Thursday, January 11, 2018

Blind Item #13

This B list do anything actor shared a recent personal event that happened in his past. Interesting that he forgot to mention anything about the abuse he committed against his much more famous ex. I doubt she has forgotten. 


  1. Where's my comment?

    Jonathan Schaech was my guess 10 minutes ago.

  2. I know there were answers here before. Anthony Edwards and Meg Ryan was mine.

    Rumors are he's gay and a wife beater. So is he going to blame that on being molested by that director? How about some therapy, guy.

    1. That was the deal with BCoop/Esposito.... she walked in on him with a guy,he was an addict at the time and abusive...His family(who he’s extremely close to and know his deal) must have had to 💰 pay well to keep her quiet. He wasn’t a star at all at the time,a barely working actor.
      At least he’s been sober a long time now,so hopefully those demons have quieted

    2. Yes... briefly married to Jen Esposito@MovieBuff.

  4. Something fishy on this blind? Couldn't get the comments, error message, and everyone says the comments disappeared.

  5. The ex is Christina Applegate. Whoa!

  6. its the guy that came out about being molested on the set of sparrow, thats the personal event - and him being a wifebeater in the past dont know who the ex is tho

  7. Jonathan Schaech? The star of "Road House 2: Last Call"? Say it ain't so...

  8. Say it ain't so? Famous ex Christina Applegate!

  9. I think the ex maybe Jana Kramer,the singer and "One Tree Hill Star. She was on Dancing With The Stars, and Enty was very snarky about her.

  10. Johnathon (come on, that spelling is ridiculous) Schaech says he was assaulted by Franco Zefferrelli. I read the account and it's terrible, what he said happened. But seriously dude? Next time tell your story to a writer who can edit it for you. Dude sounds super full of himself, not super bright, and very much like he's preemptively explaining away his own shitty behavior.
    I'm not saying that it didn't happen, just that he's a bad writer.

    As to the gay rumors... well, he actually fake dated Ellen Degeneres early in their careers, a
    so... draw your own conclusions.

  11. Van der Beek and Katie Holmes

    1. The Beek and Holmes were never a couple. She dated Joshua Jackson.

  12. @Sara: I never heard of the guy, but almost immediately I thought it to be a pre-emptive strike. ALL full of himself, it was an odd---statement overall. I thought it was leading up to him admitting he was gay. But, never did.

  13. Please make it stop!!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮

  14. Christina A was in an abusive violent relationship with an ex. Was that abusive ex Johnathon Schaech?

  15. Wow. This is a shocker. So you beat your wife of one month cause your gay and were molested. Therapy will help along with dealing with your actual feelings about your same sex yearnings. Sheesh

  16. Christina Applegate and Jonathon whatever. Allegedly he beat her.

  17. @SDAuntie that's exactly how it works. They have to take their frustration out somehow. Since they can't be openly gay (for whatever reason) they take it out on the woman.

  18. Seal just busted Oprah publicly!

  19. Schaech attempted to hook up with me via Twitter a while back.

    I thought he was contacting me for business (I work in film), but it went a weird route and I stopped talking to him. I'm pretty sure he was married at the time. And I'm pretty sure the old message is buried somewhere in my account.
