Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A list singer with a great voice might recently be engaged but if he is, then he has an interesting way of showing it. He made his significant other watch while he got serviced by four people he hired for the night.


  1. Replies
    1. He must have really wanted him to “Stay ...By... Him”

  2. If she doesn't like it, she can call off the engagement/marriage. If she stays, then she is obviously fine with it.

  3. I hate that word "made" in this context.

    Unless the singer tied them up against their will, they didn't "make" their significant other do anything.

    The SO "made" a choice to accept that behavior. That's on them.

    If the SO was held against their will, that's an issue for the police.

    1. There are lots of ways to make someone do something without physical restraining them

  4. @Count

    If this is indeed Sam Smith, then there's no "she" involved.

    1. Sorry, Sara. I got no clue who he is. If it was a bunch of dudes in the room, maybe his SO is a cuck and wanted lots of manspackle in Smith's colon, so he could then consume the cumfart cocktail? Cum addictions are tougher to get over than heroin or benzos.

    2. That was a disgusting response and uncalled for.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I don't see anything that says Sam got engaged but he is planning to marry his b\f in Australia to celebrate them allowing same-sex marriage.

  7. @sandybrook,if you publicly say you are getting married, that's engaged. Oh, and whoever it is, quite the catch.

  8. Sounds hot to me. He likely knew what he was getting into. Some people are not monogamous.

  9. Count Jerkula, I know you get a special dispensation when you comment on this site, but jesus, tone down the gay hate or whatever it is with that, will ya?

    1. How was it gay hate? I actually chuckled at Count's post. Refreshing to see he's equanimous with his filth.

    2. I too am clueless as to how that is hate, Fufu. Care ti explain, Jennifer?

  10. Doesn't sound like this has to be problematic. Two consenting adults engaging in fantasy play, albeit unconventional says nothing about how the partners feel about one another. In fact, it requires a great deal of trust to engage in something like this, and if done with consenting partners is actually quite healthy. IMHO ;)

  11. Ehh, if they're both into it and everyone is adult and consenting i ain't mad

  12. Bukkake party.
    Google it

  13. Serviced? So they put him on lift, changed his oil and gave him a lube job??

  14. Marriage is a financial contract.

  15. Hey, if the SO was there watching, then it was probably a mutual arrangement, and if they're both on board with it, that can be kinda hot...

    ...or so I hear.

  16. These (Sam Smith) sad, self obsessed lyrics are lame. RIP great pop music.

  17. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Oh, count :D

  18. I'm curious why everyone jumps to assume this is even true.

    These two are not together five minutes and already the nasty blinds have started. Same with Ellen Page, just married to her girl, and a nasty blind comes out about cheating.

    You can't have anything nice for five seconds before bitching begins. People can send anything in as a blind and it cannot be 100% verified.

  19. The SO was probably jerking off, too
