Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly television actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has a new movie coming out but the studio are dragging their heels promoting it. Is it great? No, but the rough cut I saw I really thought had possibilities. So, why the slow walk by the studio? The star of the movie turned down the advances of the person who has the money to spend. 


  1. Taraji P Henson? There's not been a lot of promo for that Proud Mary movie she has coming out

  2. Yes - Taraji! Saw an article about the lack of promo yesterday!

  3. On another note - Enty really had the jump on the Franco situation. The stuff coming out was exactly what was in the blinds for the past year. (or more?)

    1. Yep.

  4. I'd rather know who the jerk is.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Yes so we could flood his emails...the tactics used in hollywood are just so depiscable...

  5. Exactly what I have been thinking for the last 30 mins... I am almost convinced that Enty is a woman due to the overblown Franco thing.

    He alegedly removed their genetial protectors during an orgy scene and SIM!ulated oral, oh geez...

    1. I always thought Enty was a woman. But either way God bless

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Let me see if I understand this brilliant business decision. You sandbag your own product on purpose because your employee won’t sexually service you?

    Where I come from that’s called “motherfucking loony”

  7. @normal - The issue many of the people involved in most films make their money long before the film is released. If it doesn't make a profit, so be it. If it loses money, all the better to write it off on taxes. Movies being successful is just about egos not about money.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      I call bullshit. Who sandbags their own product for a tax write off? Besides Uwe Boll. There’s untold amounts of money you can make with a hit movie. I still think these freaks are lunatics.

    2. They talk about this on Entourage. Hollywood producers are PETTY A. F. They would ABSOLUTELY spend millions just to keep somebody down who didn't stroke their ego.

  8. Over Christmas I saw a billboard for the movie in a predominately African-American neighborhood. That is all I have seen.

  9. @Normal, they are playing with other people's money. They buy drugs and prostitutes, throw lavish parties and pay off lawsuits with the company money. As long as they make enough to not get fired the party goes on.

    1. Exactly, it’s not their own money so they don’t care. They control other people’s money and use it for their own benefit.

  10. That is astounding that a studio exec(s) would do something to affect a film's potential performance and market simply because they weren't able to get their dick wet.

  11. That's surprising, because it's been advertised all over YouTube, and I've also seen multiple commercials for it.

  12. Whether or not it's their own money, at some point the execs would be scrutinized if a film fails, especially if they were in charge of marketing it.

  13. I saw a commercial for it while the wendy williams show was on.

  14. I just want to take this opportunity to profess my love for Tiraji❤

    1. I love her too! By the way, I've seen plenty of commercials for this movie here in Atlanta.

  15. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Enty is referred to as a "he" in multiple articles claiming to know his identify....but I like that angle that maybe he is a she....or maybe he IS a she, or she WAS a he and is NOW She....the possibilities are many

  16. The movie is only being targeted towards the african american communities, and not toward a national audience. I saw a commercial the other day when I was watching Real Housewives of Atlanta. I am white and I love to see bad-ass women in movies, no matter their color. Think of all the commercials that were out for Charlize Theron's Atomic Blonde movie and compare the publicity.

  17. Taraji with Proud Mary. It's a damn shame and i'm gonna try to go see it to support her.



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