entirely different actress. Never uttered a peep about it to anyone.


  1. Replies
    1. Seal called her out God Bless Him (so maybe you can lay of the Seal shade for a while enty🙏🏻Give him a reprieve.... but people will say say Oprah for President!(face plant)

    2. She loves hanging out on Geffen’s yacht so there’s no way she’s calling out someone like Weinstein. Didn’t know about Seal but I’m excited to look that up.

    3. Yeah cool thing he did.... didn’t have to,nothing gain(maybe even gigs to lose), but he did it and it was solid. Always rather liked Seal-be had me “Crazy”. Smooth dude.....”ooooh I Compare Oprah to a 😘 kiss from a fraud in LA....🎼🎼”

  2. Clearly Oprah and the pig.

  3. Is GOD the only one that has more ++ after the A than Oprah?

  4. +1@Tricia13. By chance, does anyone know who the blonde in the picture with Weinstein and Oprah? She looks petrified and is clinging to O.

    1. Os it his first wife Eve? Not sure when pix was taken(but think I’ve seen it)

    2. It's Rita Ora. She's a 'singer'.

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      True Tea☕ ..she really...while O ws resemvle a madame...but I some HW pictured lilo n BTW them in that pic it became clear hw well they all work together

  5. It's hard to parse how much Oprah is a symptom, and how much a cause, of American idiocy.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      She’s all in with the bohemian grove homos. Only so many seats at the table. If you think you’re gonna cut the head off the snake you’re wrong.

    2. @RingoSkater +1000 for the right question

  6. I believe that Oprah only got this famous because of her allegience to those people who run Hollyweird and the world. She knows everything and speaks about nothing.

  7. @Guesser I was wondering the same thing. She looks young and petrified oh him touching her.

  8. I think the A++++ could also be someone like a Clinton. The president is the most famous person in the world at any given time, no?

  9. That is Rita Whora in the pic

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @KRAB Yes, it's Rita ORA

  12. Is Oprah really That world famous? I can see Michael Jackson or Ronaldo being known by people everywhere but who cares about a tv host they'll never watch? No one under 25 outside the US knows her I'd bet. My kids certainly don't

  13. #neveroprah

    The cult of personality doesn't produce great political leaders.

  14. Omg who kisses that?? Im almost as equally appalled that anyone would ever vote for Oprah

  15. +1 @RingoSkater

    Oprah is DEFINITELY a part of the problem.

    I lived in Chicago during her rise and I remember when she was down-to-earth and a decent human being. Then came the "Cult of Oprah" and she forgot from whence she came.

    I went to one show taping that was the huge 2 parter for the Atlanta Olympics and it was a real eye opener. The best dressed audience guests got center and front row seats...all the pretty people. The less desirables relegated to the far ends and back where the camera was unlikely to sweep them. My love for her greatly diminished after that experience.

    And Seal rose a bunch in my eyes for calling her out on her hypocrisy.

    1. To be fair, at every show taping, the best looking people get seated in front.

  16. Roxy... go to any show taping and that is how they operate.

  17. I guess I hang out with the uncool kids. I haven't been to a party where people made out and groped each other since I became a grown-ass adult in the 70s

  18. @cc423...It may be how they operate. However, I don't like it and it was an eye opener for me. I enjoyed seeing the athletes during that show but I came away feeling very negative about Oprah.

  19. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Sea hag, ain't that the truth!

  20. +1 Tricia

    Seal's a rockstar for saying what he said. Oprah will never run for potus. All of her lies would be exposed.
    And she has too many.

    1. Absolutely right, bored at work. Spot on 😉😉

  21. I suppose that's the thing with actors, Sea Hag. They can pretend to be real people.

  22. @Mrs Meat, yes, Oprah is very popular with immigrants, POC & the mini-van majority. Even my otherwise, hard-ass mom, thinks Oprah is a saint. I tried to explain that Oprah is just furthering a brand, but my mom & all her friends think Oprah's a saint.

  23. If Rita Ora is grossed out by Weinstein, that says a lot. Oprah's cult following is kind of scary.

  24. Here's Oprah's true character: instead of showing her gratitude to the cosmos/God/Ramtha/The Secret/whatever for how well she survived the fire and mud slide when there are so many DEATHS and lost homes she had a film crew follow her around stomping in a few inches of sludge as she pointed out where she lost some fencing. She could have been telling people where to send in donations. (BTW...what about Puerto Rico?)

  25. Very wealthy, connected person keep another rich players secrets hidden. I'm not shocked.

  26. So now I'm wondering if it was Oprah who said "you should really meet Harvey" to the young actresses looking for a break and not Meryl...(from another blind)

  27. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Oprah.. her hypocrisy earned a new degree: SHAMELESS


  29. I think this is probably Oprah, but aren't the A++++ ratings reserved for someone like royals (QEII, etc)? Not that the royals throw monthly parties with Weinstein, or anything, but... I guess I'm asking, is Oprah really A++++?

  30. This is precisely why the Oprah For President 2020 began this week. She and her minions are going to throw millions of $$$ away to remove her from HW and erase the past friendship. He is toxic right now. She can't afford to be tainted with the stench.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. "Is Oprah really That world famous? " No she's not. She might be an omnipresent figure in American culture, but people around the globe have no fucking clue who she is. I work with PR and as an interpreter and I've translated the Oscars, GG etc to several international corporations. Every time Oprah shows up we are instructed to explain who she is so that the foreign audience understands her weight. I'll also finally talk about James Franco whom my friend was a interpreter of during his South America trip and how he ended up in a gay club making out with several barely legal guys. You can actually google "A LOCA" + "James Franco" and use google translate to see all the news about it coming from the Brazilian Media. Sorry, unrelated but I had to get it out of my chest.

    1. @Lucius thanks for the tip, will check it out

  33. Did anyone else notice how cool she was to Reese W. after that smarmy intro about Oprah being the best hugger ever? No love for Reese at all, barely a peck much less a bear hug. Changing her image, I thought. Or cranky from dieting.

  34. Weinstein and Trump. Oprah is not A++++ and has very minor recognition in European countries or Asia.

  35. @Just saying Oprah has always, even at her best,made everything about her. It's unfortunate about the celebrity homes,but they have other homes, and they are alive. When she had people on her show, they would tell a tragic story and she turned it into a story about herself. People are calling that empathy, but it's more like narcissism.

  36. You people in this comment section have restored my faith in humanity. I had to deliberately isolate myself this week because I could not listen to everyone - even people I once considered intelligent - praising Oprah. How do they not get it?

  37. The ‘personality’ of this place is a bit different than it was a few years ago. Interesting.

  38. Oprah is not multiple A+ all over the world.

    That doesn't make her innocent of praising and sucking up to abusers, criminals, cults and conmen, however.

    I stopped watching and respecting her when she and Phil ganged up on a prostitute, who was shaking by the end, with the audience egging them on ferociously. What did that do for the prostitute? NOTHING! But Oprah and Phil were sure were proud of themselves for beating up on someone poorer and less fortunate then themselves. Brave Folks! True Leaders!

    Fuck Oprah.

  39. oprah is a hypocrite to the end of time. she should stop hanging out on geffen's yacht, too - bad look, oprah! also who the hell is she kidding thinking ANYONE thinks she is straight and Gayle is her bff (LOLOLOL yea right). she's always been a fake.

    1. I had a friend who was on oprah with bill clinton to discuss 'microloans'...she said the driver who was sent to get her at the airport assured her that oprah was gay....

  40. A previous blind for an A++++ list celebrity was about Princess Diana.

  41. This could well be Donald Trump. He is who the whole world knows. Weinstein was often invited to their parties at Miralago.

  42. If Oprah ran for pres. I would not vote for her. Celebs don't make a good pres. As we are seeing now with Trump.

  43. Oprah Winfrey means nothing, for instance, in Europe.

    In 2013, there was this incident when she tried to go shopping at the Hermes shop in Zurich. The saleswoman didn't recognize her, told her repeatedly that some handbag may be too expensive for her, as if, according to Oprah, the saleswoman thought she was a poor black woman who couldn't afford a handbag designed for Jennifer Aniston.

  44. @Angela

    I think the incident in the Hermes store was worse than that. Oprah was trying to get into the store as it was closing and the clerk said "non", like any self respecting clerk is allowed to do. Oprah then got on her high horse and claimed they wouldn't keep the store open for her because of racism.

    Um, no, Big O, in Europe workers aren't required to work beyond their contracted hours for the whims of entitled bitches. Only in the USA are we expected to bow and scrape to anyone who might throw cash around.

    Big O could have, of course, called Hermes management and they would have opened the store for her any time she pleased, but no she has to harass a lowly worker. Real brave, that O.

  45. I was in Croatia once, and was 'talking' with a guy who didn't speak much English, but I gathered he asked me where I was from. i said "Chicago" and his face lit up and he said "Michael Jordan! Oprah!"



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