Friday, January 05, 2018

Blind Item #10

This former child star from a hit network show back in the day says he used to be beaten by his jealous adult co-star who wanted the fame for himself.


  1. Jeremy Jackson/David Hasselfolf?!

  2. Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Tim Allen

    1. Agree. Jtt left the show and has never really come out to talk about it but everyone else said it was so he could go to school. There was only supposed to be 1 more season. Tim allen has an infamous temper

  3. Shroeder and Silver Spoons dad?
    or maybe George Papadapolis

  4. Steve Urkel? What's his name Jaleel?

  5. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Danny Bonaduci (sp?) and David Cassidy (20 years old in 1970 when The Patridge Family debuted.

  6. No clue.
    To be different - Joey,the WHOAA Joey from that show i can't remember now from the 90s.

    1. lmao! my refrigerator magnet!

      show was blossom :)

  7. Family Ties.
    Michael J. Fox was in his mid-20's once widdle Brian Bonsall started on the show.

  8. Ron Howard and Andy Griffith.

  9. Benji Gregory and ALF. ALF was a bastard after a cat binge.

  10. Emmanuel Lewis/Alex Karras

  11. Frankie Muniz / Bryan Cranston.....purely because my dreams have been shattered consistently over the last few years

  12. Jason Bateman and Michael Landon on Little House. Landon would get violent from an allergic reaction to the hay.

  13. I thought maybe that kid from Different Strokes or Bill Cosby ad the beater but neither stacks up

  14. Based on Entys “Back in the Day”, this could also be Angus Young/Charlie Sheen

  15. Adam Rich and Dick Van Patten.

  16. scott baio/ Alexander Polinsky

  17. ego plays a huge factor and some of the people listed, don't have that bad of an ego. Think the Hoff is too good of a guy and same about Ed O'Neill...

  18. fred savage and dan lauria

  19. Both Baywatch and Charles in Charge started in network, but were moved to syndication during their run, so neither can be considered a network hit.
    So Hoff and Baio are not it. This time.

  20. Well we already knew Gary Coleman was getting terrorized by Todd Bridges...

  21. Little Ricky/Ricky Ricardo

  22. Jerry Mathers and Ward Cleaver. He was always beating up the Beaver.

    "Ward, you really punished The Beaver last night."
    -June Cleaver

  23. Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Tim Allen, the fame being JTT's heartthrob status and his voice work in The Lion King.

  24. I agree with the Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Tim Allen guesses. I remember that by the end of the show, JTT was a bigger star than Tim Allen.

    1. Highly doubt it's JTT since he appeared on several episodes of Tim''s more recent show Last Man Standing.

  25. JTT has got to have some dirt. He really needs to spill. Not just Home Improvement, but especially Tom & Huck. What happened on that set? Two of his child costars (Brad Renfro & Blake Heron) are dead. I also wonder about Charles Rocket, one of the adult costars committed suicide. Did he see something? Participate in something? Kind of fishy to have so many deaths in one movie.
    Spill the dirt, JTT!

  26. where has jonathan taylor thomas even GONE? I mean, it felt like he was a total tween heartthrob for girls in the 90s..and then, poof, gone. same w/the older brother. didnt the youngest sibling on Home Improvement die, or have drug problems or something?

  27. Beebop, as I recall, the reason put out at the time was that he wanted to concentrate on his last year of high school, so that he could go on to college. Apparently he attended Harvard and St. Andrews in Scotland, so I guess it worked.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @Sn0widow... I'd say Bonaduce and the dude who played Mr. Kincaid. Danny talked about their testy relationship before and I can see the adult putting hands on Danny, not because he deserved it, but because, clearly, adult actors are allowed to do whatever to child actors.

  30. Pwal - I agree with you. Danny took off in popularity but Rueben Kincaid was only middling.

  31. If JTT and Tim Allen had had problems then why would he have gone on to Tim's newest show Last Man Standing for 3 years. Danny Bonaduce would most likely have already talked about any issues he had on the Partridge Family, he's talked about much worse things. I have no guesses of my own as BJ & the Bear does not count.

  32. Could it actually be someone from Fame?

  33. Long time lurker, first time poster. When I hearI don't want this to be true, but is this Bill Bixby and the cute little Brandon Cruz who played his son on "The Courtship of Eddie's Father"?

  34. Sorry about that messed-up post! It should've said, "When I hear 'back in the day', I think the 60s. (I'm old.) And I still don't want this to be true, but Bill has been gone for a while, and maybe Brandon is finally speaking up?

  35. I thought of one, Good Times. Jimmie Walker/Ralph Carter

  36. Way back - Ricky Nelson beaten by dad? Otherwise I am saying Muniz.

  37. It sounds like a show where the adult(s) expected to be the focus, and then the kid stole the spotlight. So @sandybrook had a good guess with Family Matters. That began as a fairly standard family sitcom with Urkel as the wacky neighbor who would stick his head in for a laugh now and then. Urkel absolutely stole the show, one of the kids got written out, and the parents, especially the mom, because secondary. Seems like I recall hearing of some bad blood over that. Don't know if the 90s counts as "back in the day."

    1. I love the porn that Foxworth bim from Family Matters did. I feel bad for her that her parents blew her money, but it aint often that petite & hot young black whores fo anal scenes. Pornhub if yer curious.

  38. Jai(Manuel Padilla, Jr)/Cheetah

  39. In enty-speak, anything prior to this century is "back in the day". 50's & 60's is practically "Old Hollywood".

  40. Todd Bridges/Gary Coleman

  41. @Ann I can't stop laughing!

  42. Felix Ungar/Leonard Unger which would account for Leif Garret's issues.

  43. Ralph Waite and one of the kids from The Waltons.
    Waite was an alcoholic and (allegedly) a Cosby-level rapist. So roughing up some kids doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility here.
    Also, he ran for congress, so he had to be at least somewhat of a narcissist/ fame whore.

    Anyway. Ralph Waite, final answer.

  44. Sebastian Cabot and Jody (Johnny Witaker Jr.)?

  45. Mork from Ork/Mearth

    Don Knotts/Ron Howard

    Gentle Ben/Clint Howard

    Tony Danza/Danny Pintaro

    Michael J Fox/Brian Bonsall

    Kirk Cameron/Leo DiCaprio

    Grandpa Al Lewis/Eddie Munster

    Uncle Fester/Pugsley

  46. Ron howard/ don knotts
    Ron howard/ henry winkler

  47. Ron howard/ don knotts
    Ron howard/ henry winkler

  48. Fred McMurray and one of the My 3 Sons?

  49. @ AnnRKey-- I heard an interview Johnny W gave and Sebastian Cabot used to read them Winnie the Pooh books on set downtime. Can you imagine being read Pooh by the man who narrated the cartoons? Doubt it was them.

  50. People i wish it was, cause the sons annoy thr shit outta me.

    Aj/ Tony or Paulie Walnuts
    Junior/Walter White
    Connor/Ray Donovan
    Mitchel/Jay Pritchett

  51. I haven't seen Will Smith mentioned, I know the focus of the Fresh Prince was on him but the father could have still felt jealous... though my theory loses water because he could have written him out

  52. he also lacks being a child.

  53. "Former child star" seems like someone who didn't go on to much after. Not a current adult actor.
    Also, child at the time, not teen.
    "Says" means the child star is still alive (so not Gary Coleman), but the adult actor can be alive or dead.

    Most tellingly, it does not say "actor who played his/her dad", it just says "adult actor". I think that's intentional.

    So it's a different relative, or not a family show at all. Maybe a classroom show that was supposed to be about the teacher. Like Welcome Back Kotter (except Travolta was in his 20's).
    Or something where a kid was brought in mid-run as a ratings grab. (Which is why I guessed the extra late addition kid on Family Ties.)

    It says a lot that there are too many possibilities. Lots of really good guesses here.

  54. cousin Oliver/ Mike Brady
    lol. no really I have no idea but I like this blind and hope it is revealed!

  55. Entry needs to write a blind on Renfro. I strongly feel like he was abused. I never got over his death. It was so sudden.

  56. @skimpymist
    I haben't been around here long enough to know if they've done a Renfro blind. Not directly anyway, but I see hints of him sometimes. 200% chance he was assaulted. He never worked with SS, but got his start with Schumaker, and was in Singer's infamous molest-fest Apt Pupil. He also worked witn bonafide creeper Larry Clark on Bully. That's the one with Daniel Franzese & Bijoux Phillips.
    God that poor kid.
    I was ANGRY when he was snubbed in the Oscars In Memoriam. Recently there was a pedo blind that said something about how the victims never made it to In Memoriam, as a way of sweeping them under the rug.
    Now I'm angry and sad.



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