Thursday, December 07, 2017

Your Turn

If you are running a magazine, who are you naming person of the year?


  1. I'm thinking of starting a weekly news magazine that also has recipes.

    I'm going to call it Thyme.

  2. Replies
    1. For being afraid of AI and making up plans like launching a fast car on a rocket with Bowie playing?

      Yeah, we should all listen to "Fame" right now.

  3. I ran one heheh I think maybe Comey because Mueller will be it next year. Definitely not POtuS any year.

  4. Selena Gomez, so I can do drugs in front of her during the interview and see if she will offer sexual favors in exchange for some.

  5. The guy who deleted Trump's Twitter account

  6. The world’s population of toddlers who teach themselves to walk while we complain about work and blow off excercise.

  7. Rose McGowan. For starting the ball rolling.

  8. Man of the year....ENTY....who else for God's sake

  9. Myself, because I went from zero to running a magazine!

  10. I'll follow Sd Auntie. I don't want to name ANYONE I don't know the person of the year. I trust Enty though, and he impressed me with his hard, consistent work that he's doing everyday here, for 10 years to expose all the scum. Soooo he is my pick for The Person Of The Year.

    1. Right on Alexandra. Our hero for exposing the child abusers, perverts and rapists. No doubt about that.

  11. Ronan Farrow. He literally had to pay out of his own pocket to complete the series.

  12. Al Franken.

    LOL! Bye Dewsh.

  13. Time got it right this year. The silence breakers are changing the world right now. In 2018, it will be Robert Mueller for bringing down a corrupt president.

  14. Great answer, Florin:)!

  15. Objectively President Cheeto, as he is almost all the news now. Tho I agree w/the #MeToo choice as well, as it could have great impact that changes several industries and the government forever. Not to mention culture.

    lol @ Robert Mueller fanfiction. As someone who is a little more connected than all of you, I'll say this: dial down your expectations. Mueller is a dud. The Russia story is all hype. President Cheeto won't be impeached. The best hope of taking him down is if he fucks up healthcare.

  16. Depends on the magazine's genre - too many choices.

  17. Anonymous5:31 PM

    It has to be Trump. Making Jerusalem the capital of Israel? Heaven Help Us, we are in the Age of Trump.

  18. Senator Al Franken because he got tarred and feathered.

  19. Anonymous9:39 PM

    After everything that Trump has done to the freak mafia I'm surprised visitors to this site still hate him. Simpletons.

  20. quit calling Trump president Cheeto it is incredibly disrespectful to leader of our country . once you are of age to vote, be sure to register to let your voice be heard.

  21. Ronan Farrow and David Remnick.

  22. The Electoral College. Never have so few disappointed so many.

  23. It has to be someone who has made me laugh amongst all the shit going on worldwide - Graham Norton
