Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Blind Item #16

This foreign born still a teen A+ list celebrity in her own country who is probably A- listish here should watch out for her boyfriend. He is doing everything possible to marry her without a prenup or get her pregnant. He wants that family money.


  1. Bindi Irwin?

    (Long time lurker, first time poster. Hello!)

  2. Hello you probably got it.

  3. So, he's both a cheater and a schemer? He looks so Wonder bread. I hope Bindi would wisen up, she's seems like a sweet girl. She needs to kick him to the curb. She's so young, 19, to get married.

  4. This is so sad...that is one sweet young lady who was not raised to be untrusting... I feel for her not having her daddy too.

  5. Wow! So is 16 blinds a day going to be the new normal? That seems like a lot of inventory to come up with each day. Before anyone jumps on the complainer...I've been coming here since about 2008 so I've seen a lot change here. Back in the day there was a couple of blinds a day with celeb stories also which weren't blinds. I know a lot now just based on what's in the DM that day and some have become obvious much like those over on BG site and I guess that's ok as long as we keep getting a few old school original enty ones (which we seem to be getting.)

  6. No way momma let's it happen without a prenup

  7. followup - well maybe with the renewed interest after the sex scandals maybe enty is getting a lot more tips.

  8. @texasrose I for one could do with far fewer blinds if it meant never hearing about a single reality or YouTube "star" ever again.

  9. Whore scholarship works both ways, ask Federline.

  10. I hope she ditches that SOB or gets on some seriously good birth control.

  11. @Cee Kay - I don't mind any blind that is a real blind but too many like the one today about A+ actor that needs earpiece and is fed lines which was widely reported last year. If you can just google key words from blind and you get several stories about it then it is not a blind. I do get how people still like to guess but it gets kind of ridiculous.

  12. I agree with texasrose - some of these blinds seem exaggerated or even fabricated. Say, you take an interview where Selena Gomez admits she auditioned for Woody Allen five times for a particular role, and it turns into a blind where Selena undressed in each audition. Is Woody Allen a creep? Yes. Did the naked auditions actually happen? It's not impossible. But let's take into consideration that Enty's posts about Gomez are generally negative and Gomez is certainly a survivor of the Hollywood pedo ring. Blast Woody Allen and James Franco if you want-- celebs who committed lascivious offenses and harassment when they were adults--but let's cut a little slack for celebs (especially child-star celebs) who are victims of the Hollywood meat grinder culture.

  13. I agree. Much prefer the old days of Original Enty when the blinds were high quality and low quantity and not just stories that are already out there and tips sent in by fangirls with an agenda.

  14. Her earnings are quite separate from the wildlife park and show royalties, he would only be able to access the money Bindi has made herself. Steve Irwins father is no sucker, and neither is Terri Irwin. Australians are famously tight fisted and prenups are not enforceable in AU either. Divorce in Australia is no fault and the 50/50 criteria is a general starting point not including assets prior to marriage, chidlren alter the equation to the favour of the custodial parent as they will bear the bulk of cost of child rearing. There are easier ways to make a buck.

  15. Bindi Irwin is A- in America??

    1. It seems like everyone is a- or higher these days. I feel like the criteria loosened up a ton over old enty

  16. Whoever this is, obviously hasn't heard of the ten year rule when it comes to divorce.

  17. My first thought was Sofia Richie and Scott Disic?
