Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blind Item #14

Do you remember a few weeks ago I wrote about this A list celebrity with A++ list political connections who was meeting several times a week with the wife of an A+++ list criminal. Yeah, well it turns out there is some money laundering going on which our A list celebrity has been coordinating. This is going to blow up and look so bad. I guarantee someone will be able to piece together some way that a percentage of the money taken as a fee for laundering is supporting terrorists or something akin to it. 


  1. Huma Albedon/Weiner amd El Chapos wife

  2. Maybe that's why the divorce got dropped he has something over Huma. Besides his penis.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. I had the same thought. If they stay married, the spousal privilege would prevent testimony by one against the other in a criminal proceeding. I'm not entirely certain, but terminating the marriage may terminate the privilege.

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I think he has a lot over Huma and Hillary and his "weiner" is the last thing those two are interested in!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Silly drug lords need to learn about cryptocurrencies like Monero

    1. Dude, I've made a good chunk of money from Cryptocurrency.

    2. Which ones? I'm in the game since October.

    3. Bitcoin mostly. A little with Litecoin. I still own a small portion, but I was able to make enough to really get my ass nearly out of debt.

    4. Amazing. Congrats. I'm in Ethereum since early last year. Holding to avoid capital gains.

    5. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Stop the freaking advertising. Trolls

  8. 😂 +1 on genital jokes

  9. Since when is Huma A list?

  10. Anonymous12:50 PM

    James Franco.

    Why should this blind be any different?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I don't think Huma is A list, outside of a NY social scene maybe. But there was a reveal on the original blind that confirmed it's Huma and Mrs. Chapo.

  13. I can never understand how Huma and Weiner afford their lifestyle. From pap shots and the documentary, it appears that their NYC lifestyle is on par with SJP and Katie Holmes. Everytime the Daily runs photos of her, it names the designer clothes, purses and accessories. They have a driver and an SUV and security and private schools and a nice townhome. So, so, so confused. Even dbl-dipping at the State Department, and before he had to resign, they were only making well south of 500k.

  14. is it weiner hooking up with the cartel leader's wife and laundering money, or is it huma??

    bc even tho people know who huma is, weiner I'd argue is more well known the worst way

  15. if you believe the Q-anon posts they say "follow the wives". Hmmm.

  16. Huma is A-list by virtue of being Hillary's #1 aide.

    @timebob: Another reason for calling off the divorce is that we now know Huma and Hillary skated on the FBI classified emails investigation due to pro-Hillary bias in the FBI by Strzok, McCabe, etc. Now that that's uncovered and ended, the investigation into Hillary's email server (and the Clinton Foundation) are being reopened. It's known that Huma lied to the FBI, and that her emails ended up on Weiner's laptop, so she is in great legal peril.

    Why she would associate with shady characters now, when she's probably under (unbiased) federal surveillance, is beyond me. But then I could never understand how someone with close personal and family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood could work for Hillary, either.

  17. Weiner is still in prison. It's Huma. The money laundering is a hook to get at the "something akin to it."

  18. Anonymous1:29 PM

    im sooooo juiced to legit be apart of the House of Enty ...sawry I' this yet feel real acquainted there are a couple of u I already❤😀💯

  19. SIGN NAME BELOW -- one small mistake: their kid is in Public School.

    1. @Sallysal Thank you for the correction!

  20. Who is the A list celebrity among Huma/Weiner/El Chapo's wife?
    Clinton's emails have been investigated ad nauseum, and by right wing committees...there is nothing there. It is the FBI that yapped about emails, but said nothing about Trump's sordid Russian connections prior to the election.

    1. Her DELETED emails have been investigated ad nauseum, and by right wingers? What world do you live in? They were investigated as a formality by Comey when he had already written an exonerary letter.

    2. +1000 The FBI heads are all republican. Shut about the emails. There's nothing in the emails or we would know by now!

  21. Was there a reveal that proved it was El Chapos wife? I thought that Harvey Weinstein was a possibility for A+++ criminal and Georgina Chapman the woman going to Huma's apartment frequently. There was a spot in the Post about this, no? They just reached a divorce settlement -- Georgina could have been having Huma hide money for her. Obviously the fee for terrorists will be tied to Huma's family.

    1. I agree Chapman’s in here somewhere. A+++ list criminals with wives is a short list.

  22. The fact that Huma Abedin's family is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood makes me wonder what other dirt this traitorous bitch was doing to us.

  23. Where'd your comment go, Kno Won Uno? I'm happy to see you back.

    1. Oh, heaven knows. By the time the page reloads, I forgot the blind.
      Thanks! I’m hanging around for a little while, recuperating from a thing. BORED!

  24. No way this went on right under Hillary's nose.

  25. Huma isn't stupid enough to launder money right now. She knows she is under the microscope.

    Trump, on the other hand, is selling off his real estate to mysterious LLCs, way above asking, ever since he became president. Gee, I wonder what he promised people?

    1. That was my first thought. 70% of sales to anonymous buyers in 2017 vs 13% the year before. It’s like a giant blinking arrow saying MONEY LAUNDERING.

  26. Replies
    1. I wonder if they’re some of the “anonymous buyers”.

  27. Now I'm confused. Trump has something to do with this blind?

  28. It is 100 percent huma. Anyone saying no has political bias or even worse intentions. That's ok though. I'll enjoy watching the tears when it's completely public.

  29. Huma is targeted by the same Russian affiliated trolls supporting Trump. The kek trolls have clearly discovered CDAN. That's why they're pushing Huma. And yes, I'll be ignoring you, Vlad.

    Trump is money laundry central. It's obviously him and one of his sycophant celebs.

    1. I’m trying to remember celeb golf partners, but the only one I recall is Peyton Manning....oh, Tiger Woods, too. The celeb is “only” A list, so it’s tough.

    2. He played with Jack Nicklaus in November.

    3. Bingo!omg howd u figure this out!!?.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. The Clinton's and Bushes have been drug and gun running for decades.
    El Chapo is part of the CIA/Clinton/Bush Family.
    Remember MENA, Arkansas?

    They are scattering like RATS now because Hillary wasn't chosen by the powers
    that be to be President.

    They had a lock hold on drug running and now, they don't.

    Trump and his cronies are at the top of the drug running food chain
    and the Clinton/Bush mafia leftovers are attempting to save themselves.

    Why do people want to be President?
    One reason is so their faction of the mafia can have a monopoly on the drug market.

    Chabad Lubavitch, Jared Kushner's Fake Jewish Cult,
    is a front for everything illegal. They use religion/rabbis as cover for their criminal operations.

    Chabad has been running drugs all over the world for centuries.
    In recent years,
    A Chabad drug operation in India
    was taken out by the Indian drug cartel.
    They blew all the FAKE Rabbi's heads off at the Fake Synagogue.

    Ask yourself WHY Trump would commute the sentence of that Chabad guy out of Iowa?
    You know the guy who abused people, animals and had a meth lab in the basement of his plant?

  32. Anonymous3:16 PM

    This why our country is broken. Emails that literally cannot be on a laptop Huma or her husband can have access to without major laws being broken are found...but it's Trump's fault. And any further evidence, "I'm just ignoring you now". There is CLEARLY fire here. But no, it's Trump. It's always Trump. This all was happening before he even declared for office, but it's Trump's fault. We fucking get it, you don't like Trump, what the fuck does that have to do with Huma Abedien and this specific case where clearly major lawbreaking was occurring?

    I know it sucks when someone you supported is outed as corrupt, which is why I don't support politicians - they're all corrupt. i didn't vote, because the choice of Hillary vs Trump was the choice of a lesser evil. But this blind arrogant support of people like Huma who NEED to be investigated at the very least is bordering on insanity. You people will accuse Hollywood types of every crime in the world and believe every rumor, but when it's your pet politician, oh no, you crossed a line.

    1. +1....for those of us who don't support politicians, there is no way to distinguish what's real and what isn't bcuz both political sides, thier followers, law enforcement and the MSM are so fucked up...

    2. @Unknown, I agree with you - per usual. Trump has zilch to do with the piss poor conduct of Huma and Weiner. Period. Zilch. Circling back to him on completely unrelated matters is pathetic and strangely familiar. I mean...wasn't that Harvey Weinstein's first line of defense also? Deny, deny, deny and the deflect with a Trump insult? Yup.

      And to anyone crying about Enty being "bought by Trump money" because he has the audacity to post blinds about certain suspected democrats...please feel free to return to your regularly scheduled programming on CNN. Seriously, you're ruining this site. Lol.

      Democrats suck. Republicans suck. Enty is nonpartisan. Deal with it.

    3. At the rate people are realizing the corruption of both parties, 2018 will be a bloodbath

      Trump the orange haired Samson is going to bring the temple down upon itself.

      If anyone wants to see more republican/conservative corruption, check out "The Church" blind.


    4. @Schneider, IKR?!? If anyone is thirsting for stomach-turning tea of the conservative/repug variety, head your @sses over to the Church blind, and kindly STFU on these Huma, Obummer and Shillary blinds.

      Enty is an equal opportunity roaster! He WILL publish blinds about ANYONE who qualifies as a POS - regardless of political stance. And YES, that DOES include democrats, sorry! Depravity exists on both sides of the aisle in DC.

  33. Unknown, your last sentence is exactly how liberals view Republicans' defense of Trump.

  34. This article says to me it's gotta be Georgina and Huma. Just because the Weinsteins are in an adversarial relationship, negotiating divorce terms doesn't mean they don't have a ton of money that they want to keep hidden. (Supposedly they came up with a settlement today that's larger than expected.) Better to hide it from the court than let it show up on paper, maing it available for settling Harvey's future lawsuits. So laundering through a trusted friend makes sense. And whether or not there's any truth to Huma having loyalty to the Muslim Brotherhood, that's surely what Enty's hinting at.

  35. Forgot to link the article:

  36. In other bizarre news, Huma and Weiner have cancelled their divorce:

  37. The A list celebrity is Huma Abedin. The A++ list political connection are Bill and Hillary Clinton. The wife of the A+++ list criminal is Emma Coronel Aispuro (AKA Senora Chapo).

    Some of the dirty money was rinsed through the Clinton Foundation. This was already breaking out on the alternative news sites. Traditional media is ignoring the story. I don't think that this will ever come to muster because Jeff Sessions and the alphabet law enforcement agencies are afraid of the Clintons. There's a whole lot of dirty cash that got rinsed though the Clinton foundation and the charitable organizations (slush fund operations) that received money indirectly from it. The evidence is right there in plain site, but no one talks about it. And the biased media will never allow the story to gain traction in the news for obvious reasons. I'm not a fan of Hillary but I have to salute her. She's got bigger balls than most men who ever lived on this planet.

    Sometimes when you shred documents people can still piece them together, so it may be more convenient to arrange for an 'accidental' fire in your house to completely destroy evidence that could be used to prosecute you.

    All you have to do is follow the money. It always leads back to the same people. I like to call these people 'the untouchables' because no matter what outrageous crimes they commit they will never be arrested or prosecuted.

    1. When you consider Washington DC is sitting on a sizeable chunk of everyone's paycheck, it's a no brainer you will find there the biggest and smartest thieves in the I have said in the past 'Washington DC makes Hollywood look like family values'

  38. Happy to admit when I'm wrong, Enty did reveal this to be El Chapo's wife, I missed it:

  39. @John Doe Could not have said it better myself!

  40. Can we just agree that BOTH parties are corrupt? I'm sick of reading everyday on here the political back-and-forths. "This blind is Clinton, so Democrats are bad." "This blind is Trump, so Republicans are bad." Guess what? There is really no difference anymore when it comes to the ethics of the two parties. Sure, there is a difference in the political platforms between the parties, and what each party SAYS they want to do, but the corruption on both sides make them more alike than different. So can we just give a rest to the political crap for a bit? EVERYBODY'S bias shows in these threads, make no mistake. Some stay calmer or more civil, but there's no changing minds on this topic. So let's make like Elsa in Frozen and LET IT GO.

  41. I must say I was shocked to see that a woman no longer on a high salary, divorcing a man in jail with no income, a child to raise and NYC rent or mortgage to pay is vacationing at the Four Seasons in Hawaii this week.

    1. @just sayin
      Blows my mind. Just incomprehensible.

      It reminds me of the absolutely best chapter name in all of literature, from Thackeray's Vanity Fair:

      "How to Live Well on Nothing a Year"

  42. Excellent post @John Doe.

    One question though; why or how can the Attorney General and the FBI and CIA and DEA and the rest of them be afraid of the Clintons?

    Clintons <---- Bush Crime Family <-----Rockefellers?

    Or are the Mexican drug cartels even more powerful than we would have thought?

    Just how anarchic is the situation anyway?

  43. Should I buy Ripple now, or is it too late? Not the skanky wine. The coins.

    1. It's never too late, Boo. Go read up on Reddit where the crypto geeks are. :)

  44. Don't overestimate the intelligence of these people. They're more cunning than smart, and like their Hollywood comrades, they've gotten used to being able to buy their way out of anything for decades.

    Here's an idea: consider Huma's recent activities with the assumption that she's already made a deal.

  45. All kidding aside, (Bitcoins) living in NYC as I do, having worked in news media for years on-and-off here, you cannot grasp what the h--- is going on with regard to this situation. You should have heard the local talk show hosts on our stations when the bombshell dropped that she is not going to divorce Weenie. She is going to 'stick it out' she said. They were speechless and unable to explain to their audiences what it all means. And since they value their lucrative careers, they won't even try. Where is Deep Throat when you need him?

  46. @John Doe: The recent -- "fire" at Clinton's house. Interesting.

    @346NYC: I want to by your friend!! You know alot, and I want to know alot!!!

    @Cail: I agree, these are very cunning people. Very.

    @Boo Heame: Good luck with your move and book!!

    I will agree ALL politicians are crooked.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Enty just read your interview on huffpost *wipes away a proud tear* . Also agree with Cdan becoming a wee bit witch-hunter like . Please try and keep your blinds politically balanced, if you haven't been bought by Trump money like blindgossip and the enquirer have. I'm sure there's gold to mine on both sides of the isle. As for the trumps and Clintons. Old friends from way back. Google trump clinton wedding pictures. They were literally great pals for the longest time. Cut from the same pervy cloth. Again the orange menace is a literal r***** who is on tape saying something sexual about a ten year old girl girl, something sexual and crazy about his own daughter, and describing in detail how he personally sexually assaults women. Also trump and Harvey levin from tmz are good buds and levin has been known to brag that he and Trump text each other. This is the level of tabloid involvement we presently have in the Oval Office. It's truly beyond bizarre.

    1. wow what a tantalizing trifecta. in just three sentences you seemingly praise a man, instruct him on how he best perform his job then insult the hell out of him . all prior to lunch where you then proceed to prepare an egg white omelette while juggling on a unicycle?

    2. @lucy Lol! good call out

  49. @The Woodman, no calling off the divorce would not prevent Anthony from testifying against Huma if he wants to. NY's version of spousal privilege allows the witness to disclose if they choose. Only common law states, mostly deep South, still have absolute spousal privilege.

  50. This is not Huma. She is not an "A list celebrity" for one thing, and for another, she is not laundering money for anyone. She has no ability to do that. The FBI would be all over her and she is not someone they are investigating.
    Huma and Weiner probably are protecting each other for other legal reasons, who knows. Probably because of something Weiner did since he's a nutcase.

    My guess is this is Melania Trump.

  51. Brave,DuckDuckGo,or Bing(fuck nazi google)Awan and democrats, u want your redpill orally,or just up the bazoink?

  52. @346NYC and others. The best description I have heard of the Clinton's is that they are "lifetime actors" created and protected as tools by which "reality" is created. Bill Clinton as President was very hand for a number of reasons. The outrage that he created through his 8 years as POTUS setup of the presidency of GWB, just in time, amazingly, for the creation of the Global War of Terror. Obama, another lifetime actor, IMO, continued what GWB and Bill Clinton set up place.

    My basic point: people like Hillary come in very handy because the are so despicable and set the stage for the next POTUS. Now we have Trump, setting the stage for the next POTUS -- an A++++ personality -- all the while continuing The Plan.

    1. Idiot.Trump is the breaker/slayer..its why the dems,many rinos,and msm fling monkeypoo at him every day







  54. Put that Huma skank in a cell next to her pedophile husband. They deserve each other

  55. Wow John Doe, good call.

    Obviously this particular item has nothing to do with Trump and I don't think Enty is political at all. I'm an independent and not a Trump supporter (he's an embarrassment, such a stable genius) but the Clintons are really really unbelievable once someone really looks into it. It's mind boggling.

  56. >>No way this went on right under Hillary's nose.

    Yes way. Huma's "closest cousine" was convicted in Manhattan of criminal fraud.

    Another of her cousin's is on the lam in Abu Dhabi, fighting extradition, which he won't win, because he is just sleazy Paki not a Gulf Arab.

    And to think, that this woman would likely have been Hillary's chief of staff. There are no bounds to Clinton mendacity. They believe that they can get away with anything.

  57. Wait. The A++ list person with political connections is Huma. I would never write her down as a celebrity (she’s political). So I don’t think anyone's nailed the A list celeb yet.

  58. Clinton Foundation is a bust.
    Her queen didn't get elected.
    Her husband drained their account on lawyers.
    She's had to hire a few.
    She needs the money.

  59. BG is running a similar blind so either this is close to breaking or someone is paying both sites to say so 🤷🏼‍♀️

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Huma and Carlos Danger didn't call off their divorce - they just decided to come to terms privately. For once, they took their son's interests into account before acting.

    And I'm pretty sure that spousal privilege only works when the couple was married at the time of the crime, not afterward

  62. Hey Enty, could you please post more politically inspired bullshit?
    No really, like, everyday? This was freaking hilarious! :D

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Unknown writes: "And to think, that this woman would likely have been Hillary's chief of staff."

    This times a million.

    Huma's family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (hey feminists, why are muslim sisters excluded?) are extensively proven and documented.
    In 2011, thanks to Obama and Clinton, the Muslim Brotherhood was installed in Egypt, the following things happened immediately:

    - women protesting against the MB were mass raped, beaten, imprisoned and tortured, many died - no march

    - women were forced to cover up more, the ones who did not, were raped, beaten, imprisoned, tortured, many died - no march

    - Coptic Christian churches were set on fire all over Egypt, and the Copts beaten, imprisoned, tortured and many killed - no march

    - the age of marriage for girls was changed from 16 to 13 years old - no march

    - female genital mutilation was made legal - no march

    - homosexuals were hounded and killed immediately, either by being thrown off high rooftops, or by being imprisoned and tortured until death - no march

    - and for the cherry on the terrorist-cake: the MB enforced a law, that allowed a man to have sexual relations WITH HIS DEAD WIFE, up to 6 hours after her passing - definitely no march

    The main people responsible for all this were Obama and Clinton. When Morsi was overthrown, by the Egyptian military, Obama held a big speech about 'being greatly concerned'. Funny he wasn't concerned about any of the above mentioned.
    So when Democrats are foaming at their mouths about a Trump-Russia connection (which until today they have yet to prove) what springs to mind is: better friends with Russia than with Islamic terrorists who cut clits, burn down places worship, and fuck little girls, or corpses.

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      Most libtards get their instructions from Katy Perry’s or Chelsea Handlers twitter feed. The public fool system stopped producing critical thinkers many moons ago.

    2. Bored at work.... in the words of the inimitable and fiercely gifted Mr.David Burns..Stop Making Sense😉

    3. @Tricia I think you were probably typing fast and had a mnemonics's moment. You do mean BYRNES, right?

    4. It’s just Byrne-but yes:)

    5. @ I am told that I meant homophone :-P

    6. Ugh @Tricia this is why I don't comment too much-I always make mistakes and do dumb stuff :-P yes! David Byrne. I'll go sit in the corner now

    7. @Sign Name Below-I’m already there waiting lol😂😂(sorry David!)

  65. Meh, if it is Huma, all the rabid Hillary stans will defend her and screech that anybody who criticizes her is a RACISTSEXISTBERNIEBRO.

  66. Huma? She has already been investigated. She would be a terrible person to launder money. Whoever guessed that needs to turn off the fox rot.

  67. FYI for the several of you commenting that "this can't be Huma" or randomly guessing people like Leo (A+ mostly movie winner/nominee), the answer is Huma. Enty already revealed this previously in the BI Revealed that he/she alludes to in the item.@just sayin' linked it above

    I both love and hate these kind of blinds. I love them because power intersects both politics and entertainment and sheeple are blind (sometimes willfully) to the ugly corruption and perversion that comes with power. So I love that Enty uses his platform to expose the filth.

    OTOH political blinds bring out the crazies. It is painful to sift through.

    Oh well, you can't clean up a pig sty without getting some $**t on your shoes, so I'll keep sifting through the fan-sheeple shill posts. Heehee

  68. I think thanks to Huma and her husband Anthony,
    Hillary and Bill are no longer A+++political connections

  69. For everyone saying that this isn't Huma, here is Enty's reveal:

    True or not, this is who the blind is about. Nobody is "guessing" who Enty meant. It's already been clarified by Enty.

  70. Tricia - thank you my dear, but do not agree with me too much, you might lose your MVP status ;)

    1. No MVP..(well maybe in my basketball/softball daysof yesteryear lol:)


    Richard Roth, a New York attorney of The Roth Law firm told Radar by withdrawing their divorce they are able to assert the Spousal Testimony Privilege.

    “This privilege prevents one spouse from being forced to testify against the other in a criminal case — meaning that the prosecutor cannot even put the spouse on the stand if they are still married and the spouse asserts that privilege,” Attorney Roth said.

    “Once a couple divorces, a former spouse can no longer invoke the privilege to avoid testifying in a criminal case, and the other spouse cannot assert the privilege to prevent that testimony from being admitted into evidence on the basis of the privilege.”

    “It is a little suspect that they filed for divorce and they decided to not get a divorce — that is a little weird,” Roth added. “The logical conclusion is that they may wait until all of the criminal stuff is over.”

  72. Trump and Melania. Lock them up!!!

  73. Sign Name Below: let's give each other permission to make typos and misspellings. Half are typing on phones and all are eager to post quickly and don't always spell check. We're not typing up our doctoral theses here, lol.

    1. I hear you @just sayin'! I just cringe when I see it in print haha. Sometimes I see it right as it starts to publish and I make a Chevy Chase kinda "nooooooo" slow motion face but it is too late to edit. Booo!

  74. I have posted many times over the years that she has all the symptoms of having Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It is quite prevalent on my Rez and my husband's grandson had it. He was so sweet and helpful one minute, and twenty minutes later he was pouring sugar in his cousin's gas tank! She had saved for years to buy that car. He was asked by the Tribal Council to leave the Rez and return to his mother's Rez on the other side of the State. She just cannot help doing what she does. It doesn't register in her brain. It is all about them and getting an instant fix. Everyone knows she won't have a happily ever after. This may be the year. So sad.

  75. I'm a perfectionist too, Sign Name Below -- it can bug me for hours when I misspell or use an apostrophe wrong. I used to delete and repost until the day I made a mistake on like 3 corrections and realized NO ONE CARES!!! So it's part of my Dialectical Behavior Therapy to live with them and relax, haha.

  76. Huma Abedin

    What is Huma’s family history?
    Who is Huma connected to?
    What organization?
    How did Huma meet HRC?
    What did HRC say about Huma that demonstrates how close they are?

    Where is Huma?
    What else just broke with regards to Huma?
    What broke previously with re: HRC instructions to Huma re: classified markings?

    Where is her husband?
    What location specifically? Federal?
    HRC, Muslim Brotherhood/KSA (most bad actors/handlers removed), or child?
    Which would you choose? Kiss your kid goodbye and leave without a mother or father for them?
    Or cut a deal, squeal and be bait/double (triple?) agent?

  77. No way Alyssa Milano is A list.

    Huma, Georgina, Alyssa...something there.

  78. reddit pol has so much more dirt ..#Qmap .

  79. Wendy Deng Murdoch and Ivanka Trump; revealed last night .



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