Monday, January 29, 2018

Blind Item #11 - Grammy Awards

This A+  list singer is convinced she will be asked political questions on any red carpet so refused to attend last night. 


  1. If Taylor, good for her.

  2. Thank God she wasn’t nominated for an Oscar for IDWLF

  3. Why would she attend regardless? Just because of the LBT song? This is just silly

  4. Replies
    1. She has talent, hence she Was missed, considering All the talentless muthafuckers that were there and won. Worst Grammy ever.
      Absolute joke

  5. +1 Bold Blonde!
    noone missed her ass!

  6. She's so vapid I can't understand why anyone would ask her anything of substance.

  7. I didn't even notice she wasn't there, oops!😂

  8. She didn't miss anything important.

  9. Agreed. And who is she that anyone would be interested in her political opinions. I also feel like she only enjoys these events when she knows she's getting a lot of attention

  10. Erm, currently prepping for her tour and was only nominated as a writer for little big town and the zayn song. The idea that anyone who wants to keep their job would ask her a question about politics is funny.

  11. you cant hide forever, Swift.

  12. @longtimereader

    "The idea that anyone who wants to keep their job would ask her a question about politics is funny."

    agreed, this fear and losing 'access' because she gets pissed off at the reporter/outlet is held over their heads. I still relish that the ACLU shut her down hard and she isn't capable of clapping back without looking like a psychopath. best believe you cant hide forever. One of these days, someone is gonna out her, hard. With video/audio evidence.

  13. @ Roxy Honestly, who would really care what any of these knuckleheads think.

  14. Come on Tay-Tay. Admit you want Karlie and that Kaylor is a thing. Come out of the closet and bring Tom Cruise with you.

  15. Considering what a disaster last night was, she was smart to stay away.

    And let's give her that, shouldn't we? Swift is one smart cookie. She's stayed one step ahead of everybody so far, even Kanye Kardashian when they tried to shiv her.

    I'm sick of her, hate that new album, think she's a fraud like the rest. But I credit her for what she's accomplished so far and how she's outsmarting everybody. So far.

    1. I take it she's your role model, huh?

  16. Lol "Call it what you want" is obviously about kaylor

  17. @boldblonde PRAISES! Never hearing or seeing Taytay is what I long for

  18. "who is she that anyone would be interested in her political opinions"

    Our Tay-Tay, revenge porn writer of 3 chord songs, has inserted herself visually into every Me-Too cover that she can possibly shoulder her way into.

    Words? NEVER! Interview? Don't fucking suggest it! But Princess Tay-Tay wants her spot on the podium without any actual vocal support.

    Fucking tool.

  19. I'd still rather have a percentage of her revenue in 5 years more than just about anyone who was there last night.

  20. @plot,Taylor gave Kesha a large amount of money for legal fees,she did not make it public,I believe Keisha's mother did. Also, the DJ sued her,forcing her to testify, he was trying to get her to settle so she wouldn't have to,she choose to fight it.

  21. Love or hate Taylor she's managed to turn everything she's touched to gold. And, still churning out the $$$ going on 30 even though she looks/acts 14. Well, up until she got the boob job and she finally put on some weight. She'll never have to worry about paying bills. EVER.

  22. There is no doubt that Taylor is a talented artist. I respect the fact that she's remained successful while a lot of her peers have succumb to drugs and addiction. She also doesn't slut around half naked like most of the newer artists do. Her songs are also intelligent compared to most of the other songs about sex and drugs these days! Maybe I'm in the minority but if I had a daughter, I'd rather her listen to TS than most of the other garbage out there.

    1. The bulk of the hate is because she isn't a TOTALLY prepackaged sellout coked out Hilary whore, like the rest of the pop slags.
      Libtards hate a white woman who isn't a worthless, rapper fucking pre-record slut-muppet...
      Suck it up, snowflakes...

  23. @RockTheCatwalk THIS!!! 100 times this!! Everyone on the Taylor hate-train needs to chill OUT.

  24. @RockTheCatwalk I'll join in. I like her music, I like that she's not a trainwreck who's in and out of rehab, and I don't particularly care what she does in her personal life. Heaven forbid a girl in her 20's have a lot of relationships and some of them with women, that's just scandalous! < /sarcasm> I think she's smart to avoid politics. She was probably raised not to talk about controversial topics and it's not such a bad idea when you're a public figure because whatever you say is going to piss off 50% of your fan base.

  25. The "pillow princess" aka Taylor Swift

  26. Perhaps some you missed this but I remember reading about Taylor and Politics a while ago. The hate on her is ridiculous. People want her to say something so they can hate her more. She is wise to stay out of it.

    A quick look on the internet gave me tons of info --
    Here -- from December:

  27. "out her" as what? A conservative?

    'cause that'st he only thing that would actually get her in trouble with that crowd.
