Sunday, January 07, 2018

Blind Item #3

I wouldn't expect to see this in the news, young, half foreign political couple end up at the altar. There are far too many whispers that one or both will be dead in the not too distant future. From an accident of course.


  1. Not Harry so it must be Meghan.

  2. They aren't really a political couple and they are in the news almost daily.

    1. No, I wouldn't consider royals "political", either. Unless they still have real power.

  3. Gotta be- rumored to be behind Diana’s “accident “ as well

  4. Also he is 33 and she is 36...would that be considered "young?"

    1. Yes. It's not really even middle aged.

    2. Thank you for that.

  5. If you read it like this, it makes sense for Harry and Meghan:

    I wouldn't expect to see this "in the news," young, half foreign political couple end up at the altar.

    "In the news" is a way to describe them, I think.

    IMO, they will not marry. It will mess up the bloodlines and that can't be allowed to happen in certain peoples' minds.

  6. Probably Tiffany Trump and some rich ass jewish man. Zionists own Trump family and USA too.

  7. Rafael - STFU you racist dick

    1. Being antizionist is not being antijewish. I'm Jewish. I'm antizionist. I am not racist. I'm against their holocaust.

    2. Idiot Rafael sounds like Kermit. Go away

  8. Rafael is never too shy to show off his ignorant ramblings.

    1. Rafael is someone else you all know(if you haven’t noticed), that’s come back again under multiple names.....trying to falsely call out other people and just contribute nothing but negativity and venom... Here’s a spoiler alert: it rhymes with — -Eric 😏And yep.... what you both said.

    2. He was annoying and a pest- but I'm not sure he was smart enough to post anything other than catty, bitchy nonsense?
      This Rafael character is malicious in a whole different way, just a terrible human. Derrick was only an envious, jealous man child.
      LoL I almost feel sorry for D, once he started to lose his grip people just turned on him all at once.
      Meh, guess he deserved it for being so terrible to you (Tricia)
      Heres to new beginnings! 🍷💞

      Yes, Ignore the trolls

    3. Kermit is the better choice...Derek is a jealous know it all

  9. In politics 30s is young.

  10. Ridiculous if this is supposed to be Harry and Meghan.

  11. Who, pray tell, would be killing either of them? Is it Prince Philip again as the bad guy?

  12. Used to be a phrase "Do Not Feed the Energy Creature." Just don't.

  13. Escandalo! I think I'm nearly alone when I see genuine love and feelings between these two. Its easy to say shes money/fame hungry. People always want to assume the worst. Why?
    That being said, its bizarre to think someone wants her DEAD. for fucksake this is heavy shit. Makes me happy I'm a relative nobody

    1. You’re not a nobody to me❤️🤙Rosie🥂

    2. I agree with you Rosie. Sounds like that Michael of Kent or some uppity ancient royal. They were meant for each other!

  14. #prayforHarryandMeghan

  15. i tend to think Harry is marrying down, personally. She's accomplished way more in life than he has. Also she's probably smarter than he is--he's known to be, shall we say, not the sharpest knife in a not terribly bright family.

  16. Horrific. Can't even take the thought

  17. The freemasons or illuminati or somesuch org. Prince Phillip is so old he can barely feed himself. I like Markle...a lot. Love the boys are marrying outside the gene pool of vapid ladies in waiting. Ignore the troll. Please. If you judge Markle, do so after watching her speaking engagement vids on youtube.

    1. While I agree with you, there is a plan for lots of mixed racial babies, and this is all planned. The reasoning behind it is online, and it's pretty scary for when we all get lumped together. Hopefully that never happens, but it is the plan. it's why the kardashians are being paid large sums to procreate with black men, and now harry and meghan who is half black. So don't think this is about them, if they wanted to stop a wedding they could, there's plenty of evidence. The royals are all for it.

  18. AM, except in this instance, Rafael is substituting Zionist in for Jewish in order to perpetuate the myth-crutch that Jewish people run everything.

  19. +1 rosie riveter

    I think they are a cute and loving couple too! More power to them.

    @Appalachian Mothersauce

    So is Noam Chomsky, who is Jewish and probably the most scathing critic of Zionism and Israel still alive today.

  20. Or read it this way... I wouldn't expect to see this in the news: "Young, half foreign political couple end up at the altar." There are far too many whispers that one or both will be dead in the not too distant future. From an accident of course.

  21. Thiis is Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner.

  22. Err... Huma and Anthony Weiner are a lot of things but young is not one of them. Also, they're already married.

  23. Both Huma and Anthony Weiner were born in the US. Huma was born in Michigan, which has a large Muslim population. Weiner was born in Brooklyn. Nobody "foreign born" here.

  24. George Papadopoulos (30 y.o.) & fiancée Simona Mangiante (29 y.o.)

  25. Enty is either manufacturing this out of whole cloth, or he's not referring to Harry and Meghan.

    Firstly, I don't think it's likely he has an inside source well-placed within the Royal Family. Secondly, the Family came under terrible pressure when Diana died. The Queen herself was very unpopular for a period of time. It would be pointless to risk that once again, with a permanently unpopular Charles poised to ascend, over Harry who will never be King. If he's as smitten with Meghan as claimed, them getting married and him not misbehaving all over the world would be the best thing that could happen to the Palace.

  26. Meghan has taken to the new life she seems to enjoy it all. She will drag his bloody carcass down the aisle if she has to and marry his corpse. He is too fare removed from the throne to ever threaten the 'bloodline'. They will be just fine.

  27. Wouldn't Enty refer say half royal instead of half political?

  28. I think you nailed it, bean àlainn rua. Both doing too much talking, she's confirmed his testimony and given her own. He's probably the linch pin for bringing Trump down personally.

  29. Yes, Eupheme: bean àlainn rua got it with George Papadapoulos and his fiancée Simona Mangiante. There's no reason to think that either Harry or Meghan are at risk of a hit. BIG reasons for this couple to be in fear for their lives.

    1. I think this is probably right, but the angle is implicating HRC with the “accident, of course” phrasing, referring to the oft-pushed angle on the suspicious deaths following them around.

      Makes sense as many investigations also supposedly turning a spotlight onto the possibility that many of these “key” figures to bring down Trump&Co, were actually plants via HRC & Co.

      Just sayin’ you will likely eyeroll at this one, because you sympathize with that side of the aisle, but truth will soon be illuminated.

  30. @Timebob: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You're right. She's put too much work/effort into it and as someone who's been there, it's hard work. So, she'll drag that ass down that aisle even if it IS a damned bag of bones!

  31. Though emotions are still brought up when the terms Zionist and Anti-Zionist are used by alt types, it's nice that there's finally be intelligent conversation about the plights of both Palestinians and Israelis. If you're old enough you remember Vanessa Redgrave's career almost ending for daring to say that she sympathized with Palestinians.

  32. Are you guys more freaked out by the fact that Enty would post a blind about George Papadapoulos being in danger, or by the fact that it's probably true (which means there may be something to this "rusher thing and trump")? Or do you still believe it's about Prince Harry? Not trying to pick a fight -- I'm honestly interested to know why it hasn't gotten any comments?

    1. In the end... none of us really KNOW anything. Some of us have sacred cows, and have followed the MSM down the Russia narrative.., and others, deeply suspicious of the clear bias and favoritism, have thought this to be a withchhunt designed to keep an outsider, well, outside.

      There is apparently a major OIG report coming this week or next which will shed light on whether things on the anti-Trump side have been above board.

      Regardless of the outcomes, hopefully a year from now we will have some closure and ability to carry on with civics.

  33. George Papadopoulos worked for HIllary's State Dept. & was paid by Fusion GPS.
    Cause of death - Arkancide

  34. Meghan was a yacht girl.

  35. He did not work for Hillary, his political career was with Ben Carson and Trump.

  36. Vanessa Redgrave was one of many celebrity stooges of the far left, communist WRP (Worker Revolutionary Party) party in the UK in the 70s. The WRP recruited actors and famous people to try to sexy the cause up and reach more people - just like Scientology. The then young and popular Richard Beckinsndale and Redgrave were specifically recruited for this purpose. They were too young, naive, suceptible to flattery and frankly, stupid to realise how cynically they were targeted and just like Scientology, treated differently from the rank and file to keep them sweet and keep the nice donations from their nice salaries flowing to the cause.

    Vanessa being the airheaded clueless tart that she is, stood by the leader, who was a violent, mean little shit named Gerry Healy even after he was accused by multiple female members of rape and abuse. The accusations eventually brought the nasty little shit and his political cult down, but Vanessa stood by her substitute daddy figure to the end, aggressively accusing the working class women who had been raped of lying.

    Vanessa would not want us talking about her rape apologia and victim blaming in this climate. I'm sure she thinks most people have forgotten it or never knew about it. Sad for her, some of us remember. Just another pathetic, pandered to industry cretin with no idea about real life or people, but willing to staple herself to any ludicrous cause with a charismatic leader that will beef up her ego.

  37. @just sayin' - I just wanted to say I'm from and in Europe, and not sufficiently familiar with US politics to be able to comment, but you're one of the most reasonable people here (you, plus 3 or 4 others) and I want you to know this is greatly appreciated :) Also, I just googled GP and I'm pretty sure that with what the world knows about superpower politics (and if even a fraction of what Enty writes in political BIs is true), no one in his position should consider himself safe. And this is definitely not about the royal wedding.

  38. Thank you Mag. My politics are different from most here, and I know I appear to be a troll to some. For that I apologize, I do not mean to antagonize, merely reason things out logically. I don't embrace the leftist party line out of whole cloth and I appreciate others who are also open to facts and willing to see things from different perspectives.

    Thank you Sandy...a calming voice of reason in a sea of yacht girl murder conspiracies.

    Fusion GPS wasn't even formed til 2011...GP was in grad school til 2011, then went to intern for a conservative think tank, the Hudson Institute in D.C. Then, as sandybrook pointed out, he worked for Ben Carson. In early 2016 GP was hand-picked by the horrifyingly-unqualified-to-be-WH-advisor-to-the-USDA Sam Clovis for work on the Trump team. He had to have solid GOP bona fides to get that plum assignment, even if he was an intern. Besides, Hillary was only Sec'y of State 'til Kerry took over in Jan. of 2013.

  39. Rafael isn't Derek (I'm in awe of Tricia's imagination with that one) but some of you jump right on that bandwagon when Tricia snaps her crooked fingers.
    It wasn't Derek on the Selma Hayek thread either. Donnamarie has posted many, many times.
    Neither of them sound remotely like Derek but Tricia decides that anyone who doesn't agree with her, or is a racist troll, MUST be Derek.
    Someone is in dire need of attention and I'm giving it to you, Tricia.
    Now, you can come back for more airtime but if you do, be ready to back up your assertion that either poster is Derek. Oh, and please don't rest your laurels on your thoughts that Derek likes provoke. I would venture a guess that there are hundreds of thousands of trolls all over the internet. You're not THAT special. They do it to virtually anyone. And, as far as I can tell, no one was attacking you directly.
    By the way, I'm not Derek either, just in case you want to take another ridiculous leap there.
    Take it easy.

    1. You need a hug Mary 🤗
      Yes, it sounded exactly like D on the Selma thread
      I wish he'd prance on out from behind whatever shit pile hes in. Bless his heart.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. MalibuBOREbee /Mary Lamb thanks for that -yawn- insight ✊️Now we can all carry on ,based upon all that nonsense you had the misfortunate and unsolicited need to dump on us.
      We knew you would be back to try and wipe his ass .
      But god how much nicer is this site without both of your - warped presences’
      I think the great commentators here speak for themselves, and have.

      Rosie R✊️

  40. I agree with you Subliminal Success, that in time we'll all know the truth. I hope you can see that your view of people following the MSM down the Russia narrative is exactly how the left views the right: the right followed Fox/Breitbart/Bannon down the pro-Trump narrative. None of us ordinary, tax-paying, family-oriented Americans are bad people. We all want the same things out of life, we just have different heroes, largely programmed into us by how or where we were raised. We are all virtually powerless against the powers that be and we should stick together instead of hating each other.

    1. I totally agree, which is why I tried to steer it that way instead of being divisive. The weird thing right now is that there is no middle ground. People who couldn’t care less about politics two years ago are now staunch defenders or haters- so much so, that Twitter has become a cesspool and you can’t go anywhere or say anything about either investigation without emotive, crazed bashing from the other side.

      My hope is that the hysteria on social media, etc, is largely manipulative and most are still focusing on living their lives to their best- and that whatever comes of this, is made explicitly public, proof and all, so that there can be no question of wrongdoing, no room for spin as political attack.

  41. @just sayin'
    Don't apologize for your views, political or otherwise. You're one of the sane people here. The minority, unfortunately.
    Your contributions are well thought out and appreciated.

  42. AKA "horseshoe theory".

  43. Agree with the board, Rafael, go away and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  44. This is definitely NOT Harry and Meghan, if for no other reason than they are absolutely not a "political couple." Nope, Harry will have to live through all of Ms. Markle's machinations, I'm afraid...

  45. I couldn't and still don't understand why GP's girlfriend came outta the word work and talked. For what? What was to be gained? GP has already pleaded.

  46. I hope this one is revealed soon. Based on the comments some are losing their minds about this blind

  47. I find the American obsession w/ the British royals to be revolting. It is like non Catholics paying attention to the Pope.

    1. Kind of worse though, right? Considering the country was founded on eacapjng the monarchy 🤔

    2. Stop the presses. Liz and i agree on something.

  48. Confirmed: Trump will sell another daughter to zionists. Ewww

  49. I don't care what they're doing in their family, but British tax-payers have all the rights to care who he's marrying. She will live off their money, I don't know, their kids might look up to Royals and if they'll find out that she was yacht girl and done all these dehumanizing things for money..It's a disgrace AF.

    1. You are quite naive to think that even a yacht girl is a disgrace to the Royals - they have done FAR more depraved things for centuries - they are just able to keep it quiet.

      And everyone has a right to his opinion, but the idea that a taxpayer has any more "say" or vested claim is laughable.

  50. Rafael. Go back to Mexico.

  51. Are royals really 'political' if they have no real power? I mean, they're practically just a tourist attraction at this point of history...

    Power is where I draw the line to what is considered "political".

  52. Because he refers to a “political couple”, I don’t think this is Harry/Meghan.

  53. Why dead? Because the ugly Brit tabloid people dont like that she's a tan colored American?
    You Brits should learn how to take a gift.

  54. Rafael may be canopen/Kympossible. She returns every few years to troll under a new identity.

  55. @Tricia
    I didn't dump on any 'us', I pointed out how you were ASSuming that a shithead troll was Derek and your assertion that a regular poster, Donnamarie, was also Derek, without provocation.
    You seem to be having a rough time and need to let off some steam, or something. You're looking for a fight and Derek has been MIA for a very long time yet you feel the need to bring him up.
    Why? What's in it for you other than attention?
    Funny how I've been accused of being Malibu before. Was that you as Tricia or another moniker? One of your cronies from another site?
    No, honey, I'm not Malibu, Derek or anyone other than me, Mary Lamb.
    I don't wipe anyone's ass and I certainly wasn't nasty to you.
    Of course we can carry on, I have all day long. Don't get all bent out of shape, just realize that not everyone agrees with you and not every troll is Derek. Simple.
    When I said, 'take it easy', I meant it.
    Have a nice night. The Golden Globes were fabulous!

  56. This IS Harry and Meghan. They will kill her just as they killed Diana. She does not belong there. They don't have any problems killing him either because they all know he's not Charles's son.

    Although people don't vote for them in elections and they don't participate in the day to day gubernatorial administrative issues it isn't true that the royals are not political or to say that they have no power. Google the duties, rights and powers of H.M. The Queen (or King) and see what you find. The royals not only preside over the Commonwealth, but whoever is sitting on that throne has a whole lot of power---much of which hasn't really ever been used by Elizabeth II since she ascended. That's why most people don't understand just how much power she has. The monarch can dismiss the prime minister, or any other minister, or even dissolve the entire Parliament. The monarch can declare war. The monarch can command the military. The monarch can ratify (or break) treaties. That is just a few things on the list. If that's not political power then I don't know what is.

    None of the other people who are being pitched as possible options for this blind meet the criteria of being 'young' and half foreign. No one cares about them either. If any of them died in an accident people would talk about it for maybe half a day and then forget them. If really powerful people wanted them dead they would have been dead already. They're just not all that interesting. Harry and Meghan however are the new star couple. The reference to an (arranged) accident involving one or both of them is an allusion to how the powers that be punished Diana for embarrassing them.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. It's too bad you removed your comment, boredatwork boredatwork, it was hilarious!

  59. Prince harry is not a political figure, morons.

    Rafael is an inbred who supports terrorism, pedophilia, female genital mutilation, lynching of gays, oppression of women, the enslaving of children and ethnic cleansing of anyone non Muslim from Palestinian Territories.
    One can not support humanity, while supporting the Palestinians: it's an oxymoron, that only the most ignorant and uninformed lefties could possibly think makes sense.
    In this world today you are either with the people who contribute to humanity in every field or with those who worship a pedophile and contribute nothing but wars, death and squalor.

    Mary Lamb, hilarious? Yeah, it's hilarious how feminist America is marching with a supporter of female genital mutilation, child marriage and marital rape, while claiming a moral high ground.

  60. The mind boggles...
    it's hilarious how feminist America is marching with a supporter of female genital mutilation, child marriage and marital rape, while claiming a moral high ground.
    Who, exactly, are 'we' supposedly supporting?
    Do me a favor, try to make some sense of your mishmash when you try to speak.

  61. Mary Lamb: how surprising that you do not seem to understand /sarc off

    While Obama and Clinton happily took $$$ from the well known rapists and pedos all over Hollywood, the music industry and media, and protected them, now under Trump, they have all been exposed. Coincidence?

    If you can't see a connection in the timeline of all of this circus, then go back to your colouring books and marching with pink knitted hats in one of the freest, most equal-opportunity countries in the world, while screaming for 'rights'.
    What 'rights' did Trump take away for anyone, besides walking over someone else's border?
    The same people who demand to be let into the US< scream how much they hate it, and shoot anyone who crosses their borders.
    Celebrities who swore they'd leave if Trump ever became president, and are still fucking here! Get the fuck out, liars. Why are you still in this terrible country that you hate so much? Fuck off to Iran, Gaza, Pakistan or Turkey, where women and children live so well....
    Get your empty head out of your arsehole Mary.

  62. Prince Harry and Meghan

  63. Noya, stop making shite up, where did I say that the royals are great and she's a disgrace to them?

    She's a disgrace full stop - desperate, highly unlikeable, fake as fuck and utterly average.
    Did I mention how fucking unlikeable she is? She has been with Harry for 5 minutes and everyone is already sick of her.

    But it's sweet how she has one loyal fan in you, a Meghan Markle fan, now that's special...

  64. have a hard time believing this would be about harry and meghan- no way could the monarchy survive the bad press, which would certainly end the family's reign. It took them decades to shake the taint of Diana's death.

    If the royal family had some need to actually get rid of her (and I don't know why) they could not kill just Meghan off, would have to JFK, Jr. them both, but the entire country would lose their minds if another dies suspiciously as did Diana. The monarchy would be done.

    The Queen is more likely to let them marry and quietly devise divorce, ala Andrew.



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