Friday, January 26, 2018

Blind Item #4

It looks like this A- list mostly television actress from a very hit long running network show that will eventually end is finally realizing her soon to be husband is a serial cheater and this marriage will end in divorce too. She delayed the date of the wedding.


  1. Rose Leslie/kit Harrington?

  2. Oops, he said television NVM. +1 Tricia

    1. I think her man is Karl Cook? So I reckon she’ll be Kaley Cuoco 👨‍🍳 Cook lol!
      Or not ...

  3. +1 Tricia

    Engaged actress, "a very hit long running network show," not many alternatives.

  4. Her picker is broken...

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    She needs therapy to figure out why she can't pick a nice guy. I assume there are some left, even in Hollyweird..

  6. 😂😂😂 @Samantha Willow

  7. (Stepping onto my soap box!)

    Most actresses won't pick a 'nice guy' because the 'nice guy' can't help their careers.

    They pick the jerks and cheaters because they fall for the 'I can help you advance your career' BS line!

    So, as long as a young woman/actress has ambition, they will continue to forgo the nice guy and get used by the jerk/cheater.

    Unfortunately, little do they realize/know, their career trajectory is usually based on their talent/abilities and past career network rather than some jerk/cheater!

    Just my two cents!

    (I've step down from my soap box.)


  8. Can we make "+1 Tricia" an emoji. To save us the keystrokes.

    1. Hahahah 🥂am emoji!? I’ve arrived😂😂😂🙏🏻
      That’s awesome Newbomb(smilin😊)

    2. The most obvious problem with making @Tricia13 an emoji are the daily comments saying, " I am new here, does 🥂 mean something?" I mean, We are still arguing on the other thread what dual threat means in Enty-speak. Hahaha

  9. Kaley doesn't need help from any man at this point. She just likes assholes.

  10. She needs to learn the difference between "the kind of guy you date" and the "kind of guy you marry." The first type can be an entertaining jerk, if that's what gets you off. Bad idea to marry the jerk.

  11. First time comment!!! I love all of you guys. I'm going to say Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas.

    1. @Nummi The problem with that guess is that, while ending soon, GoT is not network.

      I'd welcome you but I am nobody :-)

    2. Hey Nummi! 🙌

    3. @Nummi
      You got welcomed by Tricia, er...🥂

      woot woot!! 🙌🏼

  12. @Newbomb hahaha #1 for the tricia emoji concept!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. @David Howes, It's not just actresses that make poor choices in men.

    I often think that a lot of what women complain about in men is exactly what many of their fellow women pick again and again and again over generations. I've often thought that they only thing worse than men is women! We all deserve each other.

    It's clear that the one thing women really look for in men is "strength". What makes it so confusing is that it takes different forms for different women. Some like physically strong men, some like socially popular men. A lot like wealthy men, and surprisingly, it's not always about the money (although that's nice). It's the power the money brings that attracts women. At least some women. There are even some that like intellectual strength. I think this is a little more rare, but it is real.

    There is a type of woman that only finds the bad boy attractive. The fastest way you can chase such a woman away is to treat her nice. They will persist in pursuing their bad boy against all the advice of their friends (and his), and in the face of all evidence that he's not worth it.

    It's easy to make fun of these women, but this rarely ends well and they often do not have good lives. If Kaley is such a woman, I feel sorry for her.

  15. Most women will choose a good-bad man over a bad-good man every time.

    What's surprising is that most women know exactly what those terms mean without asking.

  16. Let's not pretend that men won't put up with all kinds of bullshit from a woman if she's hot enough.

  17. @Brayson87, I have to disagree. There are plenty of women that make very sensible choices and they raise children together and stay married their whole lives. I myself have been married for over 38 years and I'm good-good! (grin)

    And it's not like men don't make some pretty stupid choices either.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Emotional intelligence, just like any other from of intelligence, plays a part in this. Learning shit.
    As a happily married woman who has dated losers, bad guys and unsuitable fuck-ups, I think all of this has more to do with the refusal or inability to learn from mistakes.
    Some people learn easily, and make future choices according to previous experiences, while others just do the same thing, again and again and again, and don't get it.
    Because they're either stupid, blind or both.

    1. There’s a third option I’ve seen in the pattern you’re describing, and that’s “I can fix this one.” Looking for the same general type and thinking you’ve learned what you need to do differently with them rather than grasping that what you need to do differently is stay the heck away from them entirely.

  20. She clearly doesn't feel so secure with herself since she seems to always need a man, kind of like JLo. She needs to learn how to be herself, figure herself out. Oh and grow a backbone

  21. She should go through with it if there is no pre-nup or a generous pre-nup. Make up for her last husband that she probably lost money on

  22. Kaley likes to party, and she's not out meeting responsible guys looking to settle down. This will continue to be her pattern until and unless she grows up.

  23. Save your money Haley. Your show is ending and u need to end it. Marry a rich old guy.



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