Monday, January 22, 2018

Blind Item #11 - PGA Awards - Betrayal

This actor is probably A- list since he does have the lead in a television show that is fairly popular, although a hit on that channel is not quite the same as having a hit network show. This actor has a long history of drug abuse in his past. He also got involved with some people in his past who are not affecting his life. Back when this actor first started he was casting couched by a male producer who then started selling the actor to various other producer and director friends. The actor, who is openly bisexual put up with it because he needed the work and he was getting a lot of parts.

At one point he started seeing several producers on an almost full time basis to the point where he didn't act for nearly three years after his initial run of success. They were paying him a lot of money to be on call 24/7. When our actor decided to go back to acting he worked a lot. He has had a really stead career with a number of hits and misses, but has focused on television. He has a lot of movie credits, but compared to his success in television they don't really look as good and the choices he has made in movies have been more paycheck driven than anything else.

About a decade ago he split from a wife and went on a drug and sex fueled rampage through Hollywood, the likes of which have not been seen in a long time. The fact it was kept quiet is because he was doing it at parties. Specifically parties being hosted by some of the producers he was hooking up with decades earlier. Now, they were much older but they still wanted young men. One of their favorites was a man in his early 20's. They set him up with our actor. What they didn't tell our actor in advance was that the man was HIV+. The man and our actor had a six month relationship and not once did the man tell the actor he was HIV+. None of the producers and directors who set him up and were also now HIV+ ever told the actor. It as as if they wanted him to join this club of theirs.

When our actor discovered his status at checkup, he began a campaign to try and get the men to never be able to work again. He succeeded but he also threw his career for a loop and he had a good almost five year gap where he couldn't get booked for television and was making crap movies. He finally marked his return a couple years ago and has kept up his campaign to make sure the directors and producers stay out of the business.


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