Monday, January 29, 2018

Blind Item #15 - Grammy Awards

This foreign born former A list boy bander would never have gone to the awards if they were still in LA. Yes, he was messed up and yes, he looked dope sick during that second party, but he did get out of the house and engage which was probably good for him. Maybe it will convince him to get some help.


  1. Zayn get some help!

  2. Zayn looked great on the red carpet, but nervous too. I noticed him do the little twisting the ring on his finger thing that a lot of people with anxieties do. If it is him, I hope he gets help. He's a good singer and I respected that he wanted to leave a pop boy band and make his own music (sorry any 1D fans who are on here instead of being in school)

  3. Zayn and his bullshit with the fucking anxiety issue. he was fine before he doesn't have anxiety he's just a fucking dramatic junkie ugh let him phase away into oblivion please.

  4. Even with the makeup, he still looked gray.

  5. He looked awful. Better than some of the paps pics I’ve seen in recent days but still not well. I really hope he will get help.

  6. Zayn always looks ready to flee at any moment. The anxiety is real...when you’re doped up. Get clean and happy, Zayn. Stage an epic comeback while your fans are still ready to support you. It’s not too late!

  7. aMERICANPANDA: Anxiety can start at any time in your life. some people is from trauma, some people is genetics, some people is a major change in their life, etc.

  8. anybody on here dissing him for his anxiety, STFU. its real and sometimes its so bad people resort to drugs to make themselves feel better (not just for anxiety obviously, but mental illness in general)

    good for him getting out of the house - one step is better than none.

    @ americanpanda LOL, are you friends with him panda? go get f/cked, bitch.

  9. I really didn't think he looked bad at the Grammy's or the Clive Davis party. To me he looked better than some of the other recent pictures I've seen of him. I checked out his IG and there was one pic that made me think of Kurt Cobain - not in a bad or good way, just interesting.

  10. Anyone questioning his anxiety go watch the first episodes of his audition for X Factor. He's full of anxiety. I mwan it's pretty bad for him.

  11. +everything to those posting about anxiety. Anxiety can be a very difficult. It can be hard for regular people to function and even lead to being socially withdrawn. I can't imagine what it would be like to have serious anxieties and be famous. Not just red carpets, but just living their daily life being recognized everywhere they go.

  12. Self-medicating rarely has a good prognosis.

  13. I agree with @hothotheat - I remember watching the series of the X Factor where 1D were put together. Zayn had a huge freak-out about having to do dance moves in his audition to the point where he was about to walk and go home. Speaking from experience, you can tell when somebody's anxiety is real. Hope he can get some help, it's a really nasty place to be.

  14. @jessorella - just sucks that he appears to be self-medicating as a coping mechanism. A shame.

  15. He never looks high in any pics I've seen, and I know what I'm looking for. I think Enty is just stuck on hating Zayn.

  16. Anonymous3:46 PM

    It's such a shame for anyone to be in that kind of addiction. I hope he can get out of it.
    The industry does not seem to care for their artists emotional wellbeing, only the money.

  17. I'm sober now but drank for most of my 20s to overcome made me more anxious and more depressed. Now I am lucky to live day to day okay but I self medicated for a long time. I get him but Zayn should leave the celebrity world or he will never get better. Too many big demands and scary situations.Lead a normal life and be happy.

    1. Agree - seems like maybe he didn’t quite understand what he was getting himself into back in the X Factor days. A shame really - he IS talented.

    2. Amy 💛💛💛💛

  18. Zayn. Him and Sam Smith are going to wind up in the 27 club.
    As for Zayn's anxiety, don't call it bs. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks as ain't no joke. That's why he's doing drugs---lots of people with mental health issues self-medicate.

  19. Why is Sam Smith going to end up in the 27 club? Is he drugging too?

    Anxiety can be awful. I've been lucky enough to find coping mechanisms that aren't chemical (yoga, meditation, exercise) that have helped. I can't imagine having to be in the public eye 24/7 and deal with it.

  20. Probably loading up on smack as I write

  21. Oh I know, i usffer from panic attacks, thanks, but for someone at his level to still be like this and use it as an excuse is a cop out, let's call it what it is, and its a drug addiction. Bye Zayn!
