Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Blind Item #2

This A list singer who is hoping for an Oscar next year and won't get it is still on tour. The promoters have been given huge incentives to fudge all the box office numbers and have been giving away several thousand free tickets to each show just to make it look close to filled.


  1. Reminds me of that blind from before saying how terrible the new film is going to be.

    1. Yep. I loved the original! So movies just should not be redone:(

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Bullshit. Remake all the movies you want. Just don’t hire a Madonna clone for your lead. Madonna and her test tube clones still cannot act worth a damn.

  2. She's going to get that Oscar. She's going to be great! You'll all see. She's a star!

  3. Ya, truely. I went to Coachella last year and for the songs I saw she put on a decent enough show. During the week between the Coachella weekends people were invited to the grounds to be extra's in the scenes they were shooting for the movie. Underwhelming was heard a lot.

    1. Hey Gaga -have you met “Evita”- oops I mean Madonna?😏

  4. Tricia13, which original? This is the fourth remake of "A Star is Born."

    1. Sorry@Nutty... should not have said original (with multiple versions). My original ,even though young, was the most impressionable with Babs/Kris K:) still watch it

  5. she was really crummy in American Horror Story. I can't imagine her carrying a movie

  6. LOLOL Tricia. My thoughts exactly. I remember when M campaigned hard (and now I wonder *HOW* hard ... but I think we already know the answer to that..) for that role.

    1. Movie was Bruuuutal. The stage production was magnificent (though I was very young when I saw it-still so vivid).

  7. This title never needed music. The best one, imo:


  8. Actually, Nutty Flavor, it will be the third remake, unless you count the original A Star Is Born as a remake of What Price Hollywood?, which some people do (I view them as two separate movies with the same basic formulaic plot line because there are a few key differences [the mentor is the one who does in What Price Hollywood, the lover is a separate character who pops in and out of the picture in What Price Hollywood without ever being eclipsed by the Star, What Price Hollywood is infinitely more rapey]), much like Hallmark Christmas movies being separate but incredibly formulaic). There’s the original nonmusical released in 1937, the first musical with Judy Garland, and the second musical with Barbara Streisand. This will be the third musical version, and probably the most similar to Streisand’s version. I wouldn’t have minded a non-musical remake of the 1937 version (girl goes to Hollywood, struggles for months to land any sort of acting job, manages to land a cater-waiter gig at a big Hollywood party, where Hollywood’s faltering golden boy falls for her and helps her out, they get married, Golden boy’s agent [since here’s no studio system] drops him, he commits suicide after struggling to make a comeback and overhearing that his wife will retire to take care of him), but there needs to be the kickass no-nonsense granny (Betty White, please) who loans the girl the money to go to Hollywood and then tells her to not wallow in grief after the suicide.

  9. @Unknown, interesting stuff. The 1937 one was the version written by Dorothy Parker and her (openly bisexual) husband.

    I like the differing versions of Norman Maine's name.

    1937: Norman Maine
    1954: Norman Maine
    1976: John Norman Howard (so 70s!)
    2018: Jackson Maine (blecch)

    The female main character has gone from Vicky Lester/Esther Blodget to Esther Hoffman in 1976 to "Ally" in 2018.

    Plus in 2018 there is Willam Belli running around playing someone named Emerald.

  10. What is it with both Gaga and Beyonce? It's like they are obsessed with that statuette. They'll never get it though, maybe if they live long enough and get honorary ones

  11. The only film I can think of, that was redone and that I enjoyed just as much as the original is The Thomas Crown affair. And I think the main reason I enjoyed the remake so much was because of the score.

    Which redone movies did it for you ?

  12. @boredatwork - I love 'Dredd' but hated the original with Sylvester Stallone.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      I am da law!
