Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Blind Item #10

As I predicted yesterday, apparently that pap taking pictures and video of that underage actress is selling copies to a bunch of sick creeps all over the world. That being said, it doesn't explain why a mainstream magazine/website also bought a version, although not as graphic as the one being sold to others. That magazine should be ashamed and shamed.


  1. Millie Bobby Brown is going to be a horrible downward spiral to watch in the coming years.

  2. TMZ had a video of her acting like a happy kid and dancing with her castmates at an after party. That's Miller Bobby Brown. It appeared to show very little side boob.

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Where the hell are her parents?? Right now they should be even more alert with all the shit that is coming out.

    1. I think there was another blind in here a couple weeks or so ago that alluded that her mom was allowing her to go to the house of some big wig late at night to talk but something else could obviously happen. All of this shit coming out is just so disgusting and sad.

    2. @PG Tips: exploiting her for money, that's where they are

    3. @PG Tips I have read that her father is the typ showbiz dad reliant on her for $$ & that he's an asshole even towards her. I hope it's all hearsay but the last 2 red carpet photos she looks older than her age.

  4. Millie Bobby Brown looks like she is thirty. Something is not right with her.

  5. What planet are you on that she looks like she is 30??????????

    If she looks 30, I need to get my eyes checked. She looks younger than she is, def not older.

  6. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I fear for her. I really do. 27 club, maybe younger.

  7. “That magazine should be ashamed and shamed.”

    So... name and shame, then.

  8. I agree, Lisa, she looks twice her age.

  9. Millie Bobby Brown = the next LiLo (Lindsay Lohan)

  10. Daily Mail published a pic of her dancing with her friends and you can see her underwear .

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    You can see up her dress on ew and tmz vid:/ sag Netflix party... Why the F are there mirrors on the dance floor!!! These are kids... why did no one say anything bc someone had to not Cr. ?

  12. MBB parents are laughing all the way to the bank as their 13 year old daughter supports the entire family financially and has no body to look out for her in the Hollywood shark tank, they should be ashamed.

  13. She seems way too mature for her age. Which is not a good sign in her situation.

  14. If it's the same photographer that took the shot that's on Daily Mail, the photographer is female and is clearly identified on Getty Images.

    Kids shouldn't be at these fucking afterparties. Period.

  15. Why not tip someone that this perv is distributing child porn?

  16. She looked like a kid having fun with her co-workers. You guys are cray cray.

  17. When she's made-up and dressed-up she looks old enough for guys to hit on believing she's of the age of consent if they didn't know who she was. test friends who aren't into tedious geek TV and ask them how old she is. Nobody will say '13'. They make up and dress 13 year-olds in the same way they make up adults and it's really not right.

    You read about Dishku being openly leered at, labelled 'jailbait', groomed and eventually assaulted by a known pedo shitbag on the set of True Lies ... don't tell me that same old shit isn't still happening or won't happen to the likes of MBB especially if the parents abnegate their responsibilities to useless set guardians and all.

  18. That kid was incredible in Intruders .

  19. Blame the parents for this. They decided she could wear the clothes, they decided she could be out late.

  20. Oh anyone know what is it with all the squares to be ticked, are there vehicles, signs etc.

  21. I also noticed her red carpet interview mention her fun time with drake as well!!! Wasn’t he kne I’d the Degrasai High kids .... you think he might be related to an earlier blind if a certain person bragging or happy to hang with her it was creepy ???



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