Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Blind Item #3

This closeted NFL player and his "girlfriends" never confirm he is dating anyone whether male or female but his new thirsty contracted "girlfriend" wants everyone to know they are dating. She smells new sponsorship money.


  1. Aaron Rogers/Danika Patrick

  2. Aaron? In the closet?

    1. Yeah-entry especially loved when Olivia Munn was bearding for him for that period of time! Had a field day I the blinds... more even than “widow Cornell “ones lol

  3. @totaji, you didn't know?! Deep dive into Google when you have a time, read all about his former roommate/best friend/tv show that was allegedly in the works about him coming out years ago.

    1. I do know he doesn’t speak to his parents or bro anymore. Is that a part of it? Were that gonna be on the show and make a lot of $$$

    2. They want him to pray the gay away. Professional beard Olivia Munn was his last GF.

  4. It's always a good idea to align expectations with your Beard before announcing your relationship with a (fake) public make-out session at a restaurant. Will publicity and sponsorship deals be part of your contractual agreement?

    Yet another reason an official Beard School would be useful.

    1. She’s in nascar. Sponsorship is her middle name.

  5. She's loving the attention.

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Ok. At this point all I want to know is he top or bottom. Cuz if he’s a bottom, hilarity will ensue.

    1. He has his hands up the centers ass, so he's a top. Although in shotgun he's receiving soo....

  7. @Normal....he's totes a top, as evidenced by the "r.e.l.a.x." remarks, lol. :-)
    @Tricia...I can't stand Olivia Mann but I would gladly pay her to beard for Number 12 again if it would put a stop to the stupid "widow" nonsense. I'm so sick of hearing about Saint Chris and his bloodthirsty greedy hoochie.

  8. "Munn" but autocorrect knows Aaron as well as we do and refuses to lie. :-D

  9. He better put that fidget in check. Make her understand there will be no purse holding and drink fetching.

    I really don't think she will last a year on contract.

  10. I’m thinking Blake griffin and the Jenner girl. I don’t think either of them are into the opposite sex.

  11. So, would we be correct to put Danica in the "closet" as well? Think about it.

  12. She seems more the asexual type. Probably thinks jizz is icky and won't take it anywhere in or on her, if she cant come up w/ a reason to avoid sex.

  13. Isn't she in the closet as well? this should be an ideal match.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This blog has been occupied by The Professionals.
    Martial law has been imposed.
    Civil liberties have been suspended.
    Habeus corpus has been overruled.
    The brothels are operational.
    You cannot win.
    You can only admit.
    You can only submit.

  16. Another Blind Gossip type blind. I wonder who this could be about???

  17. Maybe Aaron Rodgers doesn't want to believe that his teammates think he is looking at their penises while they are showering together, well you still have the'down low'.

  18. Bg says in a blind that there is video evidence of him giving head to another guy. So I would expect a quickie wedding to a willing beard and an IVF baby asap, Clooney style. Baby and beard are the fix it for these guys. He missed his chance to come out with dignity a couple of years ago when his ex started wilding out. These guys, by retreating further and further into the closet set themselves up for blackmail and public ridicule. There's celebs that everyone knows is gay or bi yet they insist on perpetuating the scam. How embarrassing for them. Hopefully in 2018 a few more will chose truth and authenticity but that's not likely.
