Friday, January 12, 2018

Blind Item #16

This former A- list mostly television actress from a hit almost network show seems to have amnesia about the time she hooked up with this former A++ list politician. Her memory only seems to work well when it is advantageous to her.


  1. McGowan/Bill Clinton?

    1. Wow Enty you must really have the goods on her...!if you dislike her start by telling her her Joan of Arc haircut/attitude thing isn’t a good look...
      However,if the abuse was real (and I believe it was with HW)- why no empathy at all from ya?

    2. big ol fat ass Harvey Weinstein (sorry for abbreviating it....)

    3. @Tricia: Yes the cross between butch lesbian and concentration camp inmate haircut isn't a good look for her.

  2. Kim Cattral and Bill Clinton

  3. Gina Gershon and Bill Clinton

    1. What “almost network show “was Gershwin from?

  4. Definitely another Clinton BI that Entern paid money for.

  5. Any one of them and Bill Clinton

  6. Honestly, it could be many actresses and Bill Clinton

  7. I presume this is McGowan/Clinton; it's pretty common knowledge about he and Gina Gershon. Clinton really banged 'em all! Sadly probably not all consensual.

  8. Gina Gershon & Bill Clinton

  9. Tricia Enty is friends with Shannen Doherty and Shannen and Rose don't really get along very well.

    1. Ah-so Shannon is spilling the beans and Enty does have her number?
      Thx dude.... didn’t know SD was one of Entys buds🙏🏻

    2. And Batfleck has been in movie with both of em! Mallrats and Phantoms

    3. Afleck was the bomb in phantoms yo!!

  10. Reading these blinds and their answers is better than any history book...

  11. HW=HarveyWeinstein

  12. It´s Trump. Lock him up!

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Dude STFU! idiot!

    2. Trump just likes porn stars. Hahahaha

  13. @Wendy

    Harvey Weinstein is HW

    in another blind, Enty said Ashley Judd was steering clear of Hilary Clinton bc Bill banged Judd. a lot of hostility towards the women but not the dick himself, Bill? hmmm...interesting.

    this sounds like rose mcgowan and yes, I have noticed that enty seems to have something against her. its funny if enty is more on doherty's side considering she's been known to be quite a bitch in the past. cant you have empathy and thoughtful critique at the same time, enty? I sure would hope so. I dont like that rose worked with salva, I dont like that daria argento's name is on the polanski petition - these things matter to talk about but we should also realize (esp you, enty, seemingly...) that that doesnt void empathy for a rape victim.

  14. So a victim is required to go public with ALL details of all of her sexual encounters?

    Give me an effin break.

  15. It was Jake Gyllenhaal, the rat fuck! Where's my $1,000,000 for answering this blind?

  16. Anonymous1:09 PM

    How is it known that Enty knows Shannen?

    This sounds a bit like Rose to me. I would have said Ashley at first but she's not a Tv actress.

  17. For a site trying to expose awful people, enty really enjoys bashing the victims.

  18. I just heard a rumour that trump hooked up with anna nicole smith and I can't stop laughing. They actually would make a perfect couple. Not even two brain cells to rub together.

  19. Tricia-I was thinking Red Oaks on Amazon Prime.

  20. 4:30 PM Friday 1-12 NYC

    N Y Daily News just posted this: President Trump paid $130,000 to a porn actress, Stephanie Clifford, a month before the election (Oct 16) to make sure she didn't talk about the extra-marital affair they had!!!!! She's gorgeous, by the way. When does Melania say, "Enough!"?

  21. "However,if the abuse was real (and I believe it was with HW)- why no empathy at all from ya?"

    Rose "Not Really My Business" McGowan can fuck off until she steps up and apologizes --
    loud and long -- regarding her Salva comment in The Advocate. You know who is more vulnerable than women? CHILDREN, FFS!

    1. Mark, Check out new comments "The Church" blind

      I think I've found the religious worker program that is operating THE EASTERN EUROPEAN CHILD SEX SLAVERY RING

      Conceivably all that we have to do is file a FOIA [freedom of information act] regarding the program. It's been repeatedly renewed by UT senator ORRIN HATCH

  22. you know, there's a big difference between hooking up and being raped. just sayin'.

  23. All of fucking Hollywood...and Bill Clinton. Hillary if its kinky.

  24. You know, I worked in sexual assault and I am sorry for Rose McGowan, I have empathy for her, but I don't like her. You can be a rape victim AND a garbage person.

    1. I was just coming back here to comment the same thing.

      It is entirely possible to be a rape survivor and simultaneously a piece of shit human being...And the more I read about McGowan the more I feel this could apply to her, sadly...
      She has a lot of growing up to do still. I hope she starts sooner than later, for her sake.

  25. OT: So I guess we aren't getting any Critic Choice Awards blinds. Enty must not of had any little birds there.

  26. I don't believe Enty is bashing victims.
    Enty is bringing attention to the irony.
    The hypocrisy if you will.

    Victim wants everyone to go on her witch hunt,
    but refuses to speak out for the victims of men she willingly slept with.
    Men who are known rapists.

  27. There is a fine line here, but still a line.

    I actually agree that pointing out other bad behavior, hypocrisy or inconsistencies in any abuse victim is not victim-shaming. However, Statements like "she was asking for it from Harvey" ARE victim-shaming.

    We can all recognize that Corey was legitimately a molestation victim, and still observe, comment on and regret his decision to monetize his abuse, and mislead about who actually abused him.

    Victims deserve sympathy and support but we can't give them carte blanche for every other action in their life. Right?

    Regarding RoseMc, she is a victim and an advocate and I support her advocacy. I have no problems with Enty pointing out other bad acts of hers, so long as it does not cross the line into attempting to undermine that she was legitimately abused and raped.

  28. @Boo, that story was originally reported in the Wall Street Journal. It seems that Mueller is using some J Edgar Hoover tactics towards Michael Cohen.

  29. Why would it be relevant who she slept with if it was consensual? Who is she supposed to recount this event to and for what reason?

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Why go on a "dick" hunt at all then?

  30. Breaking:Reese W. Has come forward to say she too ,is an assault victim. Happened when she was 16 by a director...... it looks like SFW to me:director Jefery W./if filmed when she was 16 it was released a year later (which fits the timeline).

  31. I agree with Maude. McGowan can be an abuse victim and be outspoken about what is happening while having some very shitty things.

    I still don't think I've completely forgiven her for the Robert Rodriguez thing, among her own behaviour and 'blind eye' to certain things.

  32. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I agree with all you said, @sign name below. I really like Rose and appreciate all she is doing. She is obviously really messed up from her experiences.
    I just think with regard to Salva, I am sure she regrets it, but she refuses to acknowledge it, which just makes people hound her more. She has called out other people for working with abusers, so people are calling her out. This was before the whole me, too movement and maybe she was not ready to speak out.

  33. @Tricia- wasn't S.F.W. the film where she had to also go topless/naked? I can't remember, but if it was, that's so freakin' young. Poor thing.

  34. @BayAreaGirl: Wow! I wish I hadn't retired from the news media! I would be working 18 hour days just transcribing all the news stories!!! Thankx for the tip. The only thing they've missed so far is, Baron is Putin's son! Coming soon to a CNN near you!

  35. Why so many Clinton blinds and none of Trump? He paid off a porn star, was sued for raping a 13 year old at Epstein’s party and married three times.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Films take a year to come out ,typically. Her being 16 during the shoot would place tbwbreajeas a year later.

  38. Rose McGowan is a victim of rape but she is also a satanist. She doesn't want to talk about Victor Salva because satanism is at the core of much of the child raping that's going on in Hollywood. Sexualizing and mentally programming children is a big part of what's keeping their sinister secret networks going year after year after decade after century after millennia.

    It's possible this entire #MeToo movement is a distraction away from even more horrible crimes that are rampant in Hollywood, as everyone who reads this site already understands. Between "Pizzagate" and the internet, more and more people have become aware of the epidemic of child sexual abuse in entertainment and politics. But it had not yet reached a critical mass, and #MeToo may be being used to channel this anger into a valid but incomplete awareness and justice movement.

    Maybe Enty doesn't like Ms. McGowan because she's a satanist. Or maybe he doesn't like her because she's giving satanists a bad name. It was brave to publicly go after HW (and call others out for being complicit), but she's no heroine.

    This would also explain why James Franco is held in such low regard. Another satanist. Maybe all of Hollywood is. But I'm hoping there's at least a few lower level Luciferians with good hearts.

  39. @Tricia13 . . . Reese says she was 16, so that would be 1992. Her only films then were a Far Off Place (1993) dir: Mikael Salomon, Jack the Bear (1993) dir: Marshall Herskovitz, and the TV mini-series Return To Lonesome Dove (1993) dir: Mike Robe, and TV movie: Desperate Choices: To Save My Child (1992) dir: Andy Tennant.

    1. I answered above to your post. Sorry to repeat.
      16 when she made it/17 when released ... films take a year on average (or as we know more at times )

  40. Thanks for replying @Tricia13 Yes, I agree on the timing. You're better familiar with Jefery. Each of the directors is a possibility.

    1. My pleasure... not sure if it’s correct but ? Maybe

  41. A woman just accused Steven Seagal of rape. In 1993!

  42. @rafael it was trump!i know!i blew him all the time!

    1. @rafael ohh shit it was actually secret fag alec baldwin with a trump wig..but ben carson is secretly kkk!

  43. As someone who has experienced it myself, I believe that women who go public about sexual assault SHOULD have some sort of intention to help other assault victims re: enacting change, awareness, etc.

  44. I've been a Rose fan for decades but let's be real she is not A- except perhaps now in Q rating. If someone is calling her A I have to wonder . . .

    Clinton is the only A++ politician we can think of?

  45. DDonna Tartty, you are as crazy as a shit house rat. Most people called "Satanists" are no such thing. Are there depraved, immoral and sick people? No doubt, but there are very few organize "Satanist" doing blood rituals in order to appease a deity who doesn't exist. That is something the Christian church uses to scare it's feeble minded parishioners. People who call themselves Satanists fall into two categories. Stupid immature people who use it as cover for their sick behaviors, or Atheists who use it as a tool to stop the spread of Theocracy. Read a book other than the Bible for Christ's sake.

  46. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory from the man-children at 4chan,and belongs there, not here.

  47. Gina Gershon was on Rescue Me. Does FX count as "almost network?"

    1. @luckythewondercat
      Did anyone answer you? No, FX is cable. Almost network would be the CW or the like

  48. If there's victim shaming... Surely there should be innocent shaming, where someone else's problems become those of people with an apparent higher, moral standing.

  49. Anonymous12:38 AM

    @Unknown - I had not heard of 4chan until a month ago. I went and had a peek to see what it was about and I exited swiftly.

  50. WTF? This is supposed to be a blog? And these are his "stories"? 1 sentence and you're supposed to guess who it is?

  51. @ Unknown - There's a great, well reasoned and not conspiratorial look at the facts surrounding the pizzagate phenomenon here:

    13 Essential Data Points Surrounding the Pizzagate Pedophilia Allegations

  52. @White Witch -- Actually this blog is legendary, very well known for being extremely accurate. Whoever Enty is, is VERY well connected with a thick black book.

  53. Nobody cares if Trump paid off some porn star, something she denies btw.

    JFK was a hero for fucking around, as was Bill, remember? And women actually DIED.
    Bathhouse Barry and his encounters, that resulted in the death of Donald Young (execution style) 5 minutes before he ran for potus, never attracted much attention either. Donald Young's mother confirmed her son's liaison with Barry Bathhouse.
    Desperate hysterical looney libtards. Failed with Russia, failed with his health, failed with everything. Failures and losers. Liars and hypocrites.
    After Trump love cheeseburgers-in-bed-gate, the ice-cream-scandal, and don't touch my toothbrush hysteria, now they have this: He allegedly shagged some porno girl and then *gasp* paid her; somebody call the pope!

    It's so fucking funny; better than watching any comedy show.
    Thank you for the laughs, libtards.

  54. Re. Satanism and pedophelia in the US...why doesn't the govt. keep a record of the number of children who go missing every year? Seems a rather glaring omission for an industrialized country? And there was a lawsuit brought against the Catholic church, Anglican Church , queen and Canadian govt. for the murder of many Native children in govt. ordered boarding schools. Canadian govt apologized for the deaths. Pope made a general apology. The satanism is real among our elites. Google Tony Podesta's "art" that was in his office and home for all of DC to view. He should be in jail for it alone.

  55. I wager bill never paid. He's got mojo. To not see it is partisan.
    Stop saying he took anything by force. That's trumps deal.

  56. Where are the real blinds about which porn stars Trump banged? Trump made sure to bring the vivid girls to run a beverage tent at his courses. His dick is filthy.

  57. No Bill didn't pay perhaps, he probably just made them disappear. All those suicides linked to the Clintons, the number is so high, I'm sure we can find some ladies of the night amongst them. But media doesn't want dig, cause that number keeps rising with every question.

    If people cared that Trump ALLEGEDLY banged a porno chick - the moral paragons of society, who never ever lie - then he wouldn't have won the presidency, as libtards already played that card, when he was running, and lost.

  58. People here do not have a good memory ... There's a blind on Ashley Judd Inviting Bill at an Event.

    1. Ashley Judd, however, is not "mostly TV".

  59. I don't read anything written by anyone who uses the word "libtard". Same with Drumpf, Cheeto, Obummer, snowflake, etc. if you can't have a political conversation without being an insulting child, you shouldn't talk politics at all. Go discuss your own county's politics somewhere, because I'm bored with your boringness.

    1. Don’t forget ‘cuck’. I wish we could ban all of those words!

  60. @Julia: Why do victims owe anyone anything?! I'm close to calling you crazy. Nope, I'll call it like it is: You're crazy.

  61. Heather Duke- I shall tell you what I tell everybody else who tells me to go away: fat chance snowflake.

    Is your safe space occupied by Hillary, you get your knickers in such a twist over libtard?
    You know that libtard has made it into both the Oxford and Webster's dictionary? It is a legitimate description for your kind, and you have just shown why. Waaaa bad words, waaaaaaaa.
    Don't read it what I write, nobody is forcing you, but If you want to shut me up, you will fail; surely you're used to that by now. I suggest Iran or North Korea for your 'tolerant' kind.
    I shall write whatever I like, however I like, and there is absolutely nothing, you libtard snowflake can do about it. Kiss kiss xoxo

  62. "Pizzagate"

    And I'm done.

    4chan fantasies of torture basements and risotto make these comments fall over the edge into nonsense.

  63. Tea Leoni in some hot lesbian action for the benefit of Mr. Kite.

  64. My 'roids are bleeding and hurting.

  65. People suffering from trauma-based are naturally going to appear bipolar. It's not because they have problems thinking straight. It is because they have different alters, each of them with their own personality.

    One part of Rose is a gothic-bent satanist. Another part of her is someone very hurt and wants the truth to be known. If she is a monarch victim, she has many more and they all have their own minds and motives.

    The best thing for these people is sytematic deprogramming. Other than that, you won't know who you're getting when you talk to them. Very frustrating for both you and them.



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