Thursday, January 25, 2018

Blind Item #13

This foreign born C list celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister in a corner of the entertainment world is having health issues again. Her bulimia is ever present and she has lost all the weight and more she had been able to gain the past couple of years.


  1. Replies
    1. Sadly,yes ... you got it cheese grater 15

  2. I was going to say Olivia Newton-John's daughter, but I think Allegra Versace makes more sense.

  3. Sure as hell isn't Bristol Palin.

  4. LOL @ Pokey Blow. I saw pictures of Allegra with more weight on and she is quite pretty. I hope she turns it around and gets better.

  5. JFC

  6. Allegra has always made me sad. You know 99% of her body issues are because of her horrible melted wax mother.

  7. Allegra was anorexic, not bulemic.

  8. they go hand-in-hand a lot of times, Fred84.

  9. Her mother is the cause of this.

  10. Prayers for Allegra.

  11. Allegra, so thin. I hope she doesn't break.

  12. Sadly I think this is absolutely Allegra and the new American Crime Story doesn't help.

  13. I can't speak for bulemics, but I am a recovering anorexic and the nature of these disorders is insidious...You'll be doing well for a long time and then it will hit you out of nowhere...

    Allegra, if you read these, please know you are enough! Having less of you in this world is never a good thing!

  14. Has Bristol Palin become a fat pig?

  15. Unfortunately, her life is just a recipe for problems. Not only was she raised around an industry that is all about looks, she was also in ballet (which tends to have a bad influence on eating habits), and the death of her uncle really took a toll on her. She really doesn't want to be seen and having a muppet for a mother doesn't help.

  16. @Fred84 You can alternate bulimia with anorexia, these are two faces of the same coin really.

    I wonder how on earth deranged mothers like Donatella can look themselves in the mirror.

  17. I just googled her and she is so pretty with full face. really is tragic she doesn't see what we see. even saying "full face" would mean obese to her. my sister got awfully thin and she just kept saying she was never hungry or just not gaining weight I said you like Hagen Daz microwave that shit and drink it you look like 12 year old boy. she looks healthy now but I'd never say that "because that just means I look fat". she's my sister and I am no therapist I just said as I saw it out of disgust if not panic and if I had to I would have force fed her grilled cheese sandwiches. I don't know tough situation for all involved , no idea how to handle in retrospect,but my sister was not bones however she thought herself fat as I presume this one does and this girl is skeletal. I hope she gets healthy and no one tells her

  18. Allegra.
    I feel so bad for her. She was the Apple of Gianni's eye and she is the one he left most everything to.
    Donatella got the business and all that by Gianni left Allegra EVERYTHING, he ADORED her.
    I wish she could get away from it all but she is forever shackled to it.
    Very sad.

  19. Lily Rose / Johnny Depp

  20. She's only 31 but looks like she is 45 due to her anorexia. Hope she gets healthy, asap.
