Monday, January 08, 2018

Blind Item #12 - Golden Globes

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress was confronted last night about her racist beliefs. This has really been causing issues in her life as it should. That B+ list alliterate actress who loves her beer recently ended their decade long friendship because of it and a long time PR person dumped the actress too.


  1. Replies
    1. And January Heineken Jones

    2. Lol January Heineken Jones. I'd still have a few beers with her!

    3. Seems like she’s have a few with ya... “99 bottles of beer 🍺 on the wall...”🎼
      Oh wait ,I meant 9. JJ was in tonight🍺🍺🍺

  2. Kruger/January Jones as friend

  3. January Jones\Kruger

  4. I would bet my butt that this is Kruger (the racist) and January Jones. It‘s well known D. Kruger made more than just a few statements and Jones and her unfollowed each other just recently. And someone like this is what people and Award‘s support, let alone Reedus who everyone thought he‘s a cool guy. True class there I gotta say.

  5. I want to know who approached her. But each Diane. And then her director of that film and his weird joke.

  6. Which race does Kruger hate? I need to know how outraged I should be, on a scale of Eskimos to Jews. I mean, if she hates Canadians or Gypsies, who could blame her?

    1. That's the funniest thing I've ever seen you say.

    2. Oh man. That's good stuff. Thanks Count.

  7. So it took January Jones ten fucking years to figure out that her dear friend was a racist moron? Or is it just becoming more embarrasing now because it is more exposed?

  8. JJ is hitting the sauce less these days therefore she thinks a bit clearer now

  9. So Diane Kruger is a racist but she has no problem playing the wife of a Muslim man in her latest movie "In the fade"? And considering this was a low-budget German production she wasn't paid millions of dollars to overcome her racism for the occasion.

  10. So Diane Kruger is a racist Trump supporter? ewwwww Still bang her.

  11. She's a racist but not when it comes to roles. @Fred84

  12. Not 100% surprised if this is Kruger

  13. What, exactly, are these "racist beliefs"? The term "racist" is used so loosely these days that it often means little more than "somebody I disagree with."

  14. Exactly, PapayaSF, more than likely she has an opinion people don't like and they're all jumping on the bashing bandwagon.

  15. ^Hahaha NOPE! There have been blinds about her bigoted ass for months now. "She calls it 'role-playing'", I believe it was titled?

    No need to defend her. Everyone knows how she really is and she is now (finally) facing some consequences.

  16. Here is the link:

  17. Ew wtf. I've never heard this before and thanks Maude for the link
    Where's Sekrit at, lol

  18. I heard my mating call!

    Uuugh, Kruger, the only other blonde that makes my skin crawl is Gwen Stefani, but I'll leave that for another time.
    I know a few people in different ..'ways' around her and Norman, different lengths of time too. Out of the people I know only one has said anything that resembles her being racist, she's very smart how she words it and who she says it around (unless she's drinking then it can be very messy, which is how the person I know has heard her).
    Persons I know she bites her tongue around is Norman and his friends and work friends/acquaintances. Not wanting to lose your PR meal ticket etc.

  19. I want to hear about the role play. Is it pre Civil War master/slave? That would be hot.

    Closest i ever got to racist role play is asking a chick if she would wear a wicker lamp shade and tattered dress so we could play GI/Vietnamese girl who wandered to far from her village, but she wanted no part of it :(

  20. Kruger. She got into a HUGE IG fight with fans over All Lives/Black Lives Matter when she allowed racist comments about Danai Gurira on her personal IG during TWD premier. There are rumors that she turned down several roles because she didn't want to work with the costars because of their race. SUpposedly, there is a major expose about her in the works. I wish that would happen before she completely ruins Reedus.

  21. Count - hitler and the nazi's sent gypsies to the camps for extermination.

    1. Longtimereader: would it have troubled him so much to round up some Canadians, too?

  22. Yeah, Diane Kruger is not racist. The end.

  23. Rhetorical devices do not make statements more convincing. The end.

  24. @Count, you're a treasure, I've just laughed out loud at your comments in this thread! (I hope I haven't woken my neighbour,it's after midnight here!)

  25. Maude Labowski: For one, Diane has worked with plenty of "people of color", rendering statements that she would never work with them moot.

  26. Would love to know who confronted her... and if she was coked to the gills?!!?

  27. Yes I would love to know who confronted her

  28. Diane is NOT racist
