Blind Item #5
An unliked relative of a deceased A lister somehow collected tens of thousands of dollars that were supposed to go into the A lister's foundation after his death. Instead, they ended up in the pocket of the relative.
An unliked relative of a deceased A lister somehow collected tens of thousands of dollars that were supposed to go into the A lister's foundation after his death. Instead, they ended up in the pocket of the relative.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:15 AM
Labels: blind item
September 9, 2017
Not that many decades ago was this A+ list group that still exists today and is touring and even making news. The lead singer is long gone but the band has never been even close to what it was without him. He hated his band mates so much that he chartered a plane to get between each tour stop not just when the rest of the band was in a bus, but even if they were also taking a plane.
Steve Perry/Journey
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This foreign born A+ list singer is trying to shift the blame for an invite she sent out to this racist celebrity. The thing is, she is not trying that hard because she doesn't really care what people think.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:45 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
Speaking of superheroes, this sidekick to one who started off on an almost network is not very quiet about his sexuality, but his A- list mostly movie actor who has his own couple of franchises is very quiet about his sexuality. It keeps them from going out in public much together but they are enjoying each other anyway.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This A list mostly movie actress has a superhero franchise. She also has two men who know about each other, but there is a third guy who none of them know about. That third guy is also a superhero who is a hookup partner our actress is madly in love with. Problem? That superhero has so much personal baggage going on right now that is about to explode and it would envelop our actress.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:15 AM
Labels: blind item
A couple of months ago it was that this A+ list mostly movie actor was the most virile man someone had ever seen. Now, out of the blue there is another testament from some unknown person about how straight the closeted actor is. Do you get the feeling something is about to come out?
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind item
September 9, 2017
Our favorite B list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister let herself be talked into using again. This time by that a-hole actor/singer. He is such a d**k. He loved getting her to break her sobriety.
Paris Jackson/Jared Leto
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed , Mr. X
September 8, 2017
This A+ list producer is being pushed out because of the continuing number of disagreements and fights she has with what seems like every creative person that crosses her path.
Kathleen Kennedy
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 8, 2017
Speaking of the show in #7, this teen actress from the show is hooking up with a 50 something year old guy who she calls Daddy even when they are out dining in public.
Maisie Williams
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 8, 2017
Perhaps adopting a dog is what this foreign born B+ list mostly television actress who is going to need to find steady work outside her hit show to keep having a career thinks will save her relationship. It won’t. Her celebrity boyfriend is bored and tired of hiding his cheating.
Sophie Turner/Joe Jonas
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This actress is B list if you watch the hit almost television show and no one you would know otherwise. Despite not being old enough to drink she recently had to get a new set of teeth. Hers were destroyed from years of bulimia.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
She went, but this A+ list singer was not happy about going and it was fake smiles all night long, especially when she had to hug it out with this foreign born A list singer.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list reality star has actually made a deal with a momager to split the profits of the business the A- lister is running. He gets a steady income stream as a base courtesy of the momager and she gets half the yachting revenues he is generating with his never ending cast of teens he recruits.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
September 8, 2017
Really easy to lose a whole bunch of baby weight and have the tabloids congratulate you when you were never actually pregnant in the first place. Isn’t that right permanent A lister?
Janet Jackson
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
#1 – This widow is such a sham. The latest quest for attention comes courtesy of a fake post from a “fan” who documented how amazing and special and inspiring the widow is. Oh, and what are the odds that when you are visiting something for the first time in months, there just happens to be a pap to take a photo of you with a random fan. Of course not the fan who wrote the post because the PR person can only be in so many places at once.
#2 – In one of the more bizarre things I have seen in a while, the wife of a permanent A list director has been hooked by this televangelist and has been sending him hundreds of thousands of dollars a month without the knowledge of anyone in the family. They are about to find out.
#3 – The tall alliterate model supposedly has a boyfriend. I mean he is a boy and is a friend, but we all know the real deal. Anyway, there have been rumors he was hooking up with a woman while she was married. Nope. Same country different woman. A much younger woman than the wife. Apparently the still a teen daughter of an oligarch.
#4 – That former B+ list mostly television actress from that now defunct ensemble network show is married and making straight to On Demand movies. Apparently the fact she is actually living with her girlfriend rather than her celebrity husband was probably a fair bet to stay quiet. That is until of course he got another woman pregnant. This is all going to get really messy.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
I mentioned on Twitter yesterday how aggressive the DDOS attacks on the site have become. It is clogging the site and making it impossible for you to read it and for me to post anything. It is extremely frustrating not just for me, but also because I want you to be able to see what is being posed without being kicked off every few minutes. There are also about 20 attempts at hacking into the site each day. The thinking was a new server and some new security would help, but it hasn’t. There is going to be one last ditch attempt later today/tonight to see if a new firewall can help. If not, I may have to go to Blogger until something more permanent can be done. So, if you wake up some morning soon and see that old familiar black screen, you will know why.
If that does happen, most posts and comments from the past three years will be available to view, but not all. Anything before October 2014 is already there.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
September 8, 2017
What model of the moment and reality star accidentally revealed to a fellow model that the two guys she’s supposedly hooked up with is all a sham and a plot line for her reality show? Her manager wasn’t too pleased when she heard about this.
Kendall Jenner
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed , Mr. X
September 7, 2017
It always fascinates me when a tabloid knows who the owner of a yacht is and has photos of him on the yacht but will still try and convince you that the former lead singer of a manufactured group turned reality judge is vacationing alone. Yeah, and in two or three days there will be another model/actress/celebrity vacationing alone on the same yacht with the same owner. Remarkable isn’t it?
Nicole Scherzinger
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 7, 2017
This A- list mostly television actor who is on a long running pay cable show as well as on what seems like every show on a different pay cable network is trying to juggle the woman he was seeing when he split with his actress ex and now another woman who neither the ex or the other girlfriend know anything about.
Liev Schreiber
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This C list celebrity offspring of a permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner will shame you and peer pressure you until you do coke with her. She is the ultimate mean girl.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This B+ list actress made her way from a very hit network show to movies which upset a lot of shippers from her show. Now though, she seems to have found love with a co-star again, this time on the set of one of her most recent movies. The co-star is in a relationship, or was until he met our actress. The co-star has been seen as of late on a fairly decent pay cable show. Oh, and get this, our actress also got a new breast enlargement she says for herself, but has told some friends because she wants to look young for her much younger lover.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
September 7, 2017
This A- list mostly television actress on a hit network comedy wants to be clear that she is not hooking up with anyone despite what the PR people of her cheating actor soon to be ex husband might be saying
Anna Faris
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This B+ list singer who has had some catchy hits has been in this space before when I have written about his love of taking escorts to red carpet events. Apparently now, that is who he likes to date too. One week at a time until he gets bored and then finds a new one.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Scandal has been a money maker for this network reality show contestant. She had to dump her boyfriend, but she has made more money weekend yachting the past two months combined than she did from everything else she did for the past two years.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The girlfriend of this closeted B+ list mostly television actress with A+ list name recognition is also her business partner. The business partner has some drug and money issues and her actions are causing the actress some big headaches, including the very real possibility she will be outed during the course of events.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list most television actress on a hit network show who we have all known for something other than acting is in line for another heartbreak. Her soon to be husband is cheating on her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This east coast Housewife has been forced to pay off some people who were owed money by her husband from deals he made in the past. As a consequence, she has very little money as a cushion and her expenses are much higher than her income.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This still technically married A+ list mostly movie actor showed up at an event for this group. When he sat down he was immediately flanked by two women in their early 20's who had been sent by the head of the group. Apparently they stayed by the side of the actor for two days straight and he is now a regular at the group.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
Dear Foreign Born B+ list Celebrity Offspring Of A Permanent A+ lister
That new guy you are seeing is even worse than the drug dealers you usually date. At least they try and have other jobs. This guy is a straight up dealer and has been known to pull the old hey, if someone gets killed taking my stuff I will get more business from the junkies because they will think it is strong game. He intentionally kills people and this is the guy you want to be with.
Good luck with that.
Love & Bacon
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
It cracks me up and I hope the reporter who interviewed this married closeted B+ list mostly television actress at least cracked a smile when the actress started talking about her love scene with another woman like it has never happened before in real life.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently this momager owns a piece of the catalog of this former A+ list rapper and is trying to sell it.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Our favorite former Disney actress turned future porn star always is willing to be a beard. The thing is though, for that to work, the guy in question can't already have a boyfriend who he has been with for awhile. I think the guy in question wanted some free publicity so said, "Yeah, you can be my beard. I'm totally in the closet."
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
September 7, 2017
Don’t believe the hype. This multiple Oscar winner/nominee not named Nicole Kidman who also talks crap about the same thing by the way, gets many treatments done to her to stop aging or at least slow it down. Needles and creams and multiple doctor office visits are the norm.
Julianne Moore
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The Emmy Awards are on Sunday and I was looking back through old notes I made from some earlier shows and came across one that I received about a week after the airing. I kept meaning to use it and never did until now. I won't give you the year, but it is considered to be the worst Emmy Award broadcast ever. Anyway, after the show an actor nominee from the show ditched his long time girlfriend at a party. He was wasted out of his mind. Super, incredibly drunk. It had been a big night for his show. He was probably A- list at that point because of the show. When you are doing shots with Charlie Sheen you know things are going to get rough. Anyway, at this party our actor runs into this at the time married actress who was also a nominee/winner that night. Her marriage was falling apart and we could even say she was technically married. The thing is she was publicly cheated on by a different husband, so it makes it more interesting that she was at least, technically married when this happened and that our actor had a boyfriend.
So, they are at this party and start making out. Two sloppy drunk people here. Apparently Charlie Sheen started giving a play by play and then started getting a little more dirty. So, this got to Charlie and he started making out with his drugged out wife. They then started doing more than making out and he tells the drunk acting couple to feel free to join in. They said they wanted more privacy and Charlie told them to "go f**k in his limo," because he had his own driver. Ten minutes later, Charlie shows up at the limo with his wife and they get in the front seat and start having sex while in the back is this acting couple. Apparently the actor was so drunk that he was having trouble performing. Charlie doing commenting probably didn't help and the acting couple finally gave up and the actress went back to the party while our actor passed out in the back of the limo.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
Have your television viewing habits changed since the US presidential election?
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
September 7, 2017
Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, the same show. This cable show franchise in the same location is going to the same well again. After asking the ex that everyone likes if he wanted to be a regular, instead of just popping up now and again for child issues, he said no. So, the producers found a boyfriend for the cast member which will last about as long as the season does.
Cynthia Bailey/RHOA
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 6, 2017
The plan for now is to have these two television co-stars who are much more known for their A list movie acting roles to present together at the Emmy Awards. Plans change though. Everything will be done with gritted teeth and forced smiles.
Reese Witherspoon/Nicole Kidman
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 6, 2017
Not that they would probably say anything bad about this A+ list mostly movie actress anyway, but the kneepadding has been excessive as of late because of the amount of money she is spending on advertising with this tabloid.
Reese Witherspoon/Draper James/People
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A- list Disney actress who can't get work doing much else really wants out of the Disney shell. She is getting a little old for Disney. Apparently, like one of her predecessors, she is going to at least go topless for her next movie to force herself away from the Disney brand.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress who had a gap between the departure of her hit show and new work basically has it all on the line for a new movie about to release. She is resourceful though. If it bombs she has a trip to Dubai in the works for the end of October.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
September 6, 2017
This northeast Housewife apparently believes what she has been saying about her ex, but she is the only one who believes her ex didn’t cheat. He cheated multiple times each week while they were together.
Luann de Lesseps
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
I think we all knew from her history that this marriage would be unusual. We are not being disappointed. This A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is traditional. She got married to have children. She also doesn't want to do IVF. She only sees her husband the few days per month that she is ovulating. Other than that, they lead separate lives.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This B+ list actress who only stays that high because of her name who all of you know took a few days away from her husband and he did what he always does when he is left to his own devices- cheat.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This celebrity offspring/part-time reality star/wannabe model spent some time together with this A- list reality star in exchange for coke.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Don't be shocked when this former A+ list singer turned A lister with an upcoming tv gig sacrifices her tour for the good of the show. She doesn't want to go out and play places that are not sold out anyway and using Groupon to even get it to three quarters capacity. She is not going to lower that salary though.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
I guess 15th time is the charm for this foreign born permanent A list model/host to leave her boyfriend after catching him cheating. At least we know how many times it takes and also why she was spotted canoodling with a guy last week other than her now gone boyfriend.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
It is all fun and light when the cameras are turned on but this A- list mostly television actress is causing chaos behind the scenes of her rebooted show with tons of demands that are making the crew really dislike her and causing a divide within the production.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
Serena Williams and her new baby get the top spot today.
Diane Kruger was at TIFF yesterday with
Carey Mulligan.
Mel B does some kind of Frozen tribute.
Mindy Kaling at the season premiere party of her last season of Mindy.
I can't get enough of these vacation Wendy Williams pictures. Here she is with her husband.
Posted by
ent lawyer
5:11 AM
Labels: Carey Mulligan , Diane Kruger , Mel B , Mindy Kaling , Serena Williams , Wendy Williams
This foreign born B list actress might have had her almost television show canceled rather quickly, but she does have a high power franchise to fall back on. Oh, and she was secretly married and left her husband for the celebrity offspring of this foreign born permanent A+ list singer in a group and solo.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born former A list singer turned reality judge is really going over the edge. Apparently she is trying to convince her boyfriend to hurt someone and is blackmailing him with pictures and video of him using drugs and with other women.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Lost in the hey, my marriage was awful and my husband was awful too is that the permanent A list singer wife in all of this was awful to domestic employees in the marriage and would make them work 18 hours a day for weeks on end with no days off.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
He doesn't see them naked, but this A- list reality star all of you know does take underage female tees shopping for lingerie and will make them wear it for him. I remember one time he took a 17 year old to dinner and didn't let her leave until her birthday at midnight and had sex with her. He never spoke to her again after.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
July 24, 2017
This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress has never been nominated for an Oscar even though you probably assume she has. She does have a dormant franchise. A big one. She was offered a part in a movie by a director but was such a pain to each person other than the director she encountered that she was fired after just a week. The producers wanted no part of her.
Diane Kruger
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
When I was thinking of 2006, I remembered something that barely made a whisper in the gossip world because there was so much going on at the time. Plus, even what did come out, which wasn't much, was not the whole story. This foreign born A list singer was going through some tough times. Very tough times. Married, his actress wife wanted to help him so he got some help. Everyone thought he was going better, but when he was found passed out in a hotel room with a couple of bags of coke and three naked groupies, people realized he was not getting better. So, off he went to get some help. Fast forward a few months and he got out for a couple of days to be with his wife but spent it with a country singer who had just broken up with a baseball player. Again, not a good situation for our A lister as he was out of control. Finally, at the end of the year he managed to get sober and for the most part has been sober since.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
Was 2006/07 the best time period for gossip? You had Britney off the rails. Nicole driving the wrong way on freeways. Lindsay Lohan and Vanessa Lemonjello half naked and playing with knives together and Paris Hilton looking up at it all from the carpet where she trading coke for "butt sex." Oh, and you had a however old she was Miley Cyrus getting half naked and living with a guy in his 20's while pretending to be Disney pure. You had the Davis brothers sweating and doing drugs everywhere. The paps were crazy. Scott Storch and Joe Francis were terrorizing D list females. Kim Kardashian was still Brandy's stylist and stealing from Brandy and her mom.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
July 20, 2017
One half of this popular A list duo was bringing women to his poolside cabana in Vegas this past weekend. He only let them hang out if they agreed to be topless. If not, he would send them on their way usually with a snide remark.
The Chainsmokers
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 19, 2017
This A list reality star with a lucrative side gig just watched while her foreign born actress/model friend did line after line of coke the other night. That is a no go for this reality star. Other members of her family would have jumped at the chance.
Kendall Jenner
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 5, 2017
It has been a few months now and this A list couple still don’t have the baby story down.
George and Amal Clooney
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
She can get invited to just about any red carpet, but this former A list tweener who had her own show turned B list take what I can get actress didn't have enough star power to land a spot on the charity telethon despite pleading to be on it. I think she sees all those things she said about others a few years ago when she was at the top are coming true about her now. Tough to watch.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Seriously? The woe is me stories are already trickling in for this former back in the day A list singer who is living off fame from three decades ago. Whenever she gets a new projects she always has some sad tale to make her stand out from everyone else in the gig and her latest reality thing is no different. She has never changed her spots.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
September 5, 2017
Back on social media after a break and now the sibling of a dead celebrity is perfectly trolling the widow of the celebrity. Look for many more shots in the next week.
Vicky Karayiannis (Chris Cornell’s brother Peter)
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
She went to two NYFW shows yesterday but our favorite former tweener turned A- list singer/B list actress called out sick from shooting her new movie.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A list dual threat actor publicly debuted a new girlfriend this week. I'm guessing she doesn't know about the two different women he bedded at the same time last week.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The entire night was scripted door to door for this married couple's recent date. It was all done to make sure paps could capture every moment. One thing that changed was that this former A+ list rapper was not supposed to drive. His meds make that very dangerous.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This group had one of the best debut albums of all time. They have tons of hits. They are probably permanent A list. One of the members has had some drug issues which led to a couple year break. Now? The new record didn't do very well and they are playing to half filled arenas that are only half filled because they have discounted tickets in every city.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
I have been writing about this permanent A list news host for the past couple of years and her spiraling health. Last time I write about her I told you she wasn't able to remember even things like where she lived. Now, she is pretty much forced to stay inside close to 24/7.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This one named B+ list singer recently lost a baby because she couldn't stop drinking even though she likes people to think she is sober.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
This long time sober actress is probably B list. Not so long ago A-/B+ list. Very tall. Apparently she is using again, and not only that, but is to a point where she is letting people see her use and even taking pics.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This reality momager is leaking to the press that the family is spending millions of dollars on security and housing and an endless list of expenses for the protection of a pseudo family member who is in charge so to speak of a soon to be family member. All of it is crap, especially anything to do with the former A+ list rapper who is basically a zombie.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Our favorite in the closet foreign born A- list mostly television actor on that hit pay cable show was all out of sorts this past week. It happens when you are supposed to look at ease with a woman you have supposedly dated a year but have spent very very little time with. This was a big event though so you had to work it together. It was so awkward and difficult to watch. I wonder what her boyfriend thinks when he watches it all?
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This B+ list mostly movie actress who still can't legally drink is slipping down the list. She was A- and even one could argue A list for a brief time. Now, no one wants to hire her. She was willing to hit the casting couch for a recent movie with a big director that went to someone else. It was the wrong movie to offer to hit the casting couch. She is getting movies still, but not the budgets and movies she used to get.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
July 18, 2017
This foreign born network reality star who has been on the show forever is getting much better. How so? Well, in the past he would confess to cheating while at home or on the phone and would get blasted. This latest time he confessed, he did so at lunch – in front of lots of other people.
Maksim Chmerkovskiy
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
#1 - This former tweener singer who is going through some very major life or death issues right now held a gun to the head of the person he says is his girlfriend for over two hours. He only stopped because he had to use. The woman took the chance to get out of the house.
#2 - This is just getting strange. The wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor says she is bottle feeding, but the A+ lister says it is nursing. They cannot even get the most simple stories straight.
#3 - Has anyone discovered any disease this A- list singer/wannabe actress does not say she has? I think she comes up with them so she can keep making all those doctor visits.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
If you waited tables, what was the biggest tip you received? If you haven't waited tables what is the biggest tip you have given or seen given?
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
July 18, 2017
This former A- list mostly movie actress went from a film franchise to a cable franchise. She says that she got no offers for yachting this summer and that people don’t remember the movie franchise any longer or don’t recognize her from it.
Tara Reid
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 17, 2017
This A+ list mostly movie actress is a multiple Academy Award winner/nominee. Apparently in advance of her going to film this superhero franchise she has been sexting her foreign born actor ex who dumped her a couple of years back. I’m guessing the director boyfriend doesn’t know.
Jennifer Lawrence/Nicholas Hoult/Darren Aronofsky
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 17, 2017
For the fist time I can remember this A- list mostly television actress who stars on cable and network hits for the same conglomerate was not where she was supposed to be this weekend. The parent company was not happy.
Ariel Winter/Disney
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Awkward when you have to take a photo together after finding out moments before about an on set romance the other person had with your now husband. It happened this week though when this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress in an acting family was told just that by a B list actress who wanted to make sure the A-/B+ lister knew that it was just a fe week fling and it was before the actor had met his now wife. Why even bring it up?
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Speaking of one season wonders, the "winner" of the show this year was getting the phone numbers of multiple models at NYFW. You know, probably just for funzies.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
September 5, 2017
Whispered behind the scenes in this latest hospitalization for a celebrity who is frequently hospitalized is that one of the mothers of his children has been poisoning him.
Lil Wayne
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Don't believe the hype. The real reason this wannabe be Bachelorette broke up with her boyfriend was she was hoping that a public relationship and breakup would get her a chance to be the Bachelorette or a gig on DWTS. Since neither looks likely, she will move back to the guy she was already dating before this big game.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
The husband of this west coast Housewife has a very secret past that so far has not emerged. He made two gay porn movies back in the day.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The good news was he wasn't being a jerk. The bad news is this C list celebrity offspring who is arguably fifth most famous in his family was doing line after line of coke at a NYFW party and had done a few lines before he walked in a show too.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
It looks the latest umm, relationship between this A+ list singer and the guy she calls her boyfriend is going to end before we even have a chance to meet him. The boyfriend thing doesn't fit into her plans.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
If this family of reality stars ever decided to start using heroin and it got laced with something bad, the whole family could overdose and die at once. Apparently there are five family members/pseudo family members who all buy their drugs from the same source who also used to sell it to a female celebrity who is now on the outside looking in.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
While out of town making a tiny bit of money on a lowish budget movie, our favorite drug addled former tweener made almost as much money for meeting with a fan. Apparently things went so well, there is going to be another this week. Boyfrnd be damned.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
This A- list mostly television actress on a hit network show is super lucky that policeman who stopped her for a DUI was a fan. She and her current boyfriend celebrated by going to a bar for more booze. Oh, and she was proud that she got by with a warning from the police.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
What should have been a happy occasion between this permanent A list model and her A- list actor ex turned into one of those hushed fights you do in public so no one hears you but everyone knows you are fighting. An alliterate model had to get in between them from it getting more heated.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The language coming out of the mouth of this actress from a very very very very very long running network show at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards was according to someone behind her, the worst language they had ever heard actually spoken out loud. The reason? A win by an arch enemy.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Throughout hotels all over the world, this recently deceased permanent A list comic actor left pats of butter on the ceilings of every hotel room in which he ever stayed.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X , Old Hollywood Blind Item
July 16, 2017
I love how this celebrity/host former A list network host is throwing out a bunch of woe is me lines. The guy has a couple of women pregnant and hooks up with a new woman almost every night, but he is supposedly hurting. Uh huh.
Nick Cannon
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
A couple of months ago there was a blip in the gossip news about this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. A blip that she was seeing a new guy. If you blinked it was gone. She wanted it secret and the guy she was seeing wanted it secret, but for different reasons. It seems as if this gentleman, who all of you know makes a very nice living being a companion to actresses who are A list. When I say all of you know who he is, that might not go for the supermarket tabloid readers who get their news very quickly while standing in line. There is another A list mostly movie actress who crazy as it sounds doesn't have an Academy Award win/nomination who was using his services after her most recent split with her husband. Apparently she has continued seeing him even while also dating an actor and another gentleman. An actress who started off as a child actress and has gone through times where she is A+ list and times where she was struggling to get a made for tv movie back in the day has been a frequent guest to his home and he to hers. Since her marriage ended, he has been the only guy she has been seeing. The crazy thing is, everyone knows him because of his A list ex and she still sees him all the time. I'm not sure how he schedules in all of these women. He has no other job which helps. He has a base income from his ex which helps and he really knows how to be discreet which all of them appreciate.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
July 16, 2017
Apparently this foreign born former A list singer/reality star everywhere but in North America where she peaked at maybe B+ loves being with guys who are either closeted or beat her and cheat on her. No other reason to get back with this foreign born mostly movie actor. The guy treated her worse than any other guy but she must have forgotten.
Kylie Minogue/Olivier Martinez
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 16, 2017
Much like Paris Hilton back in the day, this A- list model with the hard to spell and pronounce name was trolling for business at an event this weekend here in LA. The event was the kind Paris thrived on for years.
Emily Ratajkowski/Manchester United Event
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 5, 2017
He is already an a-hole director who thinks he is the greatest director who ever lived. So, when the feedback from a screening of his latest film was awful, he of course blamed the people who saw the movie and said they were stupid and didn’t know a good movie. Just a long rant and his A list actress girlfriend was right there to witness it.
Darren Aronofsky/Mother/Jennifer Lawrence
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This former child actor/tween actor turned A- list mostly movie actor was out of the country when he was asked to leave his hotel for throwing a bottle through part of the revolving door.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently the final straw in the split between this A+ list mostly movie comic actor and his B list actress wife was that the wife found out he was hitting on a beloved married B+ list actress who was co-starring in his movie.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
September 5, 2017
This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort got into a fight with one of her co-workers who tried to move in on the main guy of the former actress. Apparently things got so bad that our former actress pulled a knife.
Lindsay Lohan
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A+ list mostly movie actor who actually has a franchise that has not had an installment in awhile was recently out of the country. The actor went into various Asian massage establishments and asked if there were any women willing to be with him while he was in town. No being coy, just straight up cash for hooking up with him a couple of days.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Part of the feud between these two Teen Moms is that one of them was asked to introduce the other to a male porn star. That was done. There was a video made but now the Teen Mom is having second thoughts after promising the porn star a big pay day. The male porn star is harassing the Teen Mom who made the introduction to pressure the other Teen Mom into releasing it.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Not sure why this very very brief reality star who was married to a Housewife keeps wanting to get married or that people keep saying yes. He spends his entire days and nights finding new women to sleep with.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Lots of stories right now about this A list home renovation reality star. I have been writing about him for years. One thing people should know about his past is the way he burned through money because he spent it all on coke and this male escort he couldn't stop seeing all the time.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Recently this former A list dual threat actress who was A list even when she was a tween suffered a miscarriage. Those close to her held their breath because they thought the former actress might go back to the way things were a couple years ago. Nope. She is doing amazing.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This former A+ list mostly movie actor who is still probably an A because of his past, but doesn't work as much as he used to is not dealing with stress well. The actor is combining pills and booze in proportions that should kill him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:32 PM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born three named actor tried to kill himself twice in the past week.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:15 AM
Labels: blind item
September 4, 2017
$50K in damage to a private plane during a flight. Apparently our former tweener turned drug addicted A- list singer took a knife to all the leather seats on the plane. She told the pilots she wanted to carve her initials in the seat backs. Ummm.
Selena Gomez
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:01 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
I don't know if he has to have sex sex with her, but this A- list reality star did have to spend the day kissing the butt of this reality star matriarch to ensure he keeps bringing in income to support his lifestyle.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:45 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
The crazy thing is that I was going to do a blind about how this married foreign A- list dual threat actor who still has one last trip down the promote the franchise trail was hooking up with someone outside the country. It turns out though his wife was not even a mile away and they were out of the country together.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:30 AM
Labels: blind item
A little karma for our favorite OITNB actress who is a walking blind item. She fabricated a bunch of documents to get an ex thrown in jail and still tries to set up the ex so she can get the ex thrown in jail again. Meanwhile, our actress has been barred from making any money from her own brief stint in jail.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:15 AM
Labels: blind item
Don't believe the hype. As usual, the news coming from this outlet is heavily biased towards the family and helping them out rather than reality. This former A+ list rapper owes a ton of money to this permanent A+ list rapper and did and said a lot of things that are not going to be solved with a quick meeting. There definitely won't be a face to face one for a bit.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind item
September 3, 2017
Apparently this A list mostly movie actress got dumped by some titled UN executive. He went back to his wife so she has been putting on a full court press with her ex. No, not the artist. No, not the who knows what he does guy who lives in Monaco. Her actual ex. The other A lister.
Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 2, 2017
I hope our favorite former Disney actress turned future porn star is getting paid for all the signage for the guy she wants us to believe is her boyfriend because he has been hooking up with multiple women each day, generally at the same time.
Bella Thorne/Blackbear
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 2, 2017
I don’t understand how this former singer turned reality star turned talk show host turned celebrity doesn’t think her marriage will suck if she and her husband cheat on each other, drink and do drugs and then fight about it all while wasted. They are both enabling each other and something bad is going to happen.
Tamar Braxton/Vincent Herbert
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 2, 2017
Don’t believe the hype. There were no contractual issues with this former A list singer and a new reality gig. There were issues with his drug use and his unwillingness to stop.
Bobby Brown/Dancing With The Stars
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed