Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Blind Item #11

This former A- list tween actress who turned into an A-/B+/B list adult actress who can never get a television show to stick does probably have A- list name recognition still. She had an almost television show that looked to be a hit but her drug use got the show canceled after it had already been announced as a renewal. 


  1. Replies
    1. She was my first thought but I think the show she's in is still on tv

    2. Yep-still on and not almost TV(whoops!) Also I just can’t picture her doing drive in any way?

  2. Younger is still on, I love it.

  3. I read adult actress and immediately thought porn star - then I wondered what porn star has a TV series.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    She was on Pan Am-- cancelled. She did that Lifetime series about Lizzie Borden-- cancelled. Then she did the Amazon show "Z" about Zelda Fitzgerald. They announced renewal of the show and then abruptly yanked the renewal.

    Sucks. You can tell by my screen name that I'm a big fan.

    1. You got it for sure... if it makes you feel any better ,it may not true.(Hopefully it isn’t). My sister sold her house to her and says she was extremely grounded,normal, sweet and together:)

  6. Lol, @Winston. I thought the same thing and had to restart from the beginning.

  7. @Tricia aww that's good to hear!!

  8. I sincerely hope that's true. I always thought of her as one of the tween actresses that didn't get all Lohan-ed up and I respected the hell out of her for it.

    The "Z" renewal being yanked was a bit shocking. Although I'm admittedly a fan, I'll be the first to admit when she's in a project I find questionable. "Z" was solid. She did a good job portraying Zelda Fitzgerald.

  9. I really liked Pan Am, and thought it had promise. I bet Margot Robbie isn’t as upset as the rest of them though, LOL!

  10. @AIP-- I heard that show got cancelled because the production costs were too high.

    I also liked it. And you're right about Margot Robbie...

  11. I have always root for Christina Ricci to make it big again. Seems like she has so much potential.

    Since she started so young, I wonder if her drug use is self-medicating for abuse.

  12. I hope not Ricci. Penelope is one of my favorite films. Love her.

    1. Me too... I named my daughter Penelope after that movie!

  13. @Nonya
    At this point, I assume they've all been abused.

    Also, you-know-who was a producer on Casper.

  14. She also worked with Woody Allen once...

  15. I really like Hillary Duff in YOUNGER...

  16. Christina Ricci. No one who was naturally prone to weight gain becomes that thin without the help of drugs. Sorry. She looks odd.

  17. @Tricia I don't mean to be an a**hole but a lot of drug addicts, specially in Hollywood hold themselves quite well on a daily basis. It's when they're on set and around other actors that they let loose. I've been to too many sets to count and witnessed this regularly. Then they'd go home and make the front page of a tabloid buying soy milk next morning.

  18. @LooksLikeCRicci My husband and I loved Z, i was sad to hear they were not going to continue with it. I have been a fan of hers for a while. I agree when she is solid she is solid.
    Hoping it is not her.

  19. Was Margot Robbie heavier back in the day on Pan Am. I watched the show and when I found out she was on the show I had watched I couldn't believe it. She looked different in her later shows than when on Pan Am.

  20. Throwing Melissa Joan Hart into the mix, just for kicks and giggles.

  21. Accch! No Zelda 2 ????

  22. Keke Palmer or Emma Roberts

  23. A million years ago I hung out with Ricci in London. Maybe for a month or so.
    We all did party drugs, she did not do more than others, and she was great fun and very down to earth.
    I hope she can get her shit together.
