Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blind Item #10

Our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer has been casting couching hard to get her first starring movie role. It looks like she may have done it. It sounds like an awful idea. 


  1. Replies
    1. In Flashdance! “She’s a maniac ,MANUaC on the floor... and she Yachting likes she’s never yachted bef—oore “
      Joking bout project but wouldn’t surprise me

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Holy shit! My coworkers wondered why I was giggling.

    3. 😜if you really wanna play with them , tell them you’re watching Office Space— and to get their greedy eyes off your stapler😉

    4. Gah! I love Tricia!

  2. Weinstein loved her:

    "Rita Ora did a sensational job for me and (director) Antoine Fuqua in Southpaw. Her scene is breathtaking, because she's a very glamorous, beautiful woman; but, we did the opposite, we made her up to look like a tough junkie who's got a kid to protect. She is heart-breakingly real and wonderful and acting opposite Jake Gyllenhaal, who is riveting in this movie, she holds her own and then some. I will work with Rita again and again and again. Personally, I thinks she's my biggest discovery as an actress this year."

  3. Fifty Shades spin off apparently

  4. Yachtdance sounds like a fantastic premise to me! Think of all the actresses with the experience they can bring to the role!

    1. You just won the inter webs!Yacht -Dance 😂
      You know they’ll be able to work that outdoor shower in their thongs....

    2. Certainly butchered that, its 3:42 am here. I'll put it down to that.


      Thats better.

    3. Tricia. The queen of Cdan. Slays me again

  5. Say what you will, but her parents didn't do her any favors when they added Ora to her last name and then moved her to an English speaking country.

  6. I'm sure he'd "work" with her again. Ora has become the new Angelina Jolie. No wives or girlfriends probably wants their husbands/boyfriends working with her!

  7. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Fifty Shades of Yacht?

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Dude. That’s so fucking awesome. I wish I came up with it.

  8. I can imagine Harvey loved her, bitch has no problems doing the casting couch or fucking for tracks, plus she has absolutely no standards since she did JayZ among others.

  9. Yacht-Dance is the working title. Splashdance will be the release title.

  10. "You can have it all, you can yacht right through your li-i-i-ife.."

    I can totally see this getting made. Yet another sequel/reboot natch. I can also see how its production would be wheels-within-wheels roman a clef reality cinema. Every actress would be casting couched. The actual shoot would be a bangathon on the Riviera. "Unauthorized" sex tapes would leak out. Horndog actors would line up for parts ...

  11. Tricia - you won the interwebs today. I swear to God I laughed so hard I shot coffee out of my nose. Because I was singing "maniac" to those lyrics in my head. I guess now Yachtdance will be a thing?

    Too bad we can't get Swayze and Farley to be in it wearing Chippendale's outfits huh?

    1. You made my day@Himmmmmm! It’s a collaborative effort up in here ,as you know!
      Ps-hope it wasn’t suoee hot coffee like Sbucjs or DnD!

    2. *Starbucks.
      I mean who doesn’t love a lil Michael Sembello🎼

  12. Congrats CJ. You and Count can be the casting directors.

  13. Thank you Mr. H., you're very kind. I just hope these comments don't inspire an actual movie, but the idea has a life of its own. I just realized that of course the actresses on location could themselves do some freelance yachting ...

  14. No joke, I've pretty much re-written the original as Yachtdance in my head. We can use the original songs, covered by yachters with minor word edits. Tricia is already on the right track.

    I can almost see it up on the marquee! Or direct to VOD!

    Thanks for the good laugh today, I needed it.

  15. I so needed a laugh this afternoon and these comments did it. My staff really think I'm crazy now. Yacht-dance is now going to stay in our vocabulary from here on out. And thanks to Himmmmmm I have a visual of Swayze and Farley dancing in my head that I can't shake.

  16. You gals/guys rock my yacht! Reminds me of everybody joining in to add to the Xmas Clark Griswold blind item. lol. But all joking aside - you may be right about a VOD movie. Sounds like something those nuts at The Asylum Studio (Sharknado, etc.) would make and release. Throw in Boats & Hoes and you've got a musical!

    Jimbo, Florin & Normal: Hell, give the Asylum a call and pitch it to them. They may buy the idea from you. Couldn't be any worse than a lot of the **cough-cough** "remakes" the past few years. At least it would be intentionally funny!

    Pattie: that's an image you need to keep. Except instead of stripper outfits, they wear slingshot Borat-kinis. It's so wrong...but it feels soooo right!


      High fiiiiiiive! 🙌🏼

  17. There was that good bit in Flashdance where the dude's ex-wife is sniping at Jennifer Beals: "Did he do that thing where he takes you to the abandoned factory and tell you his dreams?" Beals: "Yeah, and it worked, too."

    I suppose the scene where Jennifer drags her best buddy out of the "bad" strip club could be rewritten to have her drag her best buddy onto a yacht.

  18. You people are not funny. Delusional bunch of prats.

  19. Great thread... warms the ol ❤️. Between Ora reprising Beals star making turn, and And the late great Swayze&Farley shaking their stuff in male spandex-or “Mandex”; it’s an embarrassment of riches as my Mom always says....🙏🏻I too thank all for a good laugh today

  20. Ora? Not sure how many people going to go see a movie called "The Purple Waffle".

  21. YACHT DANCE(OFF)!! New CDAN word it is!! Paging Enty, paging Enty! Hear the new words added, Enty, Himmmm(s)?
    So it is written, so it is done. I second and motion is carried mumbo jumbo.

  22. I remember the blind where it was revealed rita has f'd weinstein and he gave her an 'even bigger' part in 50 shades of grey or whatever bc she 'pretended she was into it/really liked it'

    she's committed to the couch.

  23. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Weinstein loved her? We all know what that means. "She is my biggest discovery" = she did all kinds of dirty things in bed".

  24. As I was reading what Weinstein said about her my mind was automatically substituting the words he really meant: "I loved working(fucking) Rita and would be happy to work (f) her again etc etc"


    Help. ENTY has leaked Mormon sex trafficking. It goes to Clinton. The RED CROSS and DREAM CENTERS

  26. you folks are funny with the yachtdance. lol instead of a fluffer bring on Flipper! lmao

  27. Hi Derek Harvey!! 👋🏼



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