Friday, December 22, 2017

Your Turn

When do you open presents? Christmas Eve? Christmas? Both?


  1. I was terrified of Santa as a child. Sanjay Gupta says I must have been Claustrophobic.

  2. When we'd go visit Nana Crowley over at the Old Age home, she'd always tell us stories of Christmases' past. My brother and I thought she had Alzheimer's, but Daddy Crowley said she was just being santamental.

  3. Christmas morning! Maybe one Christmas Eve if enough alcohols are consumed!

  4. My family does Christmas Eve with Santa's presents on Christmas Day. My wife does it all on Christmas Day, and I tell her that's the silly way to do it, since I get two days of presents to her one. :)

  5. First night of Hanukkah. I've been done with my holiday for two days now, and am planning which chinese restaurant to eat at on Monday.

  6. Heck, we didn't even have a Christmas tree up on Christmas Eve - it somehow magically appeared fully decorated, along with all the gifts, when we came downstairs Christmas morning. That's one of the reasons I hate seeing stores with lights and trees up in October.

  7. Pajamas on Christmas Eve and all the rest on Christmas Day.

  8. @Seachica...this was clearly about Christmas

  9. What started out as an idea of a Gift-less Christmas has turned into a Gift Card Christmas.
    So, probably Christmas Day -- as usual.

  10. Christmas eve with my girlfriend - Christmas day with my girlfriend and mother

  11. In my country traditionally Christmas Eve, probably after lunch. Kids get too anxious to wait till evening! Christmas Day is the day when people visit the cemetary, church etc and maybe in the evening go party. I usually just party both nights. I work in retail so I really need to kick my shoes off for the holidays before the sales hell begins.

  12. Havent opened presents on christmas in awhile, since my immediate family is now all gone and its weird, I'm not that old. But when we did, we did it scandinavian style, buffet dinner followed by opening presents on christmas eve. We ate weird stuff, swedish meatballs with grape jelly, shrimp cocktail, ham, scalloped potatoes, deviled eggs and (ick) herring. Dont miss the herring.
    Now its christmas eve prime rib and lobster with friends and a big bonfire on christmas eve. No presents. k

  13. Christmas Day for gifts, but hubby and I exchange stockings on Christmas Eve.

  14. Growing up it was always Christmas morning. As I am alone now I prefer giving gifts.

  15. Anonymous2:57 PM

    After mimosas and pancakes on Christmas morning. Which do you do Enty?

  16. Christmas Eve is new jammies and cocoa. Christmas Day for the rest.



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