Sunday, January 14, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A- list mostly movie actress recently found out that her parents allowed a photographer to take naked photos of her when she was about 10 just so a family member could land a really big part in a movie.


  1. Emma Roberts? Wouldn't have her as A list though..

    1. I think Emma's parents divorced when she was very young. How about Dakota and Elle Fanning. Or Mackauley and Kieran Culkin?

  2. This blog has been occupied by The Professionals.
    Civil liberties have been suspended.
    Martial law has been imposed.
    Habeus corpus has been overruled.
    The brothels are operational.
    You cannot win.
    You can only admit.
    You can only submit.

    1. Dude. I hope you're a robot.

      Because if I were a human-spamming such stupidity-I'd seriously consider offing myself.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Side question - anybody else see the SNL Bryan Singer Lost Boys sketch last night? Way to out the pedo. Classic!!

    1. Shit I totally forgot that SNL was on last night! I will be Googling that skit next, thanks for mentioning it!

      But I have to take this opportunity to say that I still haven't forgiven them for having Franco host just weeks ago.

    2. Sweetie Dahling I did see that last night! Immediately thought of my CDaNers!

    3. I rewinded it a bunch of times, it was so funny. Its as if SNL knows Bryan Singer is going down soon.

    4. SO good! And tucci gang!! 🤣🤣

  5. Let's not grasp at straws, Let's demand more specific clues from the moderator. this could be anyone. It's unfair to make anyone guess at this nebulous clue, and it does a disservice to the people who are incorrectly identified. It's all part of RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY people!

    1. Suuuuure. Tell that to the creators of rhe "Shitty Media Men" list and all their defenders right now.

  6. How about Julia Roberts?

  7. DonnaMarie I like that guess. Would explain her hatred for him.

    1. Enty said she only recently found out. Angie hates Voight for daring to say she's fucking out of her mind and he was afraid for the safety of her kids/his grandkids.

    2. Jon voight is a piece of shit. He's a fucking wing nut and SHE'S crazy?! And he barely cares about Angie, much less Angie's kids. Big fucking phoney.

  8. Replies
    1. This. Pedo and victim parents.

  9. Amy: he's not wrong though. She seems like the sort of narcissist who would threaten suicide in front of them, to get her way. Or take on elf them with her.

  10. Voight and Angelina have since made up, a few years ago.

  11. @boredatwork I completely agree. I don't have a vivid imagination and can 100% picture her threatening to harm herself in front of her children. Manipulating them against their father as well.

    As for the blind item, I don't think it's them.

  12. Because I am so old and live in the past, the only time I ever read about something like this was when Brooke Shields mom invited a famous photographer to take nude photos of Brooke in the tub at bath time. She was up for Pretty Baby (a mini porno film) I believe. Please feel free to correct me if I am incorrect about this.

    1. This said "parents," and Brooke's father had nothing to do with her career. Also, who would the family member be who got the role?

  13. I guess there are quite a few gullible people here who believe anything In Touch (Out of Touch) magazine has to say.

  14. Patricia Arquette and daddy?

    1. Interesting possibly related side-note - Patricia's dad was one of the only adult regulars on Rocky Road (the show so many kids were abused on). If he wasn't involved in it, he still surely knew it was going on.

  15. @Jack . . . Dakota does seem likely

  16. Hey @Boo - I'm old enough to remember that as well! So let's break it down - Brooke would've been 10 in 1975, and Teri was in Wanda Nevada in 1979. I think that's close enough for a solve.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Wow Boo and Missy Bigbritches, I didn't know about Teri's movie role...that's gotta be it.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. NOT Brooke Shields and Teri, I don't think. I wouldn't call Shields "mostly movie actress." isn't her biggest claim to fame since reaching adulthood that mediocre sitcom that ran a few years? And maybe "model" would've been tossed in there somewhere?

    Emma Roberts or the Elle/Dakota thing sounds in the ballpark.

  21. Brooke has never been A list except maybe for a short time when she was on TV. Always feelt sorry for her and her mother's poor choices. What relative would have benefited from those pictures? Angie sounds more like it and Jon probably would

    1. She's related to Glen Close. Anyone in that side of the family?

  22. @Boredatwork I could definitely see her doing that. Those kids are going to need some serious therapy.

  23. 10 year-old Shields's nude photos were quite famous. They were in a Playboy publication. There's no way she recently found out about them. Its like saying she recently discovered she was nude in Pretty Baby.

    1. Didn't she go to court to get them suppressed/stop being publicized after the fact?

  24. Unknown - I read it to mean she just learned about the "deal" her parents made. That being said though, Brooke's parents didn't really co-parent, so the blind is worded wrong for it to be Brooke. I always wondered why Frank Shields let Teri have Brooke be exploited so much. And that said, maybe he WAS complicit in her childhood career and in this event.

    1. Good point, though as you say your other observations indicate it's not her.

  25. Gwyneth Paltrow, born 1972, fits the clue, though that doesn't prove anything. Her mother's career had dried up after 1979's The Great Santini, until she landed a comeback role starring with Martin Sheen in Man, Woman and Child, released in 1983.

  26. Xpensive Hobbut said something rational above.

  27. Twice my comment disappeared only on this blind . Hmmm. Anyway guessing Dakota,the parents seemed both in on it,Brooke had years ago tried to keep the photos from being shown publicly again, Jon Voight didn't have any trouble getting good parts at that time, and wasn't around Angie much at the time.

  28. Us old folks know Brooke was A+ as a model,beard,jailbait movie star and general celebrity. Her commercial for Calvin Klein jeans made headlines, she was on every fashion and tabloid cover. And of course,she was offered millions for her virginity,if you believe All the blinds.

  29. Jon Voight And Angie have last I heard,made up. The time of the big feud was when he was on E! fearing for her life and saying things she wanted private. Later stories basicly proved him right,but she still hates E! network.

  30. Crazy lady (Angie) own mother was nuts! Shortly after giving birth to her and her Voigt left her, mother-lovely rented an apt above theirs for Angie (a baby) and a nanny to live separately cuz Angie reminded her so much of Jon V. And then most are aware as a 14-yo mother-lovely allowed Angie's boyfriend to shack up with them. There's a book out on that crazy-ass family and it's a good read. She'll do to her children what her own mother did to Angie and James; turned them against Jon. Who himself isn't a saint. Angie has the brain of a 14 yo. Brad has said since the split that she has "no filter" "doesn't discipline." Think of a 14 yo girl having 6 kids probably running rampant without discipline. IMO
    OK, carry on.

  31. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Ryan/Tatum O'Neal. She would have been 10 in 73. SHE was approached first for the role in Paper Moon, even though she had no acting experience. Is Ryan is a big enough piece of shit to allow nudes in the audition to get the part for himself?

  32. Well @somebody, whatever you think of her, she did get her kids away from an admitted raging alcoholic with anger issues (Brad) and kept them away from him until he got help. Which is what counts and what a decent parent does. :)

  33. @Unknown, well, it wouldn't be surprising. After all, Ryan was a big enough piece of shit to not go to the Oscars with his 10 year old daughter when she was nominated because he was in such a snit that he was not.

  34. @missybigbritches...that is nowhere near 'close enough for a solve'. Teri Shields had a bit part as a motel clerk in Wanda Nevada, which was filmed four years after the nude photos of Brooke, which she certainly did not just find out about. Grasping at straws or what.

  35. Is Blake Lively A-? She had many siblings working when she was a child, such as a brother playing Rusty in Natl. Lampoon's European Vacation

  36. If you don't think Brooke Shields was A list, you weren't around in the late 70's/early 80's. She was HUGE, she was EVERYWHERE, she was TALKED about. She was on every magazine cover you can think of and even mocked in the Bloom County comic strip.

  37. BTW, I don't think Brooke is the blind, just defending her mostly movie A status.

  38. @Do Tell: Always 3 sides to a story and we barely know one.

  39. Maggie Gyllenhaal?

  40. Schneiderisnext - did you see my message?

    1. I did! Thank you so freaking much @Just sayin'

      Idk how you did it, but thanks for tipping Enty off. digging as we speak!

  41. Just putting this out there ... been carrying it around for a while... I still think it was a sense of fortuitous timing that, after carrying twins, St. Angelina publicly announced she was having a voluntary mastectomy. Don't get me wrong - breast cancer is a terrible disease and I don't wish it on anyone and support everyone's right and need to do whatever it takes for them personally - but from a media / PR perspective, rather than own up to a 'less than favorable, but honest' hey, I just carried twins and the girls are hanging low, gonna have some plastic surgery... we get St. Angie making the courageous decision to voluntarily have a mastectomy - no one would question that, no one questions chance of cancer.. then to follow with a 'to make her safe from cancer' a hysterectomy... she's so manipulative, but that is a LOT of kharma to put out into the world, for the sake of saintly press, no?

    1. Not saying she's not capable of being manipulative, but it's pretty logical that she had the mastectomy and hysterectomy to avoid dying from breast or ovarian cancer. It killed her mom, aunt and grandma and she carries the BRCA1 gene.

    2. @Jeweled Skye I am inclined to agree. At the time, I had total side eyes over the whole thing. "Yeah riiiiiiight."

  42. Haha! I knew you'd be happy (small reward for all your work.) Can't wait to see you connect.....

  43. It said the PARENTS did it for a FAMILY MEMBER
    Why are people thinking it was for a parents own career. If so, it would not have brought up FAMILY MEMBER.

  44. Didn’t read all the comments tonight since my midday read of them, but wanted to share this! I just saw SNL from last night. Watch the “Lost Boys” clip before it’s taken down. Someone mentioned Singer with boys. Went right over the audiences heads. CDAN audience will get it!

  45. @dg777, good point.
    Parents let the pictures be taken for the benefit of a family member.
    Perhaps the family member was a step parent.
    Dakota Johnson- Antonio Banderas- Zorro

    I don't doubt Melanie would've done some shit like that for him. It was a big role.

    1. Plus, Melanie had a terrible example growing up - Tippi had the entire family living with Lions for ELEVEN years for the movie Roar. She exploited her daughter and family and put them at risk repeatedly, in order to get the movie made.

  46. Oh ffs, I just looked it up, and guess which admirer of pre pubescent girls was a producer on Mask of Zorro???
    Three guesses and the first two don't count.

  47. Kate Hudson was 8ish when her mom's career was revitalized with Overboard and Bird on a Wire.

  48. The Brooke Shields guess is a really great one. At 10, you would be old enough to remember the photos, so it isn't that she just remembered the photos.

    She just found out the REASON for them was not some art thing, but to get a role for a family member. Talk about exploited. She may have been able to rationalize it previously, although she did go to court at one point to stop the spread of her child pornographic images/films.

  49. Oh! And the reason Brooke may have just "found out" may have something to do with Hefner's death, as they were shot for Playboy when she was 10.

    Maybe even Himmmm may have had something to do with letting her know that little tidbit after his adventure at the mansion recently?

  50. That makes a ton of sense, FeistyPanda. I'm inclined to think it's Brooke. Wouldn't this sort of photo have leaked? And can we say how disgusting is Hugh Hefner for publishing those photos? He actually partnered with Garry Gross to do the photo shoot and paid Teri Shields directly.

  51. A- list. I'm seeing Brooke Shields, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore??? All permanent A listers if not A+.

    I would say Elle Fanning is more A- list so maybe them?

  52. Pictures of Sophia Coppola so cousin Nic Cage could get the Hell Rider role.
