Monday, January 29, 2018

Blind Item #13 - Grammy Awards

This former A+ list singer who is probably still A- list because of her past work was wasted out of her mind last night. The married, closeted singer also kept telling everyone about the woman she had just had sex with.


  1. Is Cyndi Lauper married?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agreed about Alicia Keys, then got confused if "former" applies to the A+ or singer.

  4. BTW come on Enty, we all know that the widow was there with 2 offspring, there HAS to be something from that outing... you are slacking.. ;)

  5. Pink is a good choice,but she has been actively making music for awhile. It would make more sense to be keys or lauper

  6. @Tricia13 you broke my heart. P!nk better be like perm A list. I am just saying.. her work and her performances are amazing, She is still on top of her game also. I believe she is bi, but her and Corey have a real marriage. And she did have her kids and mom with her as well last night, so i highly doubt it was her.
    Alicia was around last night.. I am not sure who else it could be

    1. Ha... no need ,mend that heart-I’m sure it’s Keys!
      And I agree-Pink is a badass:)

  7. Yay! Alicia Keys is sexeeeeee
    🚺♀ ✊♀🙋♀💯♀

  8. Alicia Keys, for sure. She was in a *very* good mood

  9. AK would be a good lesbian. She has my vote.

  10. Cyndi Lauper is the shit, permanent A list what with her charity work/ Tony/ icon status.
    Also, if she was with a woman, she wouldn't be closeted about it.

  11. 'This former A+ list singer who is probably still A- list because of her past work'

    Alicia Keyes probably. We all known her and Swizz co-bearding.

  12. Alicia Keys or Kelly Rowland

  13. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Pink had a secret girlfriend in London a few years back.
    Whether she is bi/gay..I don't know, though.

  14. Alicia. She's protecting her religious connections for PR value.

  15. pink is openly bisexual so it must be keys

  16. I've told people that I always thought AK was gay. I thought it was actually common knowledge, but, nope, everyone just thinks I'm crazy. I am, but not about this. :)

  17. Alicia Keys is insatiable Lol it's no surprise that this is about her!

  18. I've never seen Pink with women, she must be such heterosexual women who call themselves Bisexual because it's "cool"
