Thursday, January 25, 2018

Blind Item #4

Apparently this former reality star turned celebrity turned possible author has recordings and texts/sexts from a married A++ lister that would cause just about every jaw in the country to drop. 


Tuesdi said...


laa said...


Tricia13 said...

And Trump?
Tuesdi yiu got it!

totaji said...

She needs to release those ASAP lol.

Tuesdi said...

And NOW I can go home for the day~ I beat Tricia!

Retailprofit said...

And Trump?

Boldblonde said...

she should release them.

Tricia13 said...


Scandi Sanskrit said...

I just want to see all politicians go down. All of them. Internationally. 🍿

HAHAHAHAHAHHAH. You must be so embarrassed.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Personally I'd be too grossed out to listen, but I hope she releases them too. For funsies. 😌😂

filmfanb said...

Wonder if the recordings have running water in the background :P

jessorella said...


.robert said...

would people's jaws drop at salacious messages from Trump? Will this kill the lefts "Trump is a racist" chants? Is it planned? I think it would be someone else to make jaws drop.

Brayson87 said...

I don't know, people's expectations of Trump are pretty low. It would only be shocking if he texted he was secretly a Democrat or composed poems about daffodils. Nobody would be surprised by something lewd.

totaji said...

Maybe the messages are racist.

Boldblonde said...

That's exactly it. He's secretly a Democrat.

MontanaMarriott said...

I highly doubt they let her leave or work there without signing an NDA so this is just fodder for her to force some publisher to cut her a large check for the supposed tell-all. Not to mention that he could do no wrong in the eyes of his fans regardless how horrible it is.

filmfanb said...

I wanna know if Tillerson is dtf.

Florin said...

The current evangelical rationalization for supporting Trump is that the Stormy Daniels affair was 11 years ago, and he's changed and become a better person since then. This would tank that, and it would be fun to watch the Evangelical Christian Mental Gymnastics squad try to stick a new routine.

Unknown said...

Oh man that is so gross!

Burke said...

I'm going water sports on this one.

Travelgrrl said...

I'm pretty sure there's a sizable contingent of Trump's base that would be heartily offended if he was sexing up a black woman. White porn star? Sure.

Burke said...

I'm going water sports on this one. Omarosa and some pee pee evidence.

Brayson87 said...

Now if it was Pence, oh boy, the heartland would be shocked if he liked his women like his coffee.

Rosie riveter said...

Omg hahahahaha This made me lol sitting here alone at Starbucks

Krab said...

Between two of the least sexy people on planet earth---ugh.

americanpanda said...

Fuck Omarosa

Rosie riveter said...

This is gross,no one wants to see his sects..yuck. But I bet he has a tiny pee pee.

Shawny said...

It’s probably damning to her as well, which is why she isn’t releasing it. And even if she does, all it takes is one Rep senator to stand up and say he didn’t say that, and then the Rep minions all erase their logical response from their minds, relieved that someone gave them the means to replace it with a lie. Every Rep in this country who is still supporting this disgusting person, is continuously lying to themselves on a daily basis, only seeing what they want to see. My mother knew I was gay for many years. She lied to herself for all the years before I came out. She replaced all of the gay signs with lies to herself that she had a straight son. Reps are all going through that lie to themselves over and over again right now. People, just give it up. Going down this road is not healthy, not going to get you anywhere good.

Rosie riveter said...

Chopped up and in the freezer?

Unknown said...

"Apparently"? Kind of sad I don't believe this one much but all the horrible ones are so easy for me to believe.

Natasha21 said...

Oh please please Be Trump... On the other hand EWWW. Enough with Trumps Bizare Sex life!

Pope of Hollywood said...

Omarosa better be careful here....

Colonel Blake said...

I believe it's Pence, not tRump.

Marlin said...

Oh jeez. I’m a proud deplorable but gotta say, she must have something on somebody to get where she is. She isn’t likable, she isn’t really attractive and she ain’t that smart.

Unknown said...

Oh please, no way is this Trump. They have been frantically digging for over 1 and half years now, and the best they can come up with is some bull he said 20 years ago, so women they dug up from 25 years ago, a whole lot of 'allegedly's', and that he eats cheeseburgers in bed and gets 2 scoops of ice cream when others get 1..

If there was any major dirt, it would have exposed already. Trump has been sitting under a microscope like not other politician or business in the history of humanity. Libtards need to stop being so retarded and grow the fuck up.

Unknown said...

I mean businessman...still cooking dinner

Brayson87 said...

Nobody has noticed that Enty was very careful not to mention the gender of either person.

marq danger said...

considering her shady behaviour surrounding the courting/death of Michael Clarke Duncan I'd be careful if i were her to rock the boat. I recall there was a blind that suggested as much a while back.

Malignment said...

logic doesn’t work on these people bored

Alexandria said...

A++ lister, must be Mr.President, lol soooo curious about these texts..

Scandi Sanskrit said...

No, but if it is Omarosa, doesn't that imply taht this is new material?

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Euw WTF. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Unknown said...

They don’t care. They’re so dumb, they’ll believe anything he says!!!

Alexandria said...

I'll throw in Pope Francis though, just to be different LOL.

Krab said...

Pence and Human Ken Doll? I kid. But I wouldn't find it hard to believe at all if Pence was on the DL. It's probably Trump and Omarosa, though.

Unknown said...

@Malignment, indeed.

O/T - I just made the best Beef Stroganoff ever. Do I serve with basmati rice, mash or tagliatelle?

marq danger said...

When the truth is revealed, it will be interesting to see how many people will be able to come to grips with the reality that Obama and Co. fleeced your country. It will begin at the state of the union i think. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. They are all lawyering up. Assange is either dead or a free man. Release the memo . I am not a russian bot. Have the American people decide for themselves. light will reveal all.

longtimereader said...

Let me get this straight, people think revealing trump as a sleazy businessman and hound will damage him? the electorate already knew that before and still put him in the white house. Try harder.

Sal Salington said...

Trump wouldn't be a surprising answer at all. Certainly not jaw dropping.

Now Pence, Pence would be jaw dropping.

MattDaddy said...

First she tries to negotiate a nice payout. If that fails she’ll negotiate with a publisher. It’s going to be awhile before they’re released — if they ever are.

MrsAmiss said...

It didn’t hurt Bill Clinton. Funny how what he did was ok. I stand with Juanita. Always have, always will. I could care less about consensual sex outside of marriage. Liberals precious JFK had orgies in the White House - but he was also serving THE CAUSE so what he did was ok. Give me a break. If Trump cheated, I don’t care. Just like I didn’t care about FDR and his mistress, etc etc. I care about Juanita Broderick and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Both women silenced by liberals.

Anonymous said...

Well. Read it again. “Apparently” is the key word. When has anyone in Trumps orbit never not been completely full of shit?

Yea she has tapes of him farting or something. This old fat dude would need a viagra overdose to be able to fuck a porn star. Let’s use reason here.

Dahling said...

Many of the questionable source new outlets broke the story of her tapes and book a week ago. The sexting part? May be just wishful thinking on Enty's part. (Ewwwww) But one can hope.

Krab said...

I think Omarosa/Trump (2020!) would be surprising to many, if not exactly jaw dropping.

just sayin' said...

100% tagliatelle, bored.

Not buying that Omarosa actually has anything on Trump. She's a notorious liar and self-promoter, so I'm totally buying that she's spreading this story to get a book deal or at least keep her name trending.

Rafael said...

Jenna Jameson and Donald Trump. LOCK HIM UP!!!

Do Tell said...

Omarosa and Trump seem to be good friends. I would be very surprised if she turned on him. I think it's someone else.

Unknown said...

just saying: agreed, no peeling spuds or washing rice.

Marlin said...

She worked in Clinton administration too so I would bet she has nothing on The current POTUS. She is trying to sell a book right now and find another high paying job so anything she says I take with a grain of salt. Agree with previous poster, they have been trying to dig anything and everything up on Trump, something would’ve come out by now.

Anonymous said...

When you have that kind of dirt against a billionaire you take the eight-figure pay out and sign the NDA

Unknown said...

She used him, he used her. Simple as that. That being said, fuck both of 'em.

Poppymann said...

God no, I would rather have my eyes sucked out buy a goat, than to see Lord Cheetoh pulling a Geraldo in the mirror.

ToobisTheZebra said...

I haven’t read Fire & Fury yet. Is Omarosa in it? She can probably back up Wolff’s Claims about Trump’s current affair

Do Tell said...

Wolff didn't even speak to a lot of the people he should have spoken to or is making claims about. His book and the claims in it are very flimsy, at best.

346NYC said...

I can't see Omarosa exchanging SEXTS with Trump.
I doubt Trump texts.
He's tech illiterate, but so is my 76-year-old grandmother.
Got to be someone else.

luckythewondercat said...

I would not believe a word Omarosa says. She is a snake in the grass trying to wring as much money and attention out of her overextended 15 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Trump's campaign was probably seeded with troublemakers and spies by his enemies.
Spy agencies are sophisticated. They know exactly what you want, and put it within reach.

plot said...

"Will this kill the lefts "Trump is a racist" chants?"

Nope. Racists sleep with other races all the time - hence the large amount of African DNA in white appearing Southerners.

April sez -

"It didn’t hurt Bill Clinton. Funny how what he did was ok."

If you say so. No one else is spouting such nonsense but you. Own it, girl!

Malignment said...

@April good point on the sheer hypocrisy of the left. BUT - like bored said, they have been turning over every rock frantically for two years and cant find anything, so they invent fake garbage. They leak the contents of Trump’s phone calls with world leaders .... but he’s getting away with having an affair ? uh-huh. Totally plausible.

delusional mouth foamers.

hothotheat said...

I think it would turn a lot of his base against him, since you knw, a lot are racists.

hopscotch101girl said...

+agree Malignment. Getting old with the racist crap- sorry Lefties, you just can't accept it - can you? Poor dears...

Dealeyplazamom said...

Omarosa and Obama

Sal Salington said...

Hmm. Come to think of it, Trump famously doesn't email for security reasons, so texting is doubtful as well.

It is notable neither gender is specified.

plot said...

"Getting old with the racist crap- sorry Lefties, you just can't accept it "

What in the heck does that mean?

Picking up Donny's habits for gibberish? Cuz you luuuuuv him so much?

plot said...

"Libtards need to stop being so retarded and grow the fuck up."

Certain Reich Wringers should quit pretending to be British, too.

AKA said...

It wouldn't because he is a racist whether he hit on Omarosa or not.

Bleu said...

He's famously a germaphobe too, so it's actually not likely he's having casual sex. He loves to tweet so there could be texts or sexts, though I'm sure the White House will say anyone could have sent them or they are fake.

AngryLiberalKTS. said...

Na Zdorovie comrade.

Unknown said...

She is part of the boule. No way those tapes will get released unless the are planning on bringing Trump down. Go read He exposes the sellouts in black entertainment and was a former Black Panther. Tons of juicy info there. I can’t stand any politician, rep or dem. They are all bullshit artists. Fuck Clinton and trump

plot said...

"He's famously a germaphobe too, so it's actually not likely he's having casual sex"

Woody Allen - germaphobe - lots of casual sex

Howard Hughes - germaphobe - lots of casual sex

Matt Lauer - germaphobe - lots of casual sex

Madonna - germaphobe - lots of casual sex

Rinda said...

This one made me throw up in my mouth a little.

bean àlainn rua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colonel Blake said...

KIKI hit it on the nail!!
Trump used Omarosa, and Omarosa used Trump! That was a no brainer right from the get go.

Doubt she has any significant tapes, but then again...She's just upping the ante is all. IMO

But, (R) would pay her double what a book company would pay her to shut her up.

Cheese Louise said...

Trump A++? Give me a break...he is probably the most famous person in the world. My first thought was Juliane Hough and Seacrest.

T. W. said...

If Donald Trump is one of the parties involved I doubt Omarosa is the other. Now if it were Kris Kardashian and Trump, ha ha. Who else is shopping a book around?

just sayin' said...

Let's switch things up: Bill Rancic and Melania.

Fifi LaRue said...

Not Pence. In a blind this summer, he's apparently into calling male prostitutes to his hotel rooms and watches them wank off. No, not Pence.

Unknown said...

It would be awesome if the Human Ken Doll brought all the politicians down! I do know lots of guys are on the DL you'd never suspect though.

Unknown said...

Google a picture of Race Bannon from the old show Jonny Quest. You'll laugh every time you see Pence.

Unknown said...

rosie, you just gave me the biggest guffaw I’ve ever guffawed during my double-digit years in CDAN lurkerville. Thank you.

Unknown said...

April: truth!
The favourite leftist/liberal poster child muslim, Linda Sarsour said of childhood victim of female genital mutilation Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Christian Lebanese persecuted Brigitte Gabriel who had to flee Lebanon from Islamists "they are asking for an ass whoppin', I wish they could take their vaginas away - THEY DON'T DESERVE TO BE WOMEN"

Ahhh.......sharia "feminism", ey?

mastik8 said...

"It didn’t hurt Bill Clinton. Funny how what he did was ok." ROFL. MAGA. He was effing impeached you bozo. Then the GOP itself found that what he had done didn't warrant impeachment. Same with Benghazi. The GOP takes the House, the Senate and the White House then closes down Benghazi at the very moment they could have put her away. So much for a search for truth and to honor the victims.

plot said...

Hey bored! Is that some British style gibberish you are using there? Or is it simply an imitation of Trump Twits?

Maude Lebowski said...

Hope Hicks must be so jealous

sandy2319 said...

@plot calling someone a liberal is not racist. Do you even know what the word means? Do you even know what half the crap you write means? I'm thinking no.
Also as far as Trump, he was under surveilance and his phones where tapped before during after the election until at least last April, if he is commiting criminal acts and they still have nothing on him then that really would make him a genius, which I doubt.
Enough with the illogical fantasys of impeachment. How about we deal with the very real acts of Treason backed up by very real evidence by member of the FBI, Obama, Clinton etc? Does that not matter?

Jennifer Tyler said...

It might be the only thing that gets Trump's hypocritical evangelical/fake Christian base upset - nothing else has....

Oh Sandy - Mueller knows who he is dealing with - the Trump administration and the GOP are so fully corrupt you have to get all your ducks lined up with this crowd and pounce in quick surprises oh like they did with Manafort or evidence will disappear. You need to keep the bad guys on the edge. Besides any human being with their eyes wide open has to ask why are they are all acting like very very guilty men with Trump acting like the guiltiest- because they are guilty, they are all crooks in one way or another.

When Trump was the boss of his private family company he could get away with his lies most of the time. He has lost many lawsuits though because his lies were not believed or he had to settle. But his lies finally caught up to him when the 2008 financial crash left him in trouble and no American banks would lend him another penny but the Bank of Putin and his oligarch friends were open for business. Trump is Putin's b*tch one way or several.

Everyone in NYC has always known Trump is a con man and he managed to avoid jail - so far. He has been caught money laundering in the past - that is a matter of public record but like all connected rich guys the casino got fined $10 million dollars one time and another settlement when he and his Daddy had to pay during his first casino bankruptcy. You and I would have gone to jail but then Trump can also hide behind the corporate veil. He was under "continuous examination" by the IRS admitted by his own tax lawyers in a letter made public - in other words the IRS knew he was shady all along. But they were working quietly behind the scenes even before the election.

Let's look at Watergate - crime took place September 1971. A simple one time burglary and they were caught red handed, many people want to jail but Nixon was not impeached until August 1974 and he resigned thereafter. This is far more complex. And in Nixon's time the Democrats held the balance of power and more Republicans actually had integrity and they weren't all trying to obstruct the investigations. It was a Republican politician that spilled the fact that Nixon recorded all his conversations in the Oval Office. You should listen to them if you haven't. Nixon the Quaker could swear like a sailor. Nixon is also the one that ruined the Republican party for good by invited the Dixiecrats into the GOP tent. Party of Lincoln dead dead dead.

Jennifer Tyler said...

Wasn't Trump another party buddy of Jeffrey Epstein? Didn't one of the rape allegations vs Trump come from an Epstein party on his private island nicknamed Orgy Island. Remember Trump was a Studio 54 loving model agency owning Democrat before switching to GOP party very late in life. Probably Obama being nominated was the last straw. How dare a black man beat Trump to POTUS.

just sayin' said...

Gossblogger: Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and billionaire Tom Barrack (who bought Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch) were inseparable, considered the 3 Musketeers of New York City nightlife in the '90's.


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