Mr. X Blind Item - NYFW
Our favorite B list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister let herself be talked into using again. This time by that a-hole actor/singer. He is such a d**k. He loved getting her to break her sobriety.
Our favorite B list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister let herself be talked into using again. This time by that a-hole actor/singer. He is such a d**k. He loved getting her to break her sobriety.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:15 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
September 1, 2017
Apparently this foreign born Academy Award winner is willing to forgive anything because her full frontal loving actor boyfriend was busted again hooking up with another woman and the actress just keeps sticking with him. Probably her mom’s friend told her to.
Alicia Vikander/Michael Fassbender
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Not that many decades ago was this A+ list group that still exists today and is touring and even making news. The lead singer is long gone but the band has never been even close to what it was without him. He hated his band mates so much that he chartered a plane to get between each tour stop not just when the rest of the band was in a bus, but even if they were also taking a plane.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Back in the day this actor was A++ list. He is still alive and still permanently A list. When this particular event happened, he was just getting to A list. Anyway, he was making one of the least memorable movies of his career. His co-star was a foreign born actress who is alive and an Academy Award winner/nominee was fending off a rape from a man she knew well and accidentally killed him. With the help of our actor and the police, the death was ruled a suicide.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:30 AM
Labels: blind item , Old Hollywood Blind Item
In these days, people will spend a ton on publicity or get pregnant or married and get their wife pregnant to try and win an Academy Award. Back in the day though, this permanent A+ list mostly movie actress with A++ list name recognition convinced the voting members that she was in the hospital and barely clinging to life. She won. Remarkably she was fit and ready to accept the award and partied for 72 straight hours afterwards.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:15 AM
Labels: blind item , Old Hollywood Blind Item
This permanent A+ list legend who is now up to multiple generations of celebrity offspring and even had a permanent A lister portray him in a movie got away with attempted murder of a permanent A+ list mostly movie actor and the murder of an A+ list mostly movie director who had his wife paid off with $1M.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:04 AM
Labels: blind item , Old Hollywood Blind Item
September 1, 2017
The pictures making the rounds of European magazines involving this foreign born A list dual threat actor and his family are faked. It is the reason larger European tabloids refused to buy them.
Benedict Cumberbatch
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 1, 2017
This permanent A list athlete who still hopes to compete again but has seen better days paid almost $1M for the medical bills of an employee who was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Tiger Woods
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed , Kindness
September 1, 2017
This B list model is turning into quite the serial cheater. He hooked up with the former stripper turned reality star.
Jeremy Meeks/Blac Chyna
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
September 1, 2017
That foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who just has not been able to get on the right side of the PR machine the past year is trying to throw her foreign born A- list actor ex under the bus by telling tabloids he is dating a married woman. He isn’t.
Diane Kruger/Joshua Jackson
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
What model of the moment and reality star accidentally revealed to a fellow model that the two guys she's supposedly hooked up with is all a sham and a plot line for her reality show? her manager wasn't too pleased when she heard about this.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:59 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
What openly bisexual C-list mostly TV actor was seen getting into a limo with that closeted A-list actor from an acting family after a fashion show last night? Gee, you think they hooked up?
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
You know what bothers me? This actor is working his way up to A list. Hit pay cable show. Hit network show. Still young. Just working his way up the ranks to getting a lead in a movie. So, what does his PR team and the studio do? All of a sudden this actor who had been kind of in the closet is now locked deep in the closet and the world now thinks he is dating his co-star from the movie. Just leave it alone. It looks so staged. Really unnecessary.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently if you are a grieving widow of a rock star, you get a nose job. You know, because you had always wanted one and have all this extra cash now. Plus I'm pretty sure she thinks she is going to be super famous and a big star and carve out her own career. Uh huh.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
You know what no one ever mentions? That this A list news anchor on a very very popular cable channel right now left his wife to be with his at the time fellow host on the same channel. You know what else no one mentions? That the now departed host was also hooking up with another married guy at the same time but managed at the time to escape the fireworks of his divorce. At the time.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
July 15, 2017
This superhero is dating another stuntwoman. This stuntwoman previously was a stripper. Nothing wrong with that. Apparently though the team of the superhero though don’t want it to get out so are scrubbing comments clean of her past whenever it pops up on a site they can pressure.
Henry Cavill/Lucy Cork
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
#1 - This foreign born former A list singer is back. According to the past few guys he has dated, he is also impotent and no manner of pills can get him to stand to attention.
#2 - This A+ list producer is being pushed out because of the continuing number of disagreements and fights she has with what seems like every creative person that crosses her path.
#3 - This new series regular on a hit show has been trolling and dragging a guest star on the show who is an A-/B+ list regular on a long long long running show. The dragged has been reaching out to people on the newer show to get them to defend her. Even those close to her have declined.
#4 - Don't believe the hype. This B+ list take what you can give me actress with A++ list name recognition is a master at bearding. I think all of you forget that. Bearding is what has enabled her to live for the past decade or so with that A+ list name recognition despite having a brutal acting career.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
How many Nicole Kidman movies have you seen? The other day I made a joke about Bewitched and realized despite Nicole making 58 released movies to date, I have seen very few of them. Here is the link to her filmography.
I have seen 19 movies, of which, maybe I have seen a dozen all the way through. I realized the movie I have seen the most is Dead Calm just because it was an early cable staple and seemed to always be on. I have also seen Big Little Lies.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
July 14, 2017
Orange went a little overboard yesterday at an event. First, she was dressed up like she was hitting an award show red carpet with full on hair and makeup for a kid’s event. Then, she fussed about how she was going to be photographed for a good 30 minutes before allowing herself to be snapped.
Jaime King
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 14, 2017
The team of this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress/celebrity offspring is spinning a yarn about how she is seeing a group of people to get herself healthy. She really isn’t and really likes the way she looks.
Lily Collins
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 13, 2017
All favors were called in to prop up this A list reality star and some drug rumors. It has been a nonstop offensive trying to support her from the tabloids in her pocket.
Kim Kardashian
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Speaking of the show in #7, this teen actress from the show is hooking up with a 50 something year old guy who she calls Daddy even when they are out dining in public.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Perhaps adopting a dog is what this foreign born B+ list mostly television actress who is going to need to find steady work outside her hit show to keep having a career thinks will save her relationship. It won't. Her celebrity boyfriend is bored and tired of hiding his cheating.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
August 31, 2017
This now permanent A list comic/actress/host has been on a new diet and she is taking it way too far. She refuses to change and people are worried she will die if she doesn’t stop doing what she is doing.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This back in the day topless scene actress turned reality star turned living off the money of the ex and wishing she was more famous has been living through her kids. Stage mom from hell who regularly brings one of her kids to tears for not following a diet or not practicing enough.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Really easy to lose a whole bunch of baby weight and have the tabloids congratulate you when you were never actually pregnant in the first place. Isn't that right permanent A lister?
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This B+ list mostly movie actress who now has an A list mostly movie actor ex said she was given multiple STD's over the years because of his infidelity. Not Ben and Jen.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
I have no love for this Teen Mom, but it is interesting that her most recent accuser of bad behavior was joining in on the bad behavior and also forgot to mention that he would wait until the Teen Mom was incapacitated and then have sex with one of the Teen Mom's best friends who then became pregnant and had a miscarriage a short time later.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who all of you know is about to discover the fact that the child he thought was his for many years is not.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This B list celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ lister is being targeted by a group she used to belong to. They are paying money to multiple tabloids to leak secrets about the offspring.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
This closeted foreign born former boy bander had some success this year. He celebrated by taking a cruise with his boyfriend and some other guys he has also hooked up with but his boyfriend has no idea.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This OITNB actress/walking blind item is finally inching out of the closet because of the wave of publicity that would out her anyway. She just wants to get ahead of the story and frame it in the best light for her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
It has been a long long time since this former nude for a living turned A- list syndicated actress turned celebrity was spotted doing lines of coke. A very very long time. There she was last night though like she was 20 years younger.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
It always fascinates me when a tabloid knows who the owner of a yacht is and has photos of him on the yacht but will still try and convince you that the former lead singer of a manufactured group turned reality judge is vacationing alone. Yeah, and in two or three days there will be another model/actress/celebrity vacationing alone on the same yacht with the same owner. Remarkable isn't it?
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
July 13, 2017
ESPY Awards
One person who was treated really poorly by many of the wives and girlfriends in attendance was this athlete who seems to use a sport as a hook for her Instagram modeling. Apparently, word spread she wanted a partner for some of her shoots and the wives and girlfriends thought it meant more than it does.
Chelsea Pezzola
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
If this had happened anywhere besides a sound stage, this actress would be dead. End of story. She used to be A list on television. She has been on television for about three decades. Her first show might have been her biggest. If you want to make an argument for her most recent effort, you could do so, but way more people watched the first show. Anyway, she has a new show on the air and all of you know her. Our actress takes Oxy. Has for awhile. Sometimes she doesn't always get them from doctors. In the past couple of weeks she took a pill she thought was Oxy but was fentanyl or at least laced with a lot of it. If not for the medical crew on call who gave her a shot, this actress would have died.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
NFL starts tonight. Which team is your favorite?
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
July 12, 2017
The two most butt kissing tabloid sites/mags out there are actually in a war. Kneepads took a stand on a couple and the Kneepads of websites took a different stand. It is a war of competing publicists being played out in public.
People/Just Jared/Ben Affleck (Just Jared) & Jennifer Garner (People) - about when Lindsay Shookus affair started.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 12, 2017
This crazy foreign born C list celebrity who only shows himself in very bizarre and jarring ways is trying to hold on to his current residence as long as possible. He was supposed to vacate the home upon the death of his wife but is using legal maneuvering to stay and to also try and make as much money as possible.
Prince Frederic von Anhalt (Zsa Zsa Gabor)
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
July 12, 2017
This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort was hounded for some loaned jewelry for the past week or so. Apparently our actress wanted to keep it for herself without paying. Ultimately she got some guy she met in the last few days to pay for it for her.
Lindsay Lohan
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
The fights are becoming legendary between this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and her very wealthy foreign born husband. He seems to take great pride in surrounding himself with women in their late teens and early 20's and knows it will cause a huge fight with his wife. Honestly, maybe they enjoy the fighting because they have not split, but at some point she is going to get publicly embarrassed.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list mostly television actor who is on a long running pay cable show as well as on what seems like every show on a different pay cable network is trying to juggle the woman he was seeing when he split with his actress ex and now another woman who neither the ex or the other girlfriend know anything about.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
August 31, 2017
This A+ list QB who all of you know even if you have never watched one play of football was the biggest a-hole to a photographer for a magazine. Now, the player agreed to the shoot, but spent most of the shoot talking to other people instead of shooting. He was rude to the staff of the magazine and derided the catering. The QB, after wasting the entire allotted time told the photographer he had exactly one minute to take the photos for the shoot. One minute instead of one hour.
Tom Brady
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This A list alliterate closeted model recently celebrated the 18th birthday of a fellow female model by showing up at her door at exactly midnight and trying to hit on her. Apparently the model's boyfriend, who was there at the time, didn't appreciate the efforts of the A lister and was barred from entering.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
This 15 minute male model is not only HIV+, he is also really abusing drugs and booze which is just going to make things even worse. He refuses to acknowledge the disease because he thinks it will cost him people and things in his life.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A- list mostly television actress on a hit network comedy wants to be clear that she is not hooking up with anyone despite what the PR people of her cheating actor soon to be ex husband might be saying.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Don't believe the hype. This multiple Oscar winner/nominee not named Nicole Kidman who also talks crap about the same thing by the way, gets many treatments done to her to stop againg or at least slow it down. Needles and creams and multiple doctor office visits are the norm.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Last year I documented the cheating of this foreign born A-/B+ list dual threat actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. She was seeing a couple of people unbeknownst to her long term actor significant other. Now, the actress who is starring in a hit cable show is doing nothing to quell the rumors she is seeing someone seriously despite the world thinking she is still with her partner. Bad move.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, the same show. This cable show franchise in the same location is going to the same well again. After asking the ex that everyone likes if he wanted to be a regular, instead of just popping up now and again for child issues, he said no. So, the producers found a boyfriend for the cast member which will last about as long as the season does.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
This married former boy bander from back in the day is not only on drugs again, he also got two different women pregnant in the past few months. One of them he managed to convince to get an abortion. No word on the other woman and the status of her pregnancy.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This cable network has had conversations with one of their hosts multiple times over her political beliefs. Apparently things have gone too far now though and the network is not going to renew her contract.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The plan for now is to have these two television co-stars who are much more known for their A list movie acting roles to present together at the Emmy Awards. Plans change though. Everything will be done with gritted teeth and forced smiles.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Don't tell the co-host, but the plan is to replace her with one of the contestants from this season.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
July 11, 2017
She might be married but this A+ list reality star who all of you know has been seeing a guy for the past few months. He generally comes to her place. Once or twice she has gone to his. No public dates at all.
Kim Kardashian
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Ahh, the warm embrace of a mommy and me group. A place where moms can hang out with other moms and share whatever it is they wish to and feel pretty safe about it. But, what if one of the moms in the group was using the knowledge she gained in the group to move in on the husband of a mom. Such is the case for this foreign born former reality star who is much more well known than she should be for what she has accomplished in this country. Granted she did do network reality, but still, she is higher on the list than most others in this position. Who she has dated has helped too. Right now though she is married. Married to a man she rarely sees.
With a small child, she seems like the perfect candidate for all kinds of mommy and me groups and she has joined a lot of them. Some she stays in for months and some for just one or two meetings. Our former reality star is thirsty. Super thirsty. Her one goal in these groups is to find a mommy who is having marital issues or a mommy who is partnered with someone who can help our former reality star become famous again. If either of those conditions exist, our former reality star worms her way into the life of the mommy. The next thing you know, our former reality star is hanging out with not only mommy but also daddy and then making it clear to daddy that she is willing to play for pay. Pay being a role or some other thing to make her famous. Our former reality star has actually been kicked out of three separate groups for her behavior and is doing herself no favors at all.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item
How many languages can you speak? When is the last time you tried to learn a new language?
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: Your Turn
August 31, 2017
This former late night actress turned A- list mostly movie actress always looks so odd on red carpets because of the boatloads of anxiety meds she takes because of her fear of being in public and stage fright and a host of others.
Kristen Wiig
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 31, 2017
This on again off again music reality couple who seem to only get back together when there is a possibility of a new season of their reality show is off again. Apparently, despite the husband hooking up with new women almost daily, he took offense to his wife sleeping with another guy or two for the past couple of years.
T.I./Tiny/Master P
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 31, 2017
Apparently the cheating gene doesn’t disappear even when you hit your 80’s. This married former A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is hooking up with a woman in her late 20’s.
Warren Beatty
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
She loves being at a major international film festival again and having the lights focused on her, but this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress is trying to get through it all with her regimen of pills which makes her act like a zombie.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former lash in the pan A+ list mostly movie actress who lives by name recognition alone at this point had to pay her own way to a possible yachting commitment. The appointment comes courtesy of this just about permanent A list mostly movie actress who rarely acts any longer.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
August 31, 2017
This A- list mostly television actor from a hit network show that has spawned several other spinoffs and is not named Law & Order, CSI or NCIS is cheating on his significant other with his celebrity ex who is cheating on her significant other.
Taylor Kinney/Lady GaGa
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
In public, this A list comedian/actor is all love towards his wife. Behind the scenes he was cleaning up messes and was even faithful for about three weeks. Then, he had an opportunity when his wife was getting a spa treatment.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
Not that they would probably say anything bad about this A+ list mostly movie actress anyway, but the kneepadding has been excessive as of late because of the amount of money she is spending on advertising with this tabloid.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former tween actress turned host is fully involved in the pyramid scheme her husband is trying to sell to investors. It is a huge ripoff but she wants to keep living a certain lifestyle.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This northeast Housewife apparently believes what she has been saying about her ex, but she is the only one who believes her ex didn't cheat. He cheated multiple times each week while they were together.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
As part of his deal, this soon to be network reality star asked for a certain partner on the show. One of his long time friends who had the same job for years kept bragging about the sex he had with the partner so our soon to be reality star wanted a chance too. It worked. They are not even being discreet.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This B+ list mostly television actor who has risen the past year because of the show in which he stars is still spinning a yarn. The actor, who all of you know, is even making his yarn now about how he is a hero rather than someone who would have been fine if he wasn't wasted on drugs.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
It has been a few months now and this A list couple still don't have the baby story down.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item
Back on social media after a break and now the sibling of a dead celebrity is perfectly trolling the widow of the celebrity. Look for many more shots in the next week.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Whispered behind the scenes in this latest hospitalization for a celebrity who is frequently hospitalized is that one of the mothers of his children has been poisoning him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:00 AM
Labels: blind item
All of us know by now this A- list singer wants off her tour. She should have learned from recent stories in the press though that she should be kicking the coke habit because there will be drug tests. That recent episode is not going to help.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:45 AM
Labels: blind item
July 9, 2017
With her new breast lift and maybe a slight enlargement too, this openly gay B+ list mostly movie actress is in high demand again for yachting season. She definitely has repeat clientele and with her newfound sobriety she is making serious bank.
Michelle Rodriguez
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Plenty of studio heads in Old Hollywood basically forced actresses to have sex with them for roles. It wasn't so much a casting couch as it was sexual assault. One of the most famous studio heads, is still famous today, many years after his death. He is so famous that multiple movies have been made about his life. Funny though, most of those movies fail to discuss the horrors of working for him or being an actress under contract at his studio.
If you didn't agree to have sex with him, he would rape you. If you did agree to have sex with him then the odds were high you would contract syphilis. There was one actress who told her husband she was a virgin when they married. She wasn't. The husband figured it out when he contracted syphilis from her and divorced her almost immediately after marrying her. There was another actress who was set to marry our executive but suddenly didn't. Reason? Our executive basically sold her to a very rich man.
One of the women he really wanted but couldn't pressure because of her A+ list fame got secretly married. This enraged our executive who had the husband murdered. It was always portrayed as something else, but the executive did the killing and then had a torrid fling with the actress who was afraid she would be killed if she didn't.
Another actress who our executive loved kept putting off the executive by getting married. What did the executive do about it? Paid off the husbands to divorce the actress until she finally gave in and started sleeping with the executive. She also contracted syphilis from the executive and refused to have children for fear of passing it to them through birth.
There was an actress who was probably A- list. Academy Award nominee. There was always a fiction that she never slept with the executive. The story was he pursued but she declined. No such thing. He pursued and she slept with him and contracted syphilis. When she gave birth to a child with severe defects there was a story concocted as to why.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:10 AM
Labels: blind item , Old Hollywood Blind Item
July 5, 2017
This almost television show cost SO MUCH MONEY but go so little return that the numbers equate to about $100 per viewer. Yeah, that is not going to work. The company gave this B+ list dual threat director who was probably A list back in the day, a huge amount of financial leeway. Very few people watched it, but those who did were very very vocal. So the company said they would have to cancel it if a) they didn’t reign in their spending and b) if their spending wasn’t reigned in, it was up to them to wrap it up because they would have to cancel it if not. Instead of reigning in their cost, they spent extra, forcing the cancellation of their show, making it look like the company didn’t support their endeavor and ticking off their small but very vocal audience.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:40 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 30, 2017
This A+/A lost mostly movie actress just won’t stop trying to spin to the world that her drug abuse issues are really some sickness she knows nothing about other than a generality or two to get her through a red carpet interview.
Angelina Jolie
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:20 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 30, 2017
One sure sign this A- list reality star all of you know is running out of money is he is trying to get a second loan on his home which would put him way underwater. He needs the cash for his lifestyle and is convinced things will get better. Nope. The family and their circle of hell has seen better days.
Scott Disick
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Another boyfriend got chased off by the ex of this former A list tweener actress turned B+ list adult actress. No guy sticks around long and the ex makes sure of it.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This A+/A list singer foot the bill for a recent event just so she could do what she wanted at the event even though it was not for her. Oh, and no sign of the person she calls her boyfriend. It isn't like he has a job or anything.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind item
August 30, 2017
Want to know how bad the ticket sales are going for this former A+ list singer turned A- lister who would rather be acting? She is giving them away for free. Yes, through charities, but the charities are having to give them away for free too because no one was donating money to get the tickets. Right now, about 15% of the seats available are free. That is a ton.
Lady GaGa
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed , Mr. X
I'm shocked that this A- list singer of a group who used to be with a former A list actress did not die from all the drugs he took this past week.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind item
He is already an a-hole director who thinks he is the greatest director who ever lived. So, when the feedback from a screening of his latest film was awful, he of course blamed the people who saw the movie and said they were stupid and didn't know a good movie. Just a long rant and his A list actress girlfriend was right there to witness it.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This former A list mostly television actor from a hit long running network show who bailed on that for lesser stardom attends three to four AA meetings a day. Good for him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:30 AM
Labels: blind item
While in Vegas to do some local yachting with a much much older man, this in the gossip news a lot the past couple of months reality star also spent some time with a guy who won a lot of money gambling.
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:00 AM
Labels: blind item
What was not discussed in this tell all by the former A- list reality star turned judge/host was that one of the people mentioned slept with more than one person in the family.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:45 PM
Labels: blind item
This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort got into a fight with one of her co-workers who tried to move in on the main guy of the former actress. Apparently things got so bad that our former actress pulled a knife.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 PM
Labels: blind item
This celebrity offspring of a permanent A list mostly movie actress is still underage but he uses mom's credit card all the time to pay for strippers and escorts.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:15 AM
Labels: blind item
August 29, 2017
This former A+ list singer narrowly avoided getting busted by police this weekend in Vegas. Some guys he was with opened fire on some rivals but since no one was hurt, the police are not giving it much of an effort.
Chris Brown
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
A bunch of in depth supposedly personal articles about this closeted A+ list NFL player came out this week. All of them ignored the two most personal things surrounding him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:45 AM
Labels: blind item
This B+ list mostly television actress on a very long running cable show is in danger of losing that A++ list boyfriend. Apparently one time she yachted for a best friend of the A++ lister. The man who paid her for the yachting had no idea she is the girlfriend of the A++ lister and thought the A++ lister wanted to hire the actress for yachting purposes. Awkward.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:30 AM
Labels: blind item
This alliterate B+ list actress all of you know is sleeping with the significant other of her best friend.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:15 AM
Labels: blind item
$50K in damage to a private plane during a flight. Apparently our former tweener turned drug addicted A- list singer took a knife to all the leather seats on the plane. She told the pilots she wanted to carve her initials in the seat backs. Ummm.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind item
August 29, 2017
The internet trolls are in full effect when it comes to dragging this C list celebrity who is the significant other of a one hit wonder celebrity offspring. His ex has four or five people who take turns trolling the girlfriend.
April Love Geary/Robin Thicke/Paula Patton
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 29, 2017
Apparently this A-/ B+ list mostly movie actress is not too happy with her A list ex. She has been sending a nanny as of late when he wants to spend time with the kids.
Jennifer Garner/Ben Affleck
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 29, 2017
Rarely have two Teen Mom blinds in a day but since they have been in town, they have been on the radar. This Teen Mom star tried to get a pap to come take some pics but ended up having to pay for them to come out. They would have come without payment but she didn’t know any better so ended up paying and then the pap sold the pics. The pap also said there was a whole lot of tension for what should have been romance photos. A lot of tension. Uncomfortably so.
Jenelle Evans
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 29, 2017
At a big event earlier this week, this former stripper turned celebrity turned reality star got into a confrontation with a gun sounding celebrity ex. He says she owes him almost $100K. She then told him his manhood was really really small. When the former stripper’s current boyfriend stepped in, things got a whole lot worse before a group of about ten people broke it up.
Amber Rose/Machine Gun Kelly
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
Wait until you see the BDSM photos of this superhero who fights Nazis. He has always had an interesting sex life, but this really takes it up a notch.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:15 AM
Labels: blind item
August 27, 2017
This one named always broke rapper is trying to hide from a former business partner. This kind of issue won’t be settled in the courts.
Posted by
ent lawyer
3:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
This foreign born former A list singer we all wish had not been A list was spotted doing lines of coke the other night. She spent a LOT of time trying to kick drugs. The new guy is not a good influence.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:45 AM
Labels: blind item
The civilian husband of this former 90210 star who really does nothing now (kind of all of them if you think about it) is cheating on her.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:30 AM
Labels: blind item
Apparently this A list mostly movie actress got dumped by some titled UN executive. He went back to his wife so she has been putting on a full court press with her ex. No, not the artist. No, not the who knows what he does guy who lives in Monaco. Her actual ex. The other A lister.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:15 AM
Labels: blind item
This celebrity offspring of a pretty close to permanent A lister just got out of rehab again and celebrated this weekend by getting wasted.
Posted by
ent lawyer
2:00 AM
Labels: blind item
August 27, 2017
Showing once again that he is a huge prick, this A+ list fighter was asked about charities he might give some of his winnings too. He said, “F**k charities. The only charity I care about is me.”
Floyd Mayweather
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:45 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 26, 2017
I know some things have changed but as far as I know the ban is still in place regarding this A+ list singer/awful actor and a certain event where he is not allowed to perform.
Justin Timberlake/Super Bowl
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:30 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 25, 2017
These two former strippers turned reality stars turned celebrities laughed at and made fun of a woman who was raped.
Blac Chyna/Amber Rose
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 AM
Labels: blind items revealed
August 25, 2017
This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress is not making friends with the co-stars of her boyfriend’s hit cable show. Apparently our actress called some paps and they ended up taking pics of the child/ren of one of the co-stars which were then published. The co-star has a strict privacy policy and is now mad at the boyfriend and the actress.
Diane Kruger/Norman Reedus/Andrew Lincoln
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 AM
Labels: blind items revealed